Thursday, December 31, 2015

5 trends in software for companies 2016 – eGospodarka

Welcome to 2016, in which the digital transformation change from vision to reality. They will be developed groundbreaking business models that will change the workplace. Industry will face new challenges. Some companies will adopt these new paradigms, gain competitive advantage and continues to evolve, others do not.

At the heart of this revolution are five trends that entrepreneurs should understand and implement that in the coming years to successfully grow your business.

Trend 1 – The Internet of Things

Effective firmware should collect a variety of data, extract meaning from them and adjust business processes.

– In the postmodern world focus shifts to the mobile user, which is surrounded by a mesh of devices covering a lot more than just the traditional mobile devices. Despite the fact that more and more often these devices were connected to various systems via different networks, usually operated independently of each other. With the development of digital nets expect greater cooperation between the same devices – said David Cleary, vice president of Gartner.

Trend 2 – New Analyst

In the world there are new techniques and strategies to analyze the wave information. Soon it will be too large and complex to its analysis could deal with people. Analysis of terabytes of data will take intelligent software that will suggest solutions to people.

So far, programs for businesses are designed with calculations. Today focus on analytical and intelligence, which is characterized in a previously unheard of. Intelligent programs will occupy an important place in the activities of companies already in 2016.

photo. kromkrathog –

What is software for businesses in 2016?

In 2016, the user experience will go beyond a nice interface, and will focus on anticipating the needs and user behavior.

Trend 3 – The rapid development of User Experience

In 2016, the user experience will go beyond a nice interface, and a focus to anticipate the needs and behavior of users. You can also expect intelligent software will reduce the need for human interaction.

The utility will translate into a much greater impact business applications on the functioning of employees. The teams will exchange larger amounts of data, often and with more seats, which will increase productivity, foster cooperation and provide better and more timely information.

4 Trend – beautiful weather for the clouds

Small and medium-sized companies has led forefront when it comes to migration to the cloud. They began by moving applications that were not crucial for their business mission, but soon was transferred to the cloud more and more critical applications. According to forecasts, in 2016 will join them large international corporations.

also increases the number of enterprise cloud solutions. Security concerns subside. Large companies seek greater flexibility and less complexity solutions.

Trend 5 – Automate routine tasks

Advanced software will allow relief workers, and specialized photo on their shoulders routine tasks. According to the report, McKenzie & amp; Company in November 2015: “… up to 45% of the tasks for which performance pay staff today, can be automated through the adoption of technologies presented today”.

Increasingly sophisticated software will perform increasingly complex tasks – from analyzing reports and data when making operational decisions.


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Trends in the field of enterprise software in 2016 –

Trends in the field of software for businessmen & # x119; enterprises in 2016 Welcome to 2016 in which digital transformation change from vision to reality. They will be developed groundbreaking business models that will change the workplace. Industry will face new challenges. Some companies will adopt these new paradigms, gain competitive advantage and continues to evolve, others do not.

At the heart of this revolution are five trends that entrepreneurs should understand and implement that in the coming years to successfully grow your business .

Trend 1 – The Internet of Things

 Effective firmware should collect a variety of data, extract meaning from them and adjust business processes.

– In the postmodern world focus shifts to the mobile user, which is surrounded by a mesh of devices covering a lot more than just the traditional mobile devices. Despite the fact that more and more often these devices were connected to various systems via different networks, usually operated independently of each other. With the development of digital nets expect greater cooperation between the same devices – said David Cleary, vice president at Gartner.

Trend 2 – New Analyst

 In the world there are new techniques and strategies to analyze the wave information. Soon it will be too large and complex to its analysis could deal with people. Analysis of terabytes of data will take intelligent software that will suggest solutions to people.

So far, programs for businesses are designed with calculations. Today focus on analytical and intelligence, which is characterized in a previously unheard of. Intelligent programs will occupy an important place in the activities of companies already in 2016.

Trend 3 – The rapid development of User Experience

 In 2016, the user experience will go beyond a nice interface, and will focus on anticipating the needs and behavior of users. You can also expect intelligent software will reduce the need for human interaction.

The utility will translate into a much greater impact business applications on the functioning of employees. The teams will exchange larger amounts of data, often and with more seats, which will increase productivity, foster cooperation and provide better and more timely information.

4 Trend – beautiful weather for the clouds

 Small and medium-sized companies has led forefront when it comes to migration to the cloud. They began by moving applications that were not crucial for their business mission, but soon was transferred to the cloud more and more critical applications. According to forecasts, in 2016 they will join them large international corporations.

An increasing number of corporate or cloud solutions. Security concerns subside. Large companies seek greater flexibility and less complexity solutions.


Trend 5 – Automate routine tasks

 Advanced software will allow relief workers, and specialized photo on their shoulders routine tasks. According to the report, McKenzie & amp; Company in November 2015: “… up to 45% of the tasks for which performance pay staff today, can be automated through the adoption of technologies presented today”.

Increasingly sophisticated software will perform increasingly complex tasks – from analyzing reports and data when making operational decisions.

 Unit4 Poland


Monday, December 28, 2015

Thousands of prisoners freed by a bug in the software –

In 2002, the Supreme Court issued a judgment ordering the creation of a system which allows the granting of prisoners at special points for good behavior, which allow to shorten the prison term and unleash such an individual before the end of full incarceration. The new system was first implemented in Washington state, but the software that was rigged points rule has not been prepared. This caused the prisoners received much more credit than they should, which illegally shortened the time of judgment.

As a result of defective functioning of the system, up to 3200 people left the walls of prison much sooner than it should. In most of these sentences were shortened by more than 100 days, but in one case, a prisoner staying in solitary confinement, was released from prison until 600 days in advance.

Officials did not know about the error, but about its existence realized their family of one of the victims, whose torturer in jail. In 2012 she performed its own calculations and came out to her that the offender has left the walls of the plant much earlier than it should. Immediately informed of this fact the Department of Corrections, but inexplicably problem taken care of him until now, because another 3100 people, which also had to be prematurely released, remain in prison.

Most of the prisoners who were given such an extraordinary gift, not going back to jail to serve the rest of the cards and ordered that only five people. The Governor of the State of Washington announced the initiation of an investigation, which is to explain why so long was delayed repairing this error.


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Dreamliner to Warsaw stuck in New York. Afew … – BBC

Plane “had to fly out on December 22 at 22:25 Polish time from the airport. John F. Kennedy in New York, and December 23 at 12.35 would be landing at the airport them. Frederic Chopin in Warsaw. Flight canceled “- wrote on Your Info Mr. Robert. With his relationship it shows that a 16-strong group Team Silesia was in Canada and the US on tour with concerts kolędowymi. Mr. Robert remains in constant contact with people from the team, which stuck at the airport. “The information from passengers that the aircraft has a failure and is unable to the outlet. First it was expected, because the delay was planned, but the situation has not stabilized “, – reported.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Magneti Marelli updates software – e-self-healing

Fig. Magneti Marelli

Fig. Magneti Marelli

There is another version of the software tester & oacute; to Asian Gold and Asian Platinum.


The company Magneti Marelli has prepared a new (numbered 15.50) version of the software to devices Asian Gold and Asian Platinum.

This edition has been supplemented by support nearly 1,500 systems in more than 100 vehicles.

A detailed list of supported drivers, and update files are available at the following addresses:


Illegal software for officials –

According to the latest report by the Business Software Alliance, piracy in Poland reaches 51 per cent., which means that every other installed software is illegal. It’s bad performance, especially when you compare them to the European average, which is 29 per cent. It would seem, however, that this problem concerns private users and possibly some entrepreneurs, but not public administration. But the reality is different.

– While previously with the problem of illegal software met mainly on the private market, so much from the beginning of the year we have more and more signals that it is also supplied to public entities in the framework of public procurement contracts. Only after some time recipient’s finding that labels, holograms or codes are simply falsified – says Piotr Marchuk, vice-president of the Association of Employers of digital technologies Leviathan and general manager. Corporate policy at Microsoft Poland.

Represented by his association recently sent a letter to the Public Procurement Office and the Ministry Digitization, which draws attention to the threat. It indicated in the four scenarios with which analysts met in public tenders. The first concerns the procurement of computers installed operating systems. On the hardware are placed counterfeit certificates or labels designed to confirm authenticity. Then it turns out that the codes printed on such certificates have already been activated once or come from theft. The second option – the delivery of multiple copies of software illegally. Vigilance should arouse the audience that it is delivered on CD-recordable DVD-R or USB flash drive. Association also warns against unauthorized activation codes (transmitted in the form of e-mails or print). The last way is the distribution of counterfeit certificates or labels from the fact that not with the hardware (as in option first), but separately.

Double payment

If the client does not recognize that fell victim to scammers, it uses software which has no rights. And he will bear the consequences.

– Responsibility for the use of this software up to the customer. It can not effectively cover up the assurances contractor and that it acquired the software in good faith – warns Agnieszka Wiercinska-Krużewska, a lawyer at the law firm WKB Wierciński, Kwieciński, Baehr.

– The most far-reaching consequence a ban on further use of programs that can be relatively quickly implemented by obtaining temporary protection. Purchaser runs well on liability for damages, eg. Payment of twice the remuneration payable – he added.

In other words, first for many months, officials have nothing to work with, then they must pay double the price, though previously paid for fraudulent traders.

– If the contract with the contractor is properly executed, the contracting authority may have a claim for relief themselves of responsibility for such damage – rounds out but mec. Wiercinska-Krużewska.

But count not only the financial impact.

“There are 33 percent. the likelihood that consumers and businesses will be in contact with malware for the acquisition and installation of pirated package. This could potentially expose users to threats from spyware, malware and viruses, which in turn can lead to fraud, identity theft, data loss, breaches of confidentiality, and failure of systems “- can be read in a letter to the PPO.

Verification of legality

How to protect against this risk?

– Purchaser shall have the right to request submission by the contractor declaration that carried his supplies meet certain requirements, eg. for the originality of delivered products and the conformity of the goods with the provisions of copyright law – says Rafał Kasterski, legal advisor with the law firm Kasterski & Partners. – If the statement was untrue, there would be a condition to exclude a contractor from Art. 24 paragraph. 2 points. 3 of the Act – Public Procurement Law (Journal of Laws of 2013. Pos. 907 as amended.) – He added.

The expert also draws attention to the possibility of rejecting the offer pursuant to Art. 89 paragraph. 1 point 3 of the Act, which is due to commit an act of unfair competition. In the light of the judgment of the Court of Appeal in Poznan from 20 February 2008. (Ca IA 93/08) provide illegal software is in fact an act of unfair competition.

All these considerations are, however, theoretical in nature. In practice, the contracting authority during the tender period can not really verify the legality of the software. Even if the demands of the sample, it just provided him a copy may be legal, while others are not.

– At the tender stage, but it does note the very large disparities in prices and even then make sure if the bidder may be justified discounts from manufacturers or distributors of software – highlights Piotr Marchuk.

ZPTC Leviathan proposes authorities, to the specifications to write down specific provisions which may strengthen their position (pattern on page

– To provide illegal software may constitute a breach of contract with the customer. There can be foreseen the right to withdraw in case of breaching provisions by the contractor, and also able to charge in such a case the contractual penalties – suggests Rafal Kasterski – condition for the use of such sanctions is, however, to verify the legality of the delivery item – notes.

I do? – The best way is to contact the software manufacturer – says Piotr Marchuk. ©?


Illegal software for officials –

According to the latest report by the Business Software Alliance, piracy in Poland reaches 51 per cent., which means that every other installed software is illegal. It’s bad performance, especially when you compare them to the European average, which is 29 per cent. It would seem, however, that this problem concerns private users and possibly some entrepreneurs, but not public administration. But the reality is different.

– While previously with the problem of illegal software met mainly on the private market, so much from the beginning of the year we have more and more signals that it is also supplied to public entities in the framework of public procurement contracts. Only after some time recipient’s finding that labels, holograms or codes are simply falsified – says Piotr Marchuk, vice-president of the Association of Employers of digital technologies Leviathan and general manager. Corporate policy at Microsoft Poland.

Represented by his association recently sent a letter to the Public Procurement Office and the Ministry Digitization, which draws attention to the threat. It indicated in the four scenarios with which analysts met in public tenders. The first concerns the procurement of computers installed operating systems. On the hardware are placed counterfeit certificates or labels designed to confirm authenticity. Then it turns out that the codes printed on such certificates have already been activated once or come from theft. The second option – the delivery of multiple copies of software illegally. Vigilance should arouse the audience that it is delivered on CD-recordable DVD-R or USB flash drive. Association also warns against unauthorized activation codes (transmitted in the form of e-mails or print). The last way is the distribution of counterfeit certificates or labels from the fact that not with the hardware (as in option first), but separately.

Double payment

If the client does not recognize that fell victim to scammers, it uses software which has no rights. And he will bear the consequences.

– Responsibility for the use of this software up to the customer. It can not effectively cover up the assurances contractor and that it acquired the software in good faith – warns Agnieszka Wiercinska-Krużewska, a lawyer at the law firm WKB Wierciński, Kwieciński, Baehr.

– The most far-reaching consequence a ban on further use of programs that can be relatively quickly implemented by obtaining temporary protection. Purchaser runs well on liability for damages, eg. Payment of twice the remuneration payable – he added.

In other words, first for many months, officials have nothing to work with, then they must pay double the price, though previously paid for fraudulent traders.

– If the contract with the contractor is properly executed, the contracting authority may have a claim for relief themselves of responsibility for such damage – rounds out but mec. Wiercinska-Krużewska.

But count not only the financial impact.

“There are 33 percent. the likelihood that consumers and businesses will be in contact with malware for the acquisition and installation of pirated package. This could potentially expose users to threats from spyware, malware and viruses, which in turn can lead to fraud, identity theft, data loss, breaches of confidentiality, and failure of systems “- can be read in a letter to the PPO.

Verification of legality

How to protect against this risk?

– Purchaser shall have the right to request submission by the contractor declaration that carried his supplies meet certain requirements, eg. for the originality of delivered products and the conformity of the goods with the provisions of copyright law – says Rafał Kasterski, legal advisor with the law firm Kasterski & Partners. – If the statement was untrue, there would be a condition to exclude a contractor from Art. 24 paragraph. 2 points. 3 of the Act – Public Procurement Law (Journal of Laws of 2013. Pos. 907 as amended.) – He added.

The expert also draws attention to the possibility of rejecting the offer pursuant to Art. 89 paragraph. 1 point 3 of the Act, which is due to commit an act of unfair competition. In the light of the judgment of the Court of Appeal in Poznan from 20 February 2008. (Ca IA 93/08) provide illegal software is in fact an act of unfair competition.

All these considerations are, however, theoretical in nature. In practice, the contracting authority during the tender period can not really verify the legality of the software. Even if the demands of the sample, it just provided him a copy may be legal, while others are not.

– At the tender stage, but it does note the very large disparities in prices and even then make sure if the bidder may be justified discounts from manufacturers or distributors of software – highlights Piotr Marchuk.

ZPTC Leviathan proposes authorities, to the specifications to write down specific provisions which may strengthen their position (pattern on page

– To provide illegal software may constitute a breach of contract with the customer. There can be foreseen the right to withdraw in case of breaching provisions by the contractor, and also able to charge in such a case the contractual penalties – suggests Rafal Kasterski – condition for the use of such sanctions is, however, to verify the legality of the delivery item – notes.

I do? – The best way is to contact the software manufacturer – says Piotr Marchuk. ©?


Friday, December 18, 2015

Zenon software already compatible with Windows 10 –

 Software zenon already compatible with Windows 10

photo. COPA-DATA

The latest version of the software industrial automation company COPA-DATA, zenon 7.20, successfully passed the test for compatibility with Microsoft Windows 10. The software works flawlessly on the new operating system and meets all the requirements for quality and safety.

Under the end of July this year, Microsoft launched Windows 10 – the “best Windows” as claimed by company employees. Windows 10 hit the market as a service, which will be constantly updated. With the positive test results zenon, Microsoft announced that zenon works without plea on the new Windows 10. Therefore, all customers using zenon can now update their operating systems whenever they want. All projects using zenon working well from the first moment after the update.

Reinhard Mayr, manager. Product COPA-DATA, explains: “Our software is designed for Microsoft technologies, which is why we are interested in further the development of Windows. For Windows 10, particular emphasis was placed on safety and comfort. These two aspects are particularly important for us in the software development process. We are pleased that we can offer our customers full compatibility of our software, zenon with Windows 10. “

In addition to many other versions, Microsoft also introduced Windows 10 IoT Core. This new edition of Windows was developed specifically for small embedded devices – with or without display. Stefan Hufnagl, manager. Integrated Product Policy at COPA-DATA, explains: “Windows IoT Core provides developers and systems architects creative freedom. This platform supports multiple programming languages ​​and open source option. At the moment the company COPA-DATA focus on this latest platform, and recent tests have shown that our environment for PLC programming based on IEC 61131-3, zenon Logic, runs smoothly on devices with Windows IoT Core. Placing industrial components PLC devices with Windows IoT Core lets look at an interesting architectural and topological orders. Due to the inexpensive platform can be used both flexible and resilient web. In this way, technology optimally complement each other to produce modules to create smart networks. “

Since 2005, as part of the Microsoft Partner Network company COPA-DATA is committed to further development of strategic partnership and is twice winner of competence Microsoft (“Application Development” and “Intelligent Systems”).


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Saturday, December 12, 2015

GUGiK ordered a software project TERYT 3 – Business portal

5 596 listings in the database


Planet CV7L – NVR Lite software for IP cameras from the E series –

Planet Cam Viever 7-Lite is a new generation product, designed to support IP cameras from the E series It allows the easy creation of surveillance systems consisting of multiple cameras on medium and large buildings, as well as control and operation via a single PC.

Cam Viewer 7-Lite helps users to view and save images and recordings from multiple IP cameras simultaneously using a single PC, and additionally provides full support for 16 cameras are connected, in terms of event management, video recording, motion detection and advanced PTZ control.

 Intelligent motion detection through adaptive technology to detect differences in the image ensures accuracy at the level of individual pixels. In addition, the software includes mechanisms responsible for noise filtering and zooming motion detection area. The monitoring systems, each camera has its own recording mode, the event handler, codec, resolution and image quality. Cam Viewer software enables 7-Lite, we have full control of flexibility to adapt their IP cameras to individual needs.

 Recordings from the cameras can be stored on the PC hard disk. All video files on the system are sorted by recording date. The software offers a mode to automatically overwrite the oldest recordings in the absence of disk space. There is also a function of the whole export the selected recording without having to use additional software for video editing.

Source: Planet Technology



Friday, December 11, 2015

This story obrzydzi you search for “special occasions” on … – Cafeteria

Counterfeit and pirated software is a bane online auction. And although authorities are trying to fight this phenomenon, still to this type of services there are goods which due to their dubious origin found there should not be. As criminals hiding from detection? A story from this summer, most likely you zmierzi.

This story obrzydzi you search esp & # XF3; lnych opportunity to software

To probably one of the most heinous scandals associated with counterfeit software. Thus, which then sold illegally on the Internet auctions in a “particularly bargain prices,” including in Poland. Three residents of the United States led to multi-million dollar losses using the … charity.

The conspiracy was international, and three criminals worked with so far unknown to the citizens of China. As a result of this cooperation group illegally enriched themselves with millions of dollars from the sale of unlicensed software by Adobe and Microsoft. Its clients send only the activation keys programs from digital distribution, using the charity, which gave them considerable wealth. During the raid on criminals secured valuables, real estate and luxury cars worth a total of $ 18,000,000. All in all, clean, they earned according to estimates by $ 30 million.

How did we fall on their trail?

The activities of criminals discovered the blunder of one of them . Federal Service of the United States were able to determine that one of them bought from “Chinese sources” and sold at a profit tens of thousands of illegal and counterfeit activation keys sheets-scratch with these keys for Microsoft software. Some of the cards with the codes for the untrained eye were indistinguishable from those sold by Microsoft.

Activation codes were sold exclusively through auction sites, both those operating internationally and local. Margins on these codes is set at a very high, so as not to exaggerate differ from established market prices. How high? It is worth mentioning that the total amount of transfers to China for the purchase of counterfeit criminals license are suddenly less than 700 thousand. dollars.

“We help people …”

The organization of criminals to facilitate their activities, functioned as a charity. Many of the licenses offered by it went to charity auctions, from which the profits were aimed at supporting the construction of new hospitals in Africa or the poor citizens of one of the states of the USA. As you might imagine, much of the money actually went to the needy – suddenly 866 thousand. dollars.

Microsoft and Adobe, whose software discussed here forged criminal organization, attempted a collective effort to end its activities for five years. But it was only this year managed to collect an adequate number of evidence. And since two powerful corporations have a problem with the individual case, this gives a picture of the scale of the problem on a global basis. Cybercriminals are using innocent-looking online auctions deceive not only software developers and their customers, but they can even hide under the banner of charities, in order to avoid responsibility. Organizations that actually provide little good.
