Friday, January 22, 2016

Police DG: beware of fraudulent e-mails, bring malicious … –

Police DG. For some time users receive an e-mail that allegedly contain a request for payment from the court, the bailiff or the tax office. According to the police open an attachment in pdf format infects your computer with malware.

Online fraud emerged practically since the inception of the network. Every day, criminals are creating new applications designed to trick internet users. Recently appeared information about sent to e-mail messages that allegedly constitute a warrant or court order or execution of a bailiff.

These messages contain in their annexes pdf file extension, which opens when you start a document calling for payment or informing about the financial arrears. The opening of this annex most often infects your computer with malware, whose task is to take the data of the bank account, personal information, passwords for various accounts or social networking sites.

The threat is much more serious, if using a computer doing transfers. The virus can in fact lead eg. To redirect transfer to another, unknown sender’s bank account. Such situations can happen even when the transfers we make to defined audiences. If you quickly become aware and We will appropriate instruction to your bank to transfer may be canceled. Otherwise, the recovery of our money can be very difficult or even impossible.

Such messages are sent, among others, of registered mailboxes, for example., but they may also contain addresses similar institutions, which allegedly come from.

If you are not participants in judicial proceedings or other, and I look forward to this correspondence, do not open suspicious mail, and in particular its Annexes.

To effectively protect against virus attack, be aware of the legal, fully functional and updated antivirus software, and ongoing operating system updates and other used programs.


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