Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Microsoft: piracy of software and video in Poland is … – PC World

Yesterday I took the World Intellectual Property Day and
 Microsoft this occasion together with the consulting firm PwC has prepared an interesting
 report, which analyzed the software piracy in our
. That takes into account both the pirated software,
 as well as the problem of watching illegal movies

Unfortunately, we have nothing to be proud of. It turns out, that
 from 29% to 49% of the respondents
in response to a question
 paid for obtaining access to services, where you can
 watch illegally movies , replied:
 Yes. PwC estimates that the sposo b Polish economy loses
 from 500 to 700 million
per year! Besides, we
 that occur in the country each year to about 400-500 million plays
 films, plays 650-750 million episodes and 150-180 million
 plays transmission of sporting events. These are values ​​that
 hard to imagine.

The data presented in the report show that theft
 video is a common phenomenon in Poland.
 Worrying is the attitude of some web portals
 operating on the Polish market that instead of educating users
 and fight the phenomenon, maintain services that provide access to
 pirated content and derive from them additional benefits, eg. selling
 there advertising space
“- says Sabina Leipzig
 Video director of the group Onet-RASP.

It is no different for software on computers. Here
 n ajwięcej lose such companies as Microsoft, Corel, Adobe
 or Norton
. It turns out that the software listed
 up companies is very often offered in the auction, as
 Allegro. Unfortunately, fighting out; is not that easy,
 although possible, what we pretend
 Thomas Z. case where the court in Slupsk sentenced to three years
 imprisonment. Without the “hinge”.

piracy_p.jpg Piracy in Poland is standard. Unfortunately

The BSA has established that in January this year in one of the largest
 auction services more than 90% of the copies of Windows 7/8 and
 Office 2010/2013 was illegal
. It is worth noting,
 that the sale of this type of software in January was almost 2
 million. As you might notice, Microsoft itself much on the

Microsoft products, such as operating systems Widnows 7
 and 8, as well as packages of Office 2010 and 2013 are the most widely used
 illegal software. We need to constantly educate users,
 that the use of such software is not only illegal,
 but also dangerous for them.
“- says Krzysztof
 Florczak from the Polish branch of Microsoft.

In addition, BSA reports that from month to month sale
 illegal (or suspects) copies of the software companies
 Adobe, Corel and Norton grow. In February of – respectively – 86%, 71%, and

Remember that buying illegal software we have
 reckon with the consequences
. Not only legal, but
 also related to the use of the pirates, who often do not
 receive the update, and it makes the work environment is
 more vulnerable to threats from the network, as viruses and Trojans

»See also:
  Game of Thrones set a new record … illegal downloads from

Source: press release


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