Monday, December 28, 2015

Thousands of prisoners freed by a bug in the software –

In 2002, the Supreme Court issued a judgment ordering the creation of a system which allows the granting of prisoners at special points for good behavior, which allow to shorten the prison term and unleash such an individual before the end of full incarceration. The new system was first implemented in Washington state, but the software that was rigged points rule has not been prepared. This caused the prisoners received much more credit than they should, which illegally shortened the time of judgment.

As a result of defective functioning of the system, up to 3200 people left the walls of prison much sooner than it should. In most of these sentences were shortened by more than 100 days, but in one case, a prisoner staying in solitary confinement, was released from prison until 600 days in advance.

Officials did not know about the error, but about its existence realized their family of one of the victims, whose torturer in jail. In 2012 she performed its own calculations and came out to her that the offender has left the walls of the plant much earlier than it should. Immediately informed of this fact the Department of Corrections, but inexplicably problem taken care of him until now, because another 3100 people, which also had to be prematurely released, remain in prison.

Most of the prisoners who were given such an extraordinary gift, not going back to jail to serve the rest of the cards and ordered that only five people. The Governor of the State of Washington announced the initiation of an investigation, which is to explain why so long was delayed repairing this error.


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