Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Trends in the field of enterprise software in 2016 – Inwestycje.pl

Trends in the field of software for businessmen & # x119; enterprises in 2016 Welcome to 2016 in which digital transformation change from vision to reality. They will be developed groundbreaking business models that will change the workplace. Industry will face new challenges. Some companies will adopt these new paradigms, gain competitive advantage and continues to evolve, others do not.

At the heart of this revolution are five trends that entrepreneurs should understand and implement that in the coming years to successfully grow your business .

Trend 1 – The Internet of Things

 Effective firmware should collect a variety of data, extract meaning from them and adjust business processes.

– In the postmodern world focus shifts to the mobile user, which is surrounded by a mesh of devices covering a lot more than just the traditional mobile devices. Despite the fact that more and more often these devices were connected to various systems via different networks, usually operated independently of each other. With the development of digital nets expect greater cooperation between the same devices – said David Cleary, vice president at Gartner.

Trend 2 – New Analyst

 In the world there are new techniques and strategies to analyze the wave information. Soon it will be too large and complex to its analysis could deal with people. Analysis of terabytes of data will take intelligent software that will suggest solutions to people.

So far, programs for businesses are designed with calculations. Today focus on analytical and intelligence, which is characterized in a previously unheard of. Intelligent programs will occupy an important place in the activities of companies already in 2016.

Trend 3 – The rapid development of User Experience

 In 2016, the user experience will go beyond a nice interface, and will focus on anticipating the needs and behavior of users. You can also expect intelligent software will reduce the need for human interaction.

The utility will translate into a much greater impact business applications on the functioning of employees. The teams will exchange larger amounts of data, often and with more seats, which will increase productivity, foster cooperation and provide better and more timely information.

4 Trend – beautiful weather for the clouds

 Small and medium-sized companies has led forefront when it comes to migration to the cloud. They began by moving applications that were not crucial for their business mission, but soon was transferred to the cloud more and more critical applications. According to forecasts, in 2016 they will join them large international corporations.

An increasing number of corporate or cloud solutions. Security concerns subside. Large companies seek greater flexibility and less complexity solutions.


Trend 5 – Automate routine tasks

 Advanced software will allow relief workers, and specialized photo on their shoulders routine tasks. According to the report, McKenzie & amp; Company in November 2015: “… up to 45% of the tasks for which performance pay staff today, can be automated through the adoption of technologies presented today”.

Increasingly sophisticated software will perform increasingly complex tasks – from analyzing reports and data when making operational decisions.

 Unit4 Poland


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