Monday, January 4, 2016

Apple’s OS X – the most holes in software in 2015 – (Register)

holes and bugs are something, which simply can not be avoided. They arise from confusion, ignorance, and sometimes ordinary hurry. It currently has primarily make money, not to provide products even slightly zbliżanych to perfection. Errors could not be avoided as in the past, of 2015. Their number is increasing every year, although this is of course related to the fact that the software we use is becoming more complex. The organization Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures provides information on detected threats, now she shared the statistics relating to the previous year. Many people might suspect that most buggy software was Flash. That has not happened, at the infamous pedestal stands of Apple.

Apple committed the most errors, Microsoft is in second place.

This is what growers from Cupertino proved to be the team who committed in 2015 many blunders. Specialists from security software found the company total of up to 654 safety-related errors. Does anyone still believe the safest OS X system in which even a complete layman unaware of the hazards will be able to protect against them? Unfortunately, the growing popularity of this platform makes each of detected threats is becoming increasingly important. In second place is Microsoft, for which detected until 571 vulnerabilities – remember, however, that the portfolio of the corporation has many different applications, not only for home users, but also the business and server applications.

Next on the list is Cisco, (488 errors), Oracle, among others, developing Java (479 errors), Adobe (total 460 errors), and Google (323 errors). Compared year-on-year, Apple “has maintained its leading position” reshuffle has occurred in the lower positions. It is worth noting that Microsoft, despite high investments falls well because in the years 1999-2010 continuously maintained first place. Regarding gaps in specific programs and there is a lead creator of OS X – in the system that found 348 vulnerabilities, mobile, or iOS that while 375 vulnerabilities. It was only in third place is a program that should not surprise anyone: Adobe Flash Player. This was found last year “only” 316 compliance.

If you do not use Flash and Java, you should uninstall them.

A list of holes in applications complement the course all popular browsers Internet Explorer (231 errors), Google Chrome (187 errors) and Mozilla Firefox (178 susceptibility). Interestingly, operating systems fall out quite well, Windows 8.1 was found 151 vulnerabilities, one less than in the case of Ubuntu. Of course, all these statistics and seizure by Apple first place does not mean that the Flash Player or Java are safe. If you do not need this type of plugins, it’s best to give them up and to uninstall it – thanks to this simple treatment we remove one of the possible attack vectors, which are used for various purposes.

Source: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures


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