Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Commerce supports IBM BCS Bank Financial … –

Homepage Marketplace Commerce supports IBM BCS Financial Group bank in customer

Russian investment bank BCS Financial Group has selected IBM Commerce. The software allows for easy and effective personalized marketing campaigns.

 So far, the bundling of services online transactions, brokerage and advisory services of the bank’s investment strategy BCS Financial Group rose by 20 percent, and customer churn decreased by 0.5 percent in just six months. At the same time appeared a greater response to marketing campaigns and individual customers reach for more products.

 Software for planning, implementing and measuring the effects of highly personalized marketing campaigns IBM Commerce has been chosen by the BCS Financial Group in cooperation with GlowByte Consulting, a business partner of IBM. The system also provides valuable information on the activities to support sales, indicating, inter alia, whether the client used the online channel or mobile devices, or assessing the propensity companies to invest in business development.

 – Marketing in the financial industry now requires the highest level of personalization, which is targeting messages to specific customers – at the right time and through their preferred channels – says Maxim Puzyrev, Director of Marketing at BCS Financial. – By working with IBM and GlowByte note the tremendous progress in dealing with this challenge, winning a new type of customer and providing them with the quality of service that they become “ambassadors” of the bank – adds.

 Analysis provided by IBM allow the company to increase marketing investments in these channels that provide the greatest success.

 – Currently, customers in the financial industry expect to be treated individually and otrzymymają offer tailored to their needs – says Vladimir Skudin, COO, GlowBite. – Although a wealth of data available can be overwhelming for people engaged in marketing activities that companies such as BCS Financial Group are able to turn it into a source of competitive advantage.

Source: IBM



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