Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Software for Business – News 24

Enova ERP system is a modern software for companies of any industry and of all sizes. At the moment of this software is used by over 8,000 companies.

Enova ERP system.

Enova is the latest generation software for businesses. It comes in three versions: silver, gold and platinum. It consists of dozens of modules. Selected modules are:

– Trade Book

inventory book – Book Tax

Business – Human Resources and Payroll
– Production
– Service
– Workflow
and much more.

The system is built based on Microsoft technologies. Manufacturer systematically it develops and ensures compliance. Due to the large number of modules, their functionality and system configuration options can be adapted to any organization.

Our clients are sole proprietorships to large, multi-site enterprise. Our company offers full support in the implementation and operation of the system.

More information can be found on our website devoted entirely to this system.



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