Monday, January 4, 2016

Project Helium: old software optimized as new – dobreprogramy

Any computer user who did not begin to use it yesterday, certainly can mention at least one program that used with pleasure and effectiveness for months, but for various reasons did not survive the test of time and is no longer maintained. Adobe, in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is working on Project Helium: an algorithm that in an automated process to optimize the source codes of software for the aged hardware conditions that are standard in 2016.

The main problem in terms of the old software to optimize today’s realities are, according to the group involved in the Project Helium, not just hardware issues, but also new compilers. As you know, even once the most popular software, abandoned at some point by the developers and the community, although it complies architecture, or the ability to run software in compatibility mode with older operating systems, operating today heavily or part of the function is even available. These problems could be, of course, solve the systematic updates, but the number of working hours in this case, often several times more than planned for this budget.

An example may be an even Winamp, once the undisputed king of music players on the vast majority of home computers. After that, as in 2014, Winamp was acquired by Internet radio Radionomy, still not published any updates. That is about to change: according to one of the erstwhile creators of Winamp program to reappear in a few weeks. There will, however, have new features, all the work is swallowed up in just adapt nieaktualizowanego two years of code to the present conditions of hardware and operating systems. It is working on Adobe and MIT is the ability to automatically make this process.

Project Helium is in this area already have some achievements and a testing ground for Helium were older werjse Photoshop. As the editor, Adobe had growing problems with the optimization of individual modules aggravating both CPU and GPU. Particularly problematic was supposed to be the optimization process of applying filters and it is in this aspect has been the first test of automated algorithm optimizing.

After configuring a filter, Helium analyzed the algorithms performed on the input image and analyzed the final result. Then removed the subsequent processes while comparing the input image and further optimize the process of determining the effects on the ground turning point in which to set up and final filter effect will be preserved at the same time the largest possible number of excluded processes. According to the developers at MIT we have managed thus to accelerate the application of a filter to graphics by about 75% in the case of seven nuclei Photoshop. Test environment was also a program IfranView, whose performance following treatment with source code Helium had increased more than fourfold.

An example of Photoshop very vividly, literally and figuratively, presents the activities of Helium, but according to the staff of MIT, an algorithm that automatically optimizes the code The source and recompiles it may in theory be used for any software. The effects work on Project Helium were already in the repository GitHub. It is possible, therefore, that soon awaits us long forgotten rash of applications which, developed by the community, at least partially return to favor.


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