Friday, April 10, 2015

Here comes the software that is “grow old” – PC World

DARPA is working on a project that will allow you to create software that can be useful even for 100 years.


The US Agency for Advanced Research Defense (DARPA) has published information on a very interesting project called Building Resource Adaptive Software Systems (BRASS). It assumes that within four years, researchers will develop a model that will allow you to create software capable of up to 100 years to ensure proper functionality in spite of the changing operating environment (new protocols, interfaces, …).

The idea is that, in contrast to the currently used systems requiring periodic sometimes very troublesome for administrators to update, make US forces software, which for decades gets old adapting smoothly with little effort programmer to change and fulfilling its task in the areas of key importance for the security of the country .

See also:

“Technology inevitably evolves, but very often the changes to be made in libraries, data formats, protocols, rules introducing models, data and software ecosystem elements can have a negative impact on applications. The inability to smoothly adjust to the new working conditions undermines performance, hinders the development of safety-related infrastructure and creates the risk that in the long run due to the aging of the software will be lost by the ability to access important data. “ – said Suresh Jagannathan, BRASS project manager.

For more information: DARPA



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