Monday, January 18, 2016

Ukraine aim of cyber attacks. Malware detected in … –

Black Energy – is a virus that last weekend was found in the computer system of the capital Boryspil Airport. How informed the president’s spokesman for the anti-terrorist operation Andriy Lysenko – malware is a result of a hacker attack from Russia. He noted that the virus was introduced to the Russian servers. The Ukrainian team to respond to threats on the Internet warns that attacks may involve a greater number of Ukrainian facilities.

At the end of December last year a virus called Black Energy invaded the computer system of the Ukrainian energy company “Prykarpattiaobłenerho”. As a result, the entire population of almost a half million inhabitants of the circumference of Ivano-Frankivsk there are problems with the delivery of electricity.

& gt; & gt; & gt; Read also: Greek media: Polish belongs to the “big six” of the EU. EC decision shows the toxic climate in Europe


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