Wednesday, May 20, 2015

These are the first findings ws. Airbus military disaster. Failed … – TVP

It’s about the so-called. ECU. – It works by analyzing the output signals generated as a result of the pilots, whereby the engines operate optimally, in which the pilots want to work. They analyze numerous data at the same time – explained in an interview with BBC spokesman Airbus. – The practical force that these devices were mounted one on each of the engines – he added.

According to information obtained by Reuters show that the problem is not so much the software code itself, but how it is installed in the devices of the machine.

Airbus A400M crashed near the airport in Seville in southern Spain. The crash killed four people. This was a new machine that passed the tests. She hit to Turkey.

Paused exploitation

A400M model is not currently operated by the Spanish army. Orders for such machines has made eight countries that want to replace their aging fleet of Hercules transport aircraft. According to Spanish media Madrid signed an agreement to purchase 27 machines, the first of which was supposed to join the army as early as next year.

The first copy of the A400M went in 2013 to France. After the disaster, the British Ministry of Defence as a precaution has ceased operation of its two aircraft A400M.


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