Friday, May 15, 2015

Are you using mods for GTA V? Watch out for malicious … –

Software malware noted in two modes for GTA V – Angry Planes and No Clip. Both have been reported at different sites, so had time to get to a large group of players.

The virus contained in them is extremely vile – it can not be easily detected after downloading fashion, because probably doing what belongs to him and spontaneously to erase. A serves steal user passwords, so if of you use these mods, just in case change your all, which you use on your computer.

How to deal with vindictive when fashion installed and the antivirus program fails? A detailed instruction can be found here. You have to not only track fade.exe file in the folder with temporary files and remove it from the registry, but GTA5.exe and delete the file from the directory with the game. Worst of all, it is not known yet whether these operations are one hundred percent handled by the case.

moderskiej community representatives say they have not seen before so vile attempt an attack on fans of the GTA series.

[Sources 1, 2]

Martin Kosman


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