Monday, November 24, 2014

FinSpy – hunt for the Trojans – Computer World

For years, Gamma Group (today FinFisher) is under fire
 because of its spy software FinSpy.
 The findings of Reporters Without Borders, Privacy International
 and organizations dealing with human rights that
  in recent years, the company sold its system
 inwigilacyjny not only the German Federal Office
 Kryminalnemu (BKA), but also a totalitarian countries
 and applying torture

Now the hacker attack unearthed secret documents,
 which cast a nasty suspicion: Is vendors
 Gamma cooperate with anti-virus? Computer World takes

Hacker provides transparency

pebbles, which caused an avalanche, was an attack on a web server
 Gamma at the beginning of August. Hacker hiding under a pseudonym
 “Phineas Fisher” stole secret documents of the company, published it on
 Twitter and handed WikiLeaks website.


 (Click image to enlarge it)

Published documents are striking. The materials
 published by Wikileaks as Spyfiles4 is a list
 customers, and its countries like Bahrain, Qatar,
 Mongolia, Pakistan, Singapore and Vietnam
. Gamma
 previously denied the supplied software
 spyware to countries where it is alleged rights violations
 man. The Munich branch of the company is not responsible for
 PC World editors question.

“You can also read relationship with the world’s most important conference
 DEF CON 22 hacker

In the case of lying on the Gulf of Bahrain documents
 Wikileaks reveal unpleasant details: table provides
 of detailed information about opponents of the government spying
 on the Gulf monarchies, calculated under surveillance equipment
 and shows the operation of spyware. Bahrain, according to the
 organizations dealing with the protection of human rights is a country
 employing torture
. And according to the arrangements of
 Watch Bahrain FinSpy being followed by the opposition in the country
 Persian Gulf are actually in custody.

finspyS.jpg WikiLeaks next secret documents
 Gamma also published FinSpy spy program. Above
 shows the control panel will spy software.

Spyfiles4 raises a lot of nasty suspicion

In the shared package was also Wikileaks
 Test table dated 4 April 2014. It cites
 all popular antivirus programs in the world
 and document the tests for detection of spyware Trojan
 Gamma. Scary – according to the table, in the current
 time, only one security program is able to detect
 Gamma Trojan
This raises the question: Are the programs are not
 just effective enough to recognize FinSpy? Or maybe
 are deliberately blind because antivirus vendors
 cooperate with spyware companies such as Gamma?

ceo.jpg Maik Morgenstern, CTO AV-Test: “Gamma
 optimizes spy programs until the software
 Safety will not be able to detect them! “

Computer World FinSpy checks

Computer World decided to check out this heavy suspicion.
 Editors Security Centre lucky, because a hacker Phineas
 Fisher is dispersed in mid-September and Wikileaks
 FinSpy Trojan released version! Computer World immediately
 into action and analyzed the software together
 with independent experts from AV-Test.

The result: the analysis of the code shows that it is actually
 about the “state of the Trojan”. His potential inwigilacyjny
 is scary
. The program connects to the camera
 and microphones infected devices and creates screenshots
 OSD. FinSpy keyboard entries and read this
 it can capture passwords. Sends the recordings of the conversations
 Skype and chat to secret server, it can be deleted,
 change, and download files and smuggle to
 the infected machine’s own figures. Trojan can even
 restore deleted files.

FinSpy in recognition test

From the World Computer analysis shows one thing, that the discovery
 WikiLeaks is not the current generation of Trojan, but his version
 four years ago. It also contains some modules.
 Missing for example, the function by which administered FinSpy
 security software against a harmless program
 thereby preventing the unmasking. Despite this
 Computer World AV checks with experts from Magdeburg, or
 popular antivirus programs detect spy

As expected, the test antivirus software with
 old pest has not brought a surprise. Only
 four relatively little-known manufacturers – Command, F-Prot,
 QuickHeal and Total Defense – did not know FinSpy
 All other recognize it by analyzing the code (heuristics)
 or by “APB virus” (signature).

Alarm canceled? Not at all! The information Edward Snowden
 that the NSA which invests millions of dollars in development
 Trojans. It is doubtful that the US software vendors
 protection must be detected. German manufacturers are lighter.
 G-Data spokesman Thorsten Urbanski says plaintext that the company
 had no inquiries from Gamma or state authorities. –
  If you try to influence us, given our clear
– says Urbanski. Computer World finger on the pulse.
 When they float FinSpy new variants, will also be tested.
 We promise!

“Read also: Chinese do not want Kaspersky and
 Symantec. We know why!

Photo: alphaspirit /


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