Thursday, May 28, 2015

MATLAB and Simulink software package for students –

 MATLAB and Simulink software package for students

The package MATLAB and Simulink Student Suite includes students with all the tools needed to create great projects based on popular and low-cost hardware platforms. It also includes free technical support packages in terms of equipment.

MATLAB and Simulink enable students, hobbyists, DIY enthusiasts and non-commercial users to use the design of using models (Model-Based Design, MBD) – a mathematical and visual approach to creating complex control systems – so they can create more complex designs without the need for programming knowledge. This allows users to develop skills relevant in the context of a career, because applications MATLAB and Simulink are widely used in engineering and science.

The offered package includes solutions for MATLAB, Simulink, and 10 additional products. Packages technical assistance to the Arduino and Raspberry Pi is available at no extra charge. With this additional sets of tools, users can customize their software in order to meet their needs for control, signal processing, testing and measurements, and create a number of projects – from weather stations on robots that recognize facial features. Additional 10 products includes toolsets for system control, data acquisition, digital signal processing system (DSP), image processing, instrument control, optimization, signal processing, statistics and machine learning or symbolic computation.

Farnell element14 and its online community provide a rich resource for the scientific community of students and tinkerers who realize their ideas through platforms such as Arduino hardware and Raspberry Pi. The MathWorks is pleased with establishing partnerships with the Farnell element14, thanks to which we joined this community and we can accelerate the pace of technology and innovation says Amnon Gai, manager. corporate development and partnership programs in MathWorks.

For more information on how to use solutions MATLAB and Simulink can be found on webinariach organized by element14. Please also refer to the contest Teacher’s Pet Students’ Robotics Challenge , which participants will use solutions MATLAB and Simulink to create programmable robots in order to find solutions to the most common problems that are being faced by students.

To learn more about solutions MATLAB and Simulink, join the Hangout Google, which will take place on June 10 at 15:30 GMT.

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