Friday, April 24, 2015

Samsung released the next version of the software for the media SSD … –

Memory Samsung SSD 840 EVO in the time of their entry the market has been enthusiastically received by consumers, as offered very good performance and seemed to be cost-effective price. Unfortunately, at the end of September last year, it has been shown that after some time their performance drastically decreases. The manufacturer quickly correct the problem by issuing the appropriate update, but it turned out that it helps only temporarily.

After some time of users to install the patch again began to report more lower productivity, and the researchers found that it is responsible for this allocation algorithm configured incorrectly cells and atrophy of goods contained in the individual cells of NAND Flash. Even though you know what is causing the decline in the performance of this repair this problem has not been easy, as evidenced by a failed first attempt. Despite this, Samsung did not give up and finally released the next version of the software, which is definitely solve the problem with the carriers SSD 840 EVO.

The latest version of Samsung Magician marked as number 4.6 offers the option of Advanced Performance Optimization, which is designed specifically for said model. Unfortunately, the repair of the problem is not limited to the use of this feature, because you must also update the software to version EXT0DB6 media, but it can be done easily directly through the user interface Samsung Magician. The new version of the program can be downloaded from the official website of the manufacturer. Initially, the company’s servers seemed to be overly burdened and did not allow you to download the file, but now it seems that everything is fine.

According to the first test, the very media software update improves the performance, but the use of the Advanced Function Performance Optimization further improves performance. According to PCPerspective service, operating parameters actually returning to normal, although it is not known whether this time the improvement will last, whether the problems again after some time return. Given all the confusion surrounding media SSD 840 EVO, Samsung would rather not commit to that. The results of these tests are shown below.

before upgrading

After updating

After updating and using the Advanced Performance Optimization

The Samsung SSD 850 EVO 250 GB – test


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