Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The IT market: software more important than hardware – Modern Firm

– This market changing very much. At the moment it is basically a market for services and solutions rather than hardware market. Although a lot of the equipment is sold, it is no longer even carrier solutions, but rather base, the basis for this, that certain systems installed – explained in an interview with the news agency Newseria Business Roman Durka, Executive Vice President of Sygnity.

Key trends

Durka notes that a few years ago the entrepreneur rather skeptical approached shared technology, or in the cloud. Today, however little that the company do not use them, and this trend can no longer be stopped. That is why this type of service will be very developed.


Another clear trend is the increasing mobility of workers, forcing the use of technologies that are available outside the office. Companies that collect more and more information, they must also invest in software for their analysis. Big data enables accurate understanding of customer behavior and thereby increase sales efficiency.

– In connection with the fact that these data are quite a few and you have to process them and transmit, in addition the whole concept of big data strongly developing network as well as network security and data across the network. There are companies making products in the field of data security, which a few years ago nobody had heard – Durka says.

Security is a purely economic decision

The issue IT security company is important also because of the increasingly popular method of work “bring your own device”, ie on their own devices employees. Durka draws attention to the fact that especially young workers often prefer to work on their own tablets or computers. Therefore, companies must ensure adequate protection of these devices. As indicated by the data analyzing cyberthreats companies, private facilities connecting employees to the network is one of the major risk factors.


Durka points out that security is a purely economic decision. Although adequate security costs, but often possible losses arising from cyber attack may be higher than the cost of investment in safety.

Innovation for small businesses

A little more difficult to accurately assess the direction of the development of services in the cloud and services mobile, but Durka is convinced that the coming years will pass under their trademark. As pointed out, the market driven by innovation, which often arise in small businesses.


– Today the development of science takes place mainly in smaller companies and only proven products tend to be incorporated by large companies. World power of information technology can not do without these small companies and start-ups around, because their different approach, less structured product, market and customer, and low costs, for which they work, give them a chance to create something completely different – says Durka.

He adds that the perception of these innovations and adapting them accordingly is a challenge for most companies, but those that do not will be able to do that, they may have a problem with survival in the market.

– Despite that small businesses are the engine of innovation, Durka notes that, at least in Poland there was a large market consolidation. Though IT companies are hundreds, then leading players in the market is now only a few. Further consolidation would be disadvantageous, because that could lead to monopolization – warns Vice President of Sygnity.




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