Saturday, January 10, 2015

Mars rover NASA will get new software – Computerworld

 In December last year, the engineers found that the computer does not have access to some data, and therefore has been affected by some kind of “amnesia”. They arrived at the same time to the conclusion that the damage can be removed in a conventional way, ie, by updating the computer management software.

There is only one problem, and it is not related at all to the fact that the rover is so far from Earth and sending the radio signals to reach him for a long time. With that scientists tackle long time. The point is that they are not sure whether this part of the software, which is responsible for installing the updates, respond properly sent to the computer command. If it does not, contact the rover may be lost forever, which is why scientists are progressing very carefully.

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For now, wanting to test the procedure to see if in the case of a failed attempt to update a previous version of the software will take back control of the rover, or – what would be the worst scenario – “stops” on for good. If all tests are passed successfully, the researchers plan to try the software update in mid-January.

Problems with the rover began in December 2014, after that, when computer scientists sent a command that the formatting is installed on board flash memory. Because the operation failed, ordered łazikowi enter the mode, which does not provide for co-operation with flash memory. Subsequent attempts to run the module communicates with the flash memory also ended in failure.

Jeep can tell the truth, even without the availability of flash memory, to continue his mission (wandering further on the surface of Mars), but it is then able to perform some tasks, especially when it’s in a state of “sleep” during the Martian night. Normally, no constant power supply by solar panels that are in shadow, does not prevent transmitting the data already collected on Earth, because they were stored in non-volatile flash memory.

In the absence of this memory, the data collected during the day Martian rover is forced to be stored in RAM. But this is obviously volatile memory and after cutting off the power of the data is not lost. If scientists were able to return to work in flash memory, the rover would transmit to Earth data collected during the day even during the Martian night.


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Madkom SA will implement its software in the five boroughs … –

Madkom SA x17C implementation & #; s your software pi & # x119; five municipalities Ma & # x142; Opole Madkom SA, a company listed on the NewConnect since August 2012., engaged in the production of IT systems for government agencies, implement the software you have written in the following municipalities in Malopolska. The value of the contract is over 303 thousand. zł gross.

The implementation of software belonging to the Company will take place in the Municipal Offices Gdów, Gnojniku, Bear, Moszczeciny and Raciechociwach. The contract was won by Madkom SA in the framework of the project “Electronic office – modern citizen”, financed from the Operational Programme Human Capital Priority V “Good Governance”, Measure 5.2. “Strengthening the capacity of local government”, Measure 5.2.1 Modernization of local government management: Implementation of standards for the provision of e-services and e-mail for 5 JST (Municipality Gdow, Gnojnik Municipality, Municipality bear Moszczenica Municipality, the Municipality Raciechowice).

The object of the order is received, among others, delivery and implementation of software SIDAS EZD, domain systems and preparation and launch of new electronic services ePUAP. In addition, employees of the Company will also conduct comprehensive training for employees of Municipal Offices. With the acquisition of the new contract Madkom SA increase the level of their revenues in the coming quarters.

“The next contract is a confirmation of the upward trend of the Company, as there is in principle a week, we did not sign a new contract. Too early for a summary of last year, but definitely this year may turn out to be the best in the history of our company. When it comes to the number of signed contracts, we can already say that. However, if it comes to financial data, we expect a preliminary forecast financial results for the year. “- Says Grzegorz Szczechowiak, Chairman of the Board Madkom SA

 In December of this year. Madkom SA signed a letter of intent to purchase 51% stake in the IT sector, providing services in the field of financial analysis for the hospitality industry and medicine. The Company estimates that the transaction will be completed in the first half of January 2015. And it will have a positive impact on its financial results in the coming years.

 Madkom SA


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Madkom SA will implement the software in the municipalities of Malopolska – Interia


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The implementation of software belonging to the Company will take place in the Municipal Offices Gdów, Gnojniku, Bear, Moszczeciny and Raciechociwach. The contract was won by Madkom SA in the framework of the project “Electronic office – modern citizen”, financed from the Operational Programme Human Capital Priority V “Good Governance”, Measure 5.2. “Strengthening the capacity of local government”, Measure 5.2.1 Modernization of local government management: Implementation of standards for the provision of e-services and e-mail for 5 JST (Municipality Gdow, Gnojnik Municipality, Municipality bear Moszczenica Municipality, the Municipality Raciechowice).

The object of the order is received, among others, delivery and implementation of software SIDAS EZD, domain systems and preparation and launch of new electronic services ePUAP. In addition, employees of the Company will also conduct comprehensive training for employees of Municipal Offices. With the acquisition of the new contract Madkom SA increase the level of their revenues in the coming quarters.

– The next contract is a confirmation of the upward trend of the Company, as there is in principle a week, we did not sign a new contract. Too early for a summary of last year, but definitely this year may turn out to be the best in the history of our company. When it comes to the number of signed contracts, we can already say that. However, if it comes to financial data, we expect a preliminary forecast financial results for the full year. – Says Grzegorz Szczechowiak, Chairman of the Board Madkom SA

In December of this year. Madkom SA signed a letter of intent to purchase 51% stake in the IT sector, providing services in the field of financial analysis for the hospitality industry and medicine. The Company estimates that the transaction will be completed in the first half of January 2015. And it will have a positive impact on its financial results in the coming years.

Madkom SA . is a supplier and integrator of proprietary software for document management, information and processes in public administration. The company has many years of experience and excellent knowledge of the law governing the functioning of public administration, which allows it to offer products in full compliance with current regulations. From August 2012. Madkom SA is listed on the NewConnect market.

ed MZB

Source of information: INTERIA.PL


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Samsung Galaxy S6 – software created from scratch … –

Samsung for some time, has serious problems in the smartphone market. Its devices are selling much worse now than it was a few years ago, and the worst cope flagship Galaxy S family last model was a real disappointment and sold well below expectations, so the company needs to seriously change strategy and try to once again become equipment is attractive in the eyes of consumers.

Part of the new strategy is not only a change in the style of the unit, the largest of which will be taking place at the edges of the screen housing. In this, however, does not end, because according to the latest reports, the manufacturer also intends to address the issue of software. So says Faryaab Sheikh, head of the site SamMobile, who reported on Twitter that the software Galaxy S6 is created entirely from scratch.

Of course, it is not about giving up Android. At least not in the near future, despite the fact that Samsung hopes are growing in their system Tizen OS. It can be assumed that the company will give up its standard interface overlay and offer something more functional, and above all, less burdensome system.

So it seems that the Galaxy S6 will not only look better, but also more efficient work. The only question is whether it will be enough to attract customers.


Sunday, January 4, 2015

Samsung Galaxy S6 – software created from scratch –

Samsung for some time, has serious problems in the smartphone market. Its devices are selling much worse now than it was a few years ago, and the worst cope flagship Galaxy S family last model was a real disappointment and sold well below expectations, so the company needs to seriously change strategy and try to once again become equipment is attractive in the eyes of consumers.

Part of the new strategy is not only a change in the style of the unit, the largest of which will be taking place at the edges of the screen housing. In this, however, does not end, because according to the latest reports, the manufacturer also intends to address the issue of software. So says Faryaab Sheikh, head of the site SamMobile, who reported on Twitter that the software Galaxy S6 is created entirely from scratch.

Of course, it is not about giving up Android. At least not in the near future, despite the fact that Samsung hopes are growing in their system Tizen OS. It can be assumed that the company will give up its standard interface overlay and offer something more functional, and above all, less burdensome system.

So it seems that the Galaxy S6 will not only look better, but also more efficient work. The only question is whether it will be enough to attract customers.


Saturday, January 3, 2015

The South Korean nuclear power plant have been detected malicious … – Virtual Poland

  Threats performed by hackers recently become quite fashionable. No wonder that after receiving the email, in which unknown assailants threatened the exception of nuclear reactors, the South Korean energy company Korea Hydro & amp; Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. has decided to treat the matter seriously and check the security status of their power.

 The audit results surprised everyone. The software devices connected to the internal network control systems cores one nuclear power reactors malware found. It would not be surprising if not for the fact that the power plant is not connected to the external network. According to the South Korean Ministry of Energy, malware, which was defined as “low-level threat,” appears to have been przywleczone by employees on an unauthorized USB.

 There is no evidence that the malware have copied to the power control systems, but the situation that seems to be under control, it puts into question the adequacy of the safety procedures used in the South Korean nuclear power. Especially since most likely in this manner designed in military laboratories Stuxnet US and Israel got to Iranian facilities for uranium enrichment. The discovery gap called BadUSB makes especially in industrial applications, USB has become increasingly dangerous.

 Although the problem has been detected and controlled, South Korean ministry examine whether the incident was not involved departments of North Korea.

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Friday, January 2, 2015

Samsung Galaxy S6 Software created from scratch –

Software Samsung Galaxy S6 is created from scratch – revealed on his Twitter Faryaab Sheikh, editor-in-chief of SamMobile. Rather, the Korean manufacturer has no intention to keep up with Android, so most likely it comes to TouchWiz overlay. Her new version should therefore differ materially from what has so far offered Samsung, and maybe even live to see the new name.

It is not a Official information of the manufacturer, but SamMobile service already responsible for some leaks on Samsung devices. Portal betrayed even that of the top models get the latest Android Lollipop. Even earlier published a recording of system models Galaxy S5 and S4. Who knows, maybe SamMobile is in Korean “special handle”?

The smartphone Galaxy S6 within the company is reportedly known as “Project Zero”. Name is attributable to the fact that dissatisfied with the sales of the S5 Samsung decided to create the next flagship from scratch and without the inspiration of the previous series. It is also worth mentioning that a few months ago, the CEO of the company, Kwon Oh-Hyun, announced increased spending on software division. He also noted that Samsung has more apply to a software issue.

Release Date masthead Galaxy S6 remains unknown. The atmosphere around the new flagship, however, it gets more and more tense, and the network as leaking while another, often mutually exclusive information. Adds piquancy to the fact that Samsung has recently not cope best known among devices. high-end segment. Korean manufacturer feels increasing pressure from Asian competitors, and recently even looking for savings, closed its flagship store in London.

One thing for it is certain – if Samsung wants to regain its customers, in the case of the Galaxy S6 must really try.
