Thursday, January 8, 2015

Madkom SA will implement its software in the five boroughs … –

Madkom SA x17C implementation & #; s your software pi & # x119; five municipalities Ma & # x142; Opole Madkom SA, a company listed on the NewConnect since August 2012., engaged in the production of IT systems for government agencies, implement the software you have written in the following municipalities in Malopolska. The value of the contract is over 303 thousand. zł gross.

The implementation of software belonging to the Company will take place in the Municipal Offices Gdów, Gnojniku, Bear, Moszczeciny and Raciechociwach. The contract was won by Madkom SA in the framework of the project “Electronic office – modern citizen”, financed from the Operational Programme Human Capital Priority V “Good Governance”, Measure 5.2. “Strengthening the capacity of local government”, Measure 5.2.1 Modernization of local government management: Implementation of standards for the provision of e-services and e-mail for 5 JST (Municipality Gdow, Gnojnik Municipality, Municipality bear Moszczenica Municipality, the Municipality Raciechowice).

The object of the order is received, among others, delivery and implementation of software SIDAS EZD, domain systems and preparation and launch of new electronic services ePUAP. In addition, employees of the Company will also conduct comprehensive training for employees of Municipal Offices. With the acquisition of the new contract Madkom SA increase the level of their revenues in the coming quarters.

“The next contract is a confirmation of the upward trend of the Company, as there is in principle a week, we did not sign a new contract. Too early for a summary of last year, but definitely this year may turn out to be the best in the history of our company. When it comes to the number of signed contracts, we can already say that. However, if it comes to financial data, we expect a preliminary forecast financial results for the year. “- Says Grzegorz Szczechowiak, Chairman of the Board Madkom SA

 In December of this year. Madkom SA signed a letter of intent to purchase 51% stake in the IT sector, providing services in the field of financial analysis for the hospitality industry and medicine. The Company estimates that the transaction will be completed in the first half of January 2015. And it will have a positive impact on its financial results in the coming years.

 Madkom SA


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