Saturday, April 18, 2015

What to do in order not to be deceived and do not buy illegal … – Spider’s Web

PC got his first as a 10-year-old. Even then I had some idea of ​​the pirate software. I was fully aware that the boards of the original games and programs have very nice prints, while their illegal counterparts are just signed marker. It was later found out that this issue is much more complicated than it may seem.

perfectly aware of the people who Several years ago, decided to buy a used OEM Windows bundled with … mouse or keyboard. For a long time Microsoft allowed to buy your operating system along with the peripheral device. Whether or not it was legal, depend on many variables. For example, if the first holder of the software is not only installed it on your computer, but also registered them, has been assigned to a specific hardware.


And thus, install it on another machine was illegal. Such a system could then sell only to the computer on which to work. However, if you do not register the system could with (almost) clear conscience resell it with that accessory. This means that the user deciding to purchase the software you use really buying a pig in a poke, and did not know whether legal receive the operating system.

The provisions in this matter were extremely vague.

It is difficult to So no surprise that Microsoft finally gave up the opportunity to sell their systems of computer accessories. However, the deletion of a single defective license does not record that made all the doubts disappeared Software purchased on Internet auctions. It turns out that on popular auction sites, you can easily find a huge number of seemingly legitimate programs only.

They are characterized by a very attractive, often several times lower than in the store price. This makes them decide to purchase multiple users łasych for promotions. For sold in this way programs are mainly operating systems Windows 7 and Office 2010 office suite.


They are usually sold in digital form and delivered in the form of a key to install the software. In this case, the disc from the system or program must be downloaded on their own. However, the digital versions of these products are not sold in the Polish distribution. Therefore, almost certainly they are not legal. Many are sold in this way is spisywanych keys with labels located on the chassis of computers lined up with boxes of legal software, or simply generated through the appropriate application.

Many sellers do not know the limits of their insolence and decides to … illegal selling of the same keys for several people at the same time. The scale of trafficking perfectly provide the information made available by Microsoft. According to them, more than 90% of the Windows operating systems are available on auction sites is illegal.

The very fact pay for something that makes the product is legal.

Contrary to appearances, this is a very logical. After all, if you buy a stolen car, and you’ll pay for the thief, will continue this stolen car. Many people, however, can not translate the rational principles to the world of digital purchases. The problem with this are not only those who use the computer occasionally, but also people who while working with handfuls use of new technologies. An example of such a person is Teresa Bochwic, Member of the Board of the Polish Journalists Association.

The company wanted to buy her grandson animated film. I did it using … with, or a place that is often used to share illegal copies of various types of files. When it turned out that “bought” it does not work properly file … complained to “shop” for Twitter. After many file shares your message probably noticed his mistake, he deleted the tweet felernego. Or rather, tried to do so. Anyway, see for yourself:


Therefore, prior to the acquisition of any digital content, make sure that … we buy it at all. Payment of a subscription to the service which allows downloading does not make it downloaded via the data becomes legal. Of course, I realize that Polish law allows you to download music and movies for your own use. However, this does not mean that you have to use that option. It’s a matter of decency.

In the end, by downloading from illegal sources do not pay the creator of the work of creating it, even though we use it. In addition, at their own request, we deprive ourselves of any technical assistance. Picked by Teresa Bochwic movie turned out to be looped advertising. Had bought a movie in the renowned store, surely such a problem would not occur.

And even if by some miracle would occur, the correct version of the film would be sent again, or there would be a refund. It should also be noted that Polish law treats differently video, music and games and programs. If you illegally download a new movie or a music album, it is a morally questionable, but does not wait for you for criminal liability as long as it does not share with others. If you download an illegal game or program, you are a criminal, even without access to it.


Many people say that an effective way to protect against piracy is definitely on purchase network services, such as Office 365.Cóż, not really. Coupons from access to the Office’s annual 365 are often attached to computers, tablets and even smartphones with Windows. Unfortunately, a large part of sellers feeds on ignorance clients and … these coupons are removed from the boxes with the hardware. About practices such employee told me one of the largest electronics chain stores in Poland.

Tickets to the movies, coupons and vouchers game that gives you access to all sorts of software then get on Internet auctions. There are described as legitimate, even though their resale without equipment is prohibited and in violation of license terms. An even greater problem arises when someone wants to buy such software on the invoice. Then the use of illegal software reaches a fiscal offense, which is a much more serious offense.

Before such situations, however, impossible to prevent.

Just buy the software in reputable stores. Places enjoying a high reputation can not afford to sell pirated software. Differently than small shops just developing. These have to fight by all means for customers. That is why some of them are opting for illegal activities described above.

If you want to be 100% sure that no illegal software depresses you, go to a reputable, existing for many years, a chain of stores and buy the product you’re interested in right over there. You’ll pay a little more, but in return you will gain something far more precious than money, namely peace of mind. Absolutely sure of your purchase or you can be if you bought the software or subscribe directly on the site of its manufacturer. In this case, Microsoft.

 Office 365

This applies not only to the Office, but also all other programs and games purchased digitally. Do not believe us? Go to Allegro and type the title of any new game console. You’ll see that you can get for a fraction of the price of the Playstation Store visible or Xbox Store. However, when you load exactly the content of the auction, you will see that it really does not buy her a full-fledged version, but only a temporary access to your account, which is a game.

After a set time on the auction you lose access to your account and to the game. As if that were not enough, the title you can not play on your account and get behind any of his achievements. It is also possible to buy a single access to the installer. Then what is true, you can use the game to his credit, but after replacing the hard drive or a hard reset of the console you lose access to all their titles. Well, this is inconsistent with the licensed game.

A good choice can also be strongly software added to the equipment. Therefore, buying a ready computer, such as a laptop, it is best to select the version of the device with an attached Windows operating system and Office productivity suite. Before buying such equipment should make sure that it is equipped with several elements of authentication software. One of them is the label genuine Microsoft software.

 surface 3 1

In most cases, it is placed on the back or the lower part of the equipment. However, some devices, such as mobile or tablet Windows Phone Windows can not have her. Therefore, we also make sure that your computer is equipped with a Certificate of Authenticity. This label is most often placed on the housing PC or, in the case of some of the newer laptops in the battery compartment.

It has security features it before sfałszowaniem.Jednym of them is a thread woven into the paper. In places where comes to the surface, see the different fibers of the paper. Another safety feature is an edge coated with a special ink. It changes color from green to magenta, when viewed from different angles.

You have to admit, however, that finding a reputable store illegal computer preinstalled with the operating system of a miracle. Of course, the relative certainty of purchase is not the only aspect of the reason to choose the software that came with the hardware. All because selling duo consisting of hardware and software pays for absolutely everything.

 microsoft office

Manufacturers can sell a complete device that right out of the box will just work. The customer receives a computer software package, you do not have to personally install, configure and set. Microsoft, in turn, benefit from this, because users accustomed to its services and thereby raising future customers.

That’s why the company from Redmond often joins the hardware your software for a nominal fee or even for free. This means that buying hardware from the operating system and office suite is pure profit. You want practical examples? Here you are. Annual price of Office 365 is at least 199 zł. But you can also get it by buying a tablet costing just over 300 zł.

This means that if right now you need an office package, you can get a tablet for an additional charge of just over 100 dollars. Remember that we are talking about equipment that can be used as an inefficient, but still PC. Just plug it into a monitor, keyboard and mouse. This is really something.

 Office on the iPad

Do you have the original software?

If the reading of the text started to wonder if you held by the software certainly is original, you should go to How to Tell created by Microsoft. You can on it to see how it looks genuine Windows, Office and Xbox games. The site also shows what you should pay careful when buying hardware or software both in store, as well as over the Internet.

If you have purchased pirated software unknowingly or have a suspicion that someone is selling them, can such a case report by clicking this link. Microsoft then carefully check of the vendor and will make sure that the products sold by him are indeed genuine. Thus, not only upewnicie that you buy not sell, but also sprawicie that a potential fraudster will no more victims. In short, you do a good deed.

Read also:

* Some of the photos from website Shutterstock.


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