Tuesday, April 28, 2015

What exactly is illegal software? Where the pirates are taking … – Spider’s Web

Piracy is not theft? Even if you agree with this, it is still a criminal offense, especially if you decide to sell illegal software. But where comes the “left” goods, since developers use various anti-piracy?

What is the definition of illegal software? Despite appearances, this is not so easy to determine. Illegal software may be such that it is not used under license attached to it. It may also be a software defined in advance as an illegal (these are all sorts of “crack”). Finally, it may be a legal copy of the software, which is performed by someone other than an authorized distributor, often strikingly reminiscent of the original (referred to here, of course, on the packaging and the media).

The biggest problem of piracy is the fact that developed it to the level of a giant business. This in turn means that pirated copies are becoming increasingly powerful, less and less distinguishable from legitimate products. All this, to introduce us to mistake for us and earn … expose us to unpleasant consequences.

The Polish law on piracy is raw, and in accordance with Art. 74-772 of the Law on Copyright and Related Rights, the very use of pirated software threatens a fine, restriction of freedom, requisition instrumentalities (computers, servers), even if they do not belong to the perpetrator and imprisonment from three months to five years. The company, which infringed the copyright of the manufacturer’s software can also be forced to pay the amount of compensation.

Pirates of us want to get rich and do not care about our subsequent troubles with the dimension of the law. But to stretch those honest with us, we must first be misleading. Unfortunately, over the years have come to the incredible skill.

Boxes still wave

Despite the increasing emphasis on digital distribution and offering software as a service, sale of “boxes”, and so on distributed software physical media is still one of the main channels of distribution. Pirates have not forgotten about it, and built around the entire industry. Tolerated by one of the world’s superpower, so China.


According to a study commissioned by the United Nations, more than 70 percent boxes of counterfeit software comes from the Middle Kingdom. Why is there? It’s very simple: after all, is a country of cheap craftsmen whose ability to perfection wyszlifowała world economy. It is the largest manufacturer and exporter of goods in the world. Abilities gained in the production of legal products used so when creating fakes. Often using the same production lines and processes.

The smugglers introducing Chinese fakes on the European and American market are extremely efficient. Use both Internet trading platforms such as Amazon and Allegro, and also through local partners bring boxes for sale.

Pirates are ready for the digital age distribution

Older Readers Spider’s Web, remembering a time when copyright law in our country was not in force, certainly not forgotten how “activates a the” purchased on the stock exchange games and programs. The product was included so-called crack, so cheating additional anti-piracy program. And although computer exchanges times are long behind us, cracks still exist and are better than ever.

crack spreads are treated by the law with a particular “anointing”. The Act of February 4, 1994. On Copyright and Related Rights Art. 1181 says that anyone who produces devices or their components for unauthorized removal or circumvention of effective technological protection measures before playing, recording or reproducing works or objects of related rights or trades in such devices or their components, or advertises them for sale or lease, subject to a fine, imprisonment or imprisonment up to 3 years who owns, holds or uses equipment or its components, referred to above shall be subject to a fine, imprisonment or imprisonment for up to a year.

crack spreads are particularly problematic for software developers and law enforcement on the grounds that it may actually make anyone who is good at programming. Often the best talent in uncovering algorithms are sitting in a house in the suburbs and their all-night coding scheme negative influences of geography quiz the next day. These individuals motivated by the desire to secure we work out to show off in front of colleagues or ideological motives hooking anarchism. It is also a free labor for those who want to illegally enrich on software sales.


Distribution scrackowanego software is much cheaper than the box, but it requires logistics and planning in order to “catch” those persons who want to have a legitimate programs. Functional diagram is usually very similar. First, pirates, using botnets controlled by them and computers, they begin to send out spam to users in the country. Spam refers to “promotion”, “unheard of” senior software. After all, “just click, perform the transfer and software will be ready for download”. A fully functioning, activated, looking like the real thing, downloaded from the indistinguishable at first glance from the typical online store. Installing them break the law without knowing it, and “dealer” does not assume virtually any costs associated with security violations of the program or game.

The worst thing, however, is treacherous lie

In order to defend themselves before buying trefnego, a box of software enough to make purchases in the well-known stores or directly from the distributor. Moreover, the same goes for digitally distributed programs: just a little prudence in observing the promotion and use them only if they know and trust a particular vendor. Serious problem starts at the point where we can see the desired program on the popular site, buy it, and … we become pirates.

Many times already encountered situations in which, in our country’s leading auction platforms and for group purchasing software appeared cheaper by up to 90 percent. Not only to buy, right? But normally the office suite for business license costs 2300 gold, and offer him there for 400 …

This software does not come from China or any other factory counterfeits. Nor is it in any way sckrackowane. After installation normally activated and there is no indication that anything was wrong with him wrong. Meanwhile, both we commit a crime, as well as the entity that we sell software. All the … license.

Developers often offer the same product at different prices, tailored to the needs of the customer groups. What other software is transferred to you for free for non-commercial purposes, and another exactly the same software used by the purchaser for business purposes. Therefore, shops often get to the offers that are part of a larger program license agreement. We get only a partial license, which is valid if we are not a member of the organizational structure (for example, corporations). Product description in our offer, as you might imagine, makes no mention of such small details.

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Source: kotaku.com

How to defend themselves? The worst part is that it’s not that simple. It’s hard to expect because the internet user that is, every time I see the “amazing opportunity” rather than hastily buy, decides to go to the manufacturer’s website, look for a license for the type of software and load in a difficult ciężkostrawny document.

Pirated software still appears on Internet auctions and group buying websites. What has changed over the years, the intentions of selling these programs. Today, they are increasingly using the ignorance of buyers and distribute the goods declared its originality, which often seems to indicate the price close to that official. We have been cooperating with the police, trying to minimize the illegal activity and its harmful effects. People who buy such software are exposed not only to the legal consequences, but also the loss or theft of data, eg. By malicious applications running in the background. For a small business use of illegal software – consciously or not – sooner or later may mean the loss of customers and losses or penalties, leading them to ruin. Therefore, we recommend using the official software distribution channels, and in case of doubt, the application from Microsoft that will help verify the vendor and products offered by the . – Says Ilona Polish Tomaszewski from Microsoft Office, responsible for the protection of intellectual property.

Microsoft declares, therefore, that in case of doubt the technical support will help in determining the legality of the offer. Other software vendors are not necessarily required to provide such assistance, although many are doing it. And that means that we often rely on ourselves ….

Software as a service can solve the problem

With the pirates because they can not cope with purely technical reasons. What else is a one-off transaction of sale, and another permanent provision of the service. Not only deepens the relationship between the company and the consumer and the service provider or reseller, but virtually impossible to “falsification” of the services by third parties. It is true that a quick trip to sites offering pirated software bit verifies our views (you can easily find the “broken” Office’a or Adobe Creative Cloud and others), but the procedure of such security breaches client software, which is in addition to be repeated for each change on the part of the service provider makes the person deciding on pirate versions is fully aware of violations of their rights.

Software as a Service is still a song the future. Companies and consumers are still wary about the idea, accustomed to the traditional form of software distribution. It may, however, prove that the subscription programs will become an ideal compromise between the two parties (the user and the service provider), and the subscription price will be shaped only by demand and offer competition. Without the need to compensate for losses incurred as a result of the creators of fakes, deliberately placing their clients in error.

* The illustrations are from the site Shutterstock


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