Friday, April 10, 2015

Software for 100 years – KopalniaWiedzy

| Technology

Agency (DARPA Defense for Advanced Research) announced another futuristic design . This time the 4-year program BRASS (Building Resource Adaptive Software Systems) will be conducted research aimed at developing basis on which to create software that would be useful and functional for at least 100 years.

As part BRASS solutions will be sought for the design and implementation of long-term development of systems that will be able to dynamically adapt to changes in the resources on which they depend, and the environment in which they operate. You will need to develop new abstracts linguistic, formal methods and resource-dependent methods of analysis software, making it possible to identifying the changes that must pass programs. It is necessary to also develop systems for monitoring the changes in the digital environment. BRASS project is expected to lead to a significant improvement of the software, its stability, reliability and facilitate its maintenance – DARPA says on the website.

technology constantly evolving, but very often the changes that need to be made in libraries, data formats, protocols, methods of data entry, software models negatively affect the behavior of the application. Inability to smoothly adjust the software to new operating conditions jeopardizes security in the longer term carries with it the risk of losing access to important data because software able to work with them becomes obsolete – says Suresh Jagannathan, who is responsible for the design BRASS.

Experts from DARPA wants to create a new model of software development. Aims to allow for the creation of such programs, which will have adapted to the new conditions, will work stably, do not lose access to the data, all without the need for major changes in them by man.


Source: DARPA

DARPA software adaptation


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