Wednesday, December 2, 2015

What’s next with anti-virus software? Interview with … – dobreprogramy

Malware is no longer a mere cyber vandalism, it
 serious, profitable business. Revenue from its creation permit
 finance work on the next generation of pests that apply
 sophisticated programming techniques to bypass security
 operating systems and detection by antivirus scanners. Whether
 anti-virus software developers are able to win in this
 the race? Is created by these tools can still
 effectively protect against cyber attacks, which include not only today
 PCs with Windows? About these very issues – and not just about them
 – We talked Ondřej Vlčekiem, COO
 Company Avast, one of the largest software vendors
 protective in the world.

Ondrej Vlcek is Avaście since 1995. He started as a simple
 programmer to become in 2003 the main programmer, 2007
 the technical director, and since last year – director
 operational. This young and brilliant man is more than
 a programmer, a trained mathematician who specializes in
 nonlinear optimization methods. This interview is the result
 conversation I conducted with him shortly after the
 This year’s version of Avast security software
 Free Antivirus.

dobreprogramy: What do you think about the trend of converting
 comprehensive anti-virus software security suites?
 Is not it better to stick to the KISS principle (Keep it simple, stupid)?

Ondrej Vlcek: KISS principle is always good, and that is why
 We keep her in our free tool, Avast Free Antivirus.
 It uses the same antivirus engine as our products
 Premium because we believe that all internet users deserve
 protection. At the same time we offer our customers comprehensive packages
 additional features protective mechanisms to improve
 the convenience of using them as such there is a need

What are the challenges for manufacturers of Windows 10

To adapt our products to Windows 10 were not needed
 major changes. We had only slightly modify a few
 components to work properly, but there was no need
 make any changes in behavior or communication throughout

What is the actual value of traditional detection methods
 malware by using signatures in the modern,
 increasingly hostile computing environment?

Using traditional methods to detect malware today already
 not enough. At the beginning of our activity
 odnotowywaliśmy from one to five new pests per day.
 Virus writers wrote it for the fame. Today we are dealing with
 organized cybergangami, czerpiącymi of the financial benefits.
 Daily we note 200 thousand. pests, have a mutation in the
 days or even hours. They can not be caught by traditional
 methods. Since the malware started to resemble Big
 Date (large, diverse collections of data the processing and
 analysis is possible using simple means of formal –
 ed. ed.), we have to use statistical analysis to its

Do you then anti-virus solutions can be
 replaced by something like the dynamic sensors patterns
 start with loud
 last platform EPP, which was advertised as a successor to today
 using security software?

It’s nothing new. Some antivirus programs today
 They offer dynamically detect patterns startup. Avast launches
 Such dynamically detect when the program goes to sandboksa
 (safeguards that isolates suspicious software on the system
 Operating – editor. ed.) and collected logs are his
 action. If you are in them signs of suspicious behavior, file
 is blocked.

Is polymorphic pests (malicious software that
 The same modifies its code to avoid detection detection signatures –
 ed. ed.) can be effectively detected and isolated on weaker
 computers and mobile devices?


Yes, these pests appeared for the first time in years
 nineties, when computers were much slower than
 today, but managed to detect them.

What about the pests, which began to directly attack
 The same anti-virus software? How to protect against something,
 which actively fights our security?

That’s right, antivirus software may be attacked by present in
 these gaps and vulnerabilities. That is why we announced programs
 hunting for bugs to patch these vulnerabilities faster (depending on
 importance of the discovery, Avast offers from 400 to 10 thousand dollars for
 detected in its software bug that would jeopardize
 security – editor. ed.). Of course pestscan
 try to directly damage your files anti-virus, kill it
 processes – and that is why Avast features a module

What kinds of pests they are today the most effective and
 The most troublesome for you?

From the perspective of anti-virus programs all pests
 look basically the same, their form is hidden code
 encrypted. Pests often change, which makes for us
 issuing important collections of signatures as soon as possible in order to
 protect our users.

How today arise pests? Which of the methods of creation
 pests today are the most effective?

Malicious software is built mostly by groups
 experienced programmers. Designed by these pests are
 usually wrapped in layers polymorphic packers and
 encryption, which change very quickly, being
 a challenge for antivirus solutions.

What do you think about technique known as Return Oriented Programming
 (attack method allows for the submission of malicious code with the command
 another running program – ed. ed.):

It is used to bypass such safeguards as
 Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) and Data Execution
 Prevention (DEP). Today is used in the majority of exploits,
 as more and more software is compiled from
 support for ASLR and DEP.

What is your opinion about the pursuit of isolation and
 containerisation in the modern software, ie. Virtualization
 building sandboxes (sandboksów), etc.

Insulation and containerization is a step in the right direction, because
 It helps to separate the two processes, decreasing the surface
 attack. However, if the same sandbox will be errors,
 pests of the escape and the entire security becomes nothing
 worth it.

Today, more and more applications use their own
 sandpits, we get multiple layers of security, but is it
 actually a good way to decentralize security issue
 drop to individual applications?

It depends on how the security layer is written. As
 I have already mentioned, if the sandbox will vulnerability
 malware from her escape and infect the machine.

Do you then you can still create a truly safe
 general purpose operating system?

Creating a completely secure operating system is not enough
 likely. However, creating an operating system that is
 safer than today used, it should be possible. FROM
 On the other hand security largely depends on the
 users. Lack of knowledge and awareness of the issue makes
 people are victims of attacks exploiting engineering
 social, such as phishing. They can lead to
 run malicious software – and in such cases
 Even the most secure system can be infected.

What is the story with formally verified systems such
 as SEL4? (kernel system, which found no errors for
 by formal mathematical methods – ed. ed.)

I like this approach, when applied to specific
 IT security issues. However, Avast provides solutions
 protection for millions of people and therefore we have to look at
 risks in a more comprehensive manner. Having a small,
 formally revised kernel is only the beginning in the whole stack
 sensitive security issues. Behind these sensitive issues
 follow the possible vulnerabilities or design flaws in the system
 operational and software. In many cases, the user
 It runs the applications as persuaded him that it was harmless
 application. The question is: what can be achieved by implementing such
 specific solution, so what’s left will still
 aggressor to achieve its objectives – to gain access to data
 Username or control over the computer.

You created a version of your package protection for
 OS X. How would you rate the overall level of system security
 Poppies, it is better or worse than the Windows tool in?

General Security OS X is better than Windows PCs, but
 major reason for this is that it has fewer users,
 It makes it less interesting target for attackers. As
 increase the popularity of Macs, however, we see more and more attempts
 the attack on the system.

Is OS X is a manufacturer of antivirus software
 difficult environment to work than Windows?

It depends on the perspective from which to look at it. To create a
 solution for Macs, you need to have a different set of skills
 development, involve people with experience of
 Unix, since OS X shares a lot of code from FreeBSD.
 Experience with writing such software for Windows does not
 just because in matters related to security of need
 use of specific interfaces provided by
 operating system vendors. At this point, Microsoft is
 more open, more willing to provide documentation of their APIs than
 Apple. But the fact is that both the platform are susceptible to
 threats and both manufacturers try it this close and
 secure systems alone. However, none of them is
 able to independently detect all threats and protect yourself
 against attacks, especially those that are focused on
 trick users through phishing and other techniques
 social engineering. Therefore, the market there is room for
 specialized security solutions for both Windows and
 OS X.

If you were a co-creator of Windows, which would in
 they changed to make them safer?

Windows systems are used around the world. That
 Because of their history and the need to preserve compatibility
 for years they have not entered into any significant changes. I Like
 approach, in which each application is in your sandbox
 and its powers are clearly defined, as it is in the system
 iOS. If there are no exploits, we solved it
 a lot of problems – though of course not all. Thus
 what I want to see the Windows tool in applications
 sandboxes. The equivalent of something like that prepared in
 Avaście. If you have a CPU with support for hardware
 Virtualization is potentially problematic startup
 applications, eg. of unknown origin, we can isolate it, so
 that its code could not affect the operating system, other applications
 and data.

What do you think about biometric authentication on PCs? Whether
 this can ever replace the classic pair of login and password?

Biometrics is a good alternative, but a pair username / password forever
 They will be needed, even in emergency situations. E.g,
 if your fingerprints will be stolen, hackers could too
 use them to gain access to all of your accounts, and you would rather not
 you go to a surgeon to change fingerprints with new ones. No need here
 Moreover hackers, besides just think of a situation in which
 you hurt your finger. The ability to log on to your account
 a traditional password is required.

Do you think the Internet stuff is more opportunity or
 threat to our life, both virtual and
 physical? What can we do to protect these small, unsupported
 Things internet devices from attacks of pests?

The Internet of Things is an opportunity. The threat comes from people –
 both producers and consumers ignore the basic principles
 safety necessary for this type of product.

a serious problem on the Internet Items are primarily
 routers through which merge with the remains of the device.
 Many users are not even aware that their routers
 They have administrative panels, which should change the default
 device password. If your router uses the default password, and
 so it is today, more than half used worldwide equipment
 this class, hackers can easily access and opportunity to take over
 control of the hardware. The same applies to all terminals
 Internet of Things – if possible, it is imperative
 change their default passwords.

The second important issue is the vulnerability at the same routers. Their
 software is written in low-level code, usually in
 C, and this means that many of their problems have not been adequately
 solved, many routers are vulnerable to attack. Another important
 the problem is the lack of automatic updates – of users
 It depends on whether or log on to the control panel and manually
 update the firmware. As you might guess, few are


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