Thursday, January 14, 2016

The new version of the EVER PowerSoft [2.4.0] –

 The new version of the EVER PowerSoft [2.4.0]

photo. EVER

Polish manufacturer of UPS, EVER has released the latest version of the software copyright PowerSoft [2.4.0]. The program package – constantly developed and updated – is designed to monitor and manage uninterruptible power supply systems. The aim of the new version is to ensure the security of servers, both physical and virtualization platforms that enjoy recently very popular. Software developed by EVER is now fully compatible with the most popular wirtualizatorami: VMware ESXi, Citrix XenServer, and Windows Hyper-V.

The expansion EVER for a new series of UPS EVER SINLINE and RT UPS EVER SINLINE RT XL, designed to protect servers and IT infrastructure, contributed to intensive work on a new version of PowerSoft. For some time Managers and network administrators prefer to use install multiple operating systems on a single physical computer (server) that enables the virtualization process. Observing these trends, EVER she decided to start design work on the PowerSoft software in order to achieve its full compatibility with today’s most popular virtualization platforms: VMware ESXi, Citrix XenServer, and Windows Hyper-V. UPS brand EVER with a new version of the software has the ability to safely turn off the server during a power outage and running on the virtual systems (the previous configuration by the administrator).

For less advanced users prepared a list of predefined events of energy (such as eg. power failure, power surge). For each such event it is possible to assign several actions, such as sending an e-mail or disable the operating system. Until now, energy event definitions were based on operating modes, alarms and messages reported by the UPS. Version 2.4.0 PowerSoft software also enables the creation of energy events based on changes in the value of the UPS numerical parameters (eg related. Load power supply, or sometimes autonomy). More advanced administrators can themselves create new event definitions of energy based on the change any parameter UPS depending on the level of technological advancement of the power supply.

PowerSoft 2.4.0 provides support for innovative power supply system EVER & amp; Fogo. It allows you to monitor and configure the parameters tandem UPS unit, remote turn on / off the unit or open / close circuits.

As a result, software updates have been worked out changes in a graphical user interface (GUI), which affects the intuitiveness Operating EVER UPS brand and other solutions.

Source: EVER

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