Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Number of the week: Malicious software attacks users … – PCLab.pl

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Kaspersky Lab experts have estimated the chances of entering the malicious program to a device running OS X from Apple. Data from the Kaspersky Security Network suggests that the active Internet user is attacked by malicious software for OS X at least 10 times a year.

in August 2014. likelihood of unwanted interference with the malicious software was approximately 3%. Compared with the 21% risk of infection faced by Windows users, the situation on the Mac seems much better. However, if we extrapolate this to the number of potential incidents, the problem no longer seems so trivial.

– During the first eight months of 2014. Experts at Kaspersky Lab have registered nearly 1 000 unique attacks on computers running OS X.

– The risk that a computer running Mac OS X is infected, is about 3%.

– Kaspersky Lab collection contains 1 800 unique samples of malicious files for Mac OS X (in some cases, one sample can describe a wide variety of threats.)

Malware software for OS X that most stands out in the collection of Kaspersky Lab Callme is a backdoor that allows cybercriminals to remotely access the system and, under the additional features, stealing contacts the owner of the device – which are likely future victims. Another backdoor Laoshu is signed with a trusted certificate creator – apparently malware writers are preparing to spread it through the official store AppStore. Laoshu action consists in performing screenshots every minute. Third spyware, which is worth mentioning Ventir, provides the functionality of a secret remote control and is able to record the characters entered from the keyboard. The collection also features a spyware iPhone, the first encryption module files for OS X and the first Bitcoiny stealing malware for OS X.

“Over the past four years, the threat landscape has changed significantly for Mac transformation – from isolated cases to a global epidemic caused by a worm Flashback, which resulted in 2011. infected was 700 000 computers with OS X over the world. It was a turning point – after that every year there are hundreds of new malicious programs for Apple hardware. What’s more, OS X was the center of high-profile espionage operations in the media, such as The Mask / careto and Icefog “- said Eugene Kaspersky , President and CEO of Kaspersky Lab.

Data from Kaspersky Lab shows that users in the United States and Germany were by far the most affected by the attacks in 2013-2014 – in these countries registered to 66 000 to detect threats to OS X. In the five countries on the list – the UK, Canada, Spain , Italy and Australia – were recorded for 7 700 to detect.

10 simple tips that will improve the protection of your Mac

  1. Casual work with an account that does not have administrator privileges.
  2. Use a browser that includes a mechanism sandbox (sandbox) and has a good reputation when it comes to quick fixing security issues.
  3. Uninstall Flash Player and Java, if it is necessary.
  4. Install all updates of the operating system and applications used immediately after they occur.
  5. Use a password manager to protect yourself against phishing.
  6. Disable IPv6 AirPort and Bluetooth when not in use.
  7. Enable full disk encryption (FileVault).
  8. Block the ability to install applications from untrusted sources (‘Preferences’ & gt; ‘Security and Privacy’ & gt; ‘General’ & gt; ‘Allow programs downloaded from the’: & gt; ‘Mac App Store’ or ‘Mac App Store and from identified authors’).
  9. Update Adobe Reader to the latest version.
  10. Install a good security solution.

The information can be used freely subject to the administration of Kaspersky Lab as a source.

All Press Releases Kaspersky Lab Polish are available at http://www.kaspersky.pl/news.


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