Monday, May 4, 2015

Explained: What functionalities should have software … –

A key element of pricing policy is the introduction of different types of promotions involving the lowering of prices. In this regard, it is worth checking whether the program has the capability parameterization commercial promotion in respect of the goods, as well as the particular client. An important feature is the ability to assign specific goods and contractors range of dates for the promotion, so that prices could be raised automatically updated depending on the date specified by the user.

One of the most important indicators is return on sales effectiveness. Software supporting trade can support the determination of optimal prices, if the user has access to data on the direct and indirect costs of buying products. Since the cost of delivery of individual consignments may differ from each other, as well as the purchase price of goods for resale, you should verify that the software provides functionality for determining the margins (and the prices of sales) in relation to specific supplies of goods.

The best known method of issuing goods from the warehouse is a FIFO (first in first out – method queue) and LIFO (last in first out – method stack). Software supporting trade can help optimize storage costs through flexible management of issuing goods from the warehouse, not only according to the rules of FIFO or LIFO. In some cases, you can optimize the storage space through manual selection, which deliveries should spend customers merchandise.

In the sales area use of e-invoices instead of paper documents can generate cumulative savings of up to a few pennies per invoice issued. The savings mainly take the opportunity to automate invoice circulation within the company selling the product. E-invoices are automatically read by the financial accounting system, which reduces to a minimum the time needed for their accounting and record-keeping services.

To meet the analytical needs of SME managers is not necessary to have a dedicated solution Business Intelligence (BI) since the functionality BI in sales can provide software supporting trade. It is therefore necessary to determine how the system layer reports (summaries, interactive charts) provides the functionality required for efficient operation – planning, forecasting and decision making.


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