Friday, April 17, 2015

Polish Spread epidemic – CHIP

Among the most dangerous threats in the form of a botnet malware is called ZeroAccess and ZeuS, which also includes the Citadel and its derivatives. In a statement, they took respectively second and third. The biggest botnet in Poland remains Conficker, although its percentage in relation to 2013 decreased by almost 5 percentage points. Interestingly, both the botnet and ninth on the list of Virut is a malicious software over which cyber criminals no longer have control, which means that they are not active at this time. As experts emphasize CERT Poland, their presence in the statement provides, inter alia, that the majority of infected computers remain infected for years, often until the end of the operation of the equipment itself.

Of the ten most common hazards in Poland based on malware until four are banking Trojans. Respectively: ZeuS ZeuS GameOver, Bankpatch, Banatrix. The Trojans are in most cases on the infected computer to modify the appearance of the web page of the bank, which cybercriminals have full access to the victim’s account and can transfer funds in it. Except as inform professionals, is Banatrix, which replaces the bank account number in the memory of the browser process, resulting in money instead of getting to the recipient’s bank account cybercriminals.

If we assume that for each resident Polish there is one computer, then averaging the results for 2014 years we can say that the day’s infected with malware is a city the size of Katowice. This is best illustrated by the scale of the phenomenon and its potential effects on the functioning of our country – says Piotr Kijewski, head of the CERT Poland. – The increase in cyber activity directed at online banking users in our opinion the most important and the most disturbing trend of the previous year, resulting in a real loss of money many entities – emphasizes Piotr Kijewski.


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