Monday, June 22, 2015

UKE: Lock SMS and software to help … –

The law and technology provide many opportunities for parents to protect children from pornography and other unwanted content on the network or phone. Can help the blockade of SMS Premium Rate and the appropriate software offered, among others, by operatorów.Nawet most effective lock but can not replace personal supervision

There are mechanisms that allow minors to block access to dangerous content for them, especially sexual content, pornographic – news agency says Business Pawel Kucharczyk Newseria from the Office of Electronic Communications. – Such mechanisms are primarily various kinds of software, such as parental controls that allow parents and guardians to check that al also block access to pornography on devices such as desktop, laptop or mobile phone .
These programs allow you to restrict or block the display of both the content and the use of specific programs. In addition, every year the President of UKE certifies “Safer Internet” providers who offer effective programs of this type.

We want operators to have applied for this certificate, of course fulfillment of the criteria, so that consumers have choice and could at the same telecommunications services to protect themselves and their children from accessing this type of content – says David Baker, a spokesman for the UKE.

Parents are also able to block SMS messages from pornography. Premium Rate is a telecommunications service for premium rate. Through it, users can order the game, subscriptions, participate in contests and sweepstakes, but they also serve to provide paid access to pornographic and sekstelefonów.

One of the legal instruments which introduced Office , was an amendment to the Telecommunications Law, which requires each operator to the fact that the subscriber free of charge upon request blocked access to Premium Rate services, both outbound and inbound, and that determined upon request of the subscriber upper limit amounts that can be on this type of service issue – says David Baker.

Children under the age of 13 do not have legal capacity, which means that it can not successfully enter into commitments or to acquire the rights. On the other hand limited legal capacity are minors who have already completed 13 years, but have not yet reached the age of majority. Although the legislator allows the possibility of concluding agreements by people who do not have legal capacity, but they can be concluded in minor, current affairs of everyday life, such as buying a kiosk prepaid card. Thus, as important, in the light of Polish law, it shall be deemed to concluding agreements in the field of small, current everyday affairs by persons who have no legal capacity or a person with limited legal capacity, made through the physical act, which is to buy a pre-Card Paid service provider. Minor, current everyday affairs can not but include the purchase of telephone / smartphone or a contract related to the purchase of the device.

Given that the child can just buy a pre-paid card, it is important that parents took care of it, how it will be used the services.

The best protection of minors smartphone users will acquire a lock premium services that would reduce children have access to that content. Premium Rate Lock service is available to both users of subscription offers and widely available jobs on the card. It suffices to contact our service provider – explains Milena Górecka, head of the Department of Consumer Policy in the Office of Electronic Communications.

Locks, programs and filters are not so great that after their installing recognize that our child is completely safe.

type of parental control software based on some kind of content filters. One first must identify the relevant parties as hazardous, available only for adults. But it is known that it can be unreliable, because if a page is not properly marked, it’s our child, despite the assumed blockade can access it – says Pawel Kucharczyk. – We therefore urge the parents to approached the matter with caution and verified, how a child uses the Internet or phone, with which it connects the parties that visited the page .

emphasizes David Baker, often the problem is lack of awareness of parents and guardians. Firstly, there is always aware of the threats and opportunities of the child access to undesirable content, and secondly, do not always know how to restrict this access.

UKE carries out activities that parents realize and carers, what are the possibilities, what allows you to protect children from inappropriate content. Because a large proportion of cases, the problem is not that they lack the proper tools, but that often consumers are not aware of threats on the one hand, on the other hand tools at their disposal – emphasizes David Baker.

You will also need parental involvement in their children’s activity on the Internet and reasonable supervision over it.

First of all, we need to check which services are using our minor children – returns Milena Górecka attention. – That we conclude a contract with the service provider, we are the person responsible for it, with what devices using our child how to enter on websites or use of mobile devices. Only depends on us whether they adequately secured the .

Experts stress that there is no one perfect way to protect your child from accessing pornography. But when you make use of all available opportunities, the risk will be significantly reduced.


Friday, June 19, 2015

Putin defies Microsoft – Newsweek Poland

Russian firms, in order to avoid international sanctions, mass transfer onto the domestic software production. The most to lose in this Western corporations – warns Bloomberg Business. The IT market in Russia is worth approx. $ 3,000,000,000.

President Putin’s appeal to defend the “digital sovereignty” Russia first responded banks and energy producers. Decisions about switching to national or forced software available free of charge sanctions, which were covered by some companies.

The insurance company forming part of the Kremlin-controlled Sberbank launched in February, online services service-based operating system-Linux Rosa, abandoning the same with the popular counterparts – Microsoft and Oracle products. The desire to switch to domestic production software also declared 10 other banks.

A similar tactic last year applied Gazprom – has implemented its own software for analyzing geological data. Created by Russian developers GEOMAT replaced by applications from companies such as Emerson Electric Co. or Schlumberger Ltd.

migrating to domestic “software” are part of a broader plan of the Russian government, according to which by 2025 with foreign software has to give up more than half of Russian companies. Currently, more than 75 percent. worth approx. 157 million rubles market belongs to foreign corporations.

In an interview with Bloomberg Business Elena Semenovska of the Moscow Centre for Development of Innovation (IDC) noted that although the total elimination of import software is not possible, Russian companies use domestic software “wherever possible”.


The development of the local IT market can be a major obstacle for giants US such as Microsoft and Oracle, the German SAP solutions, all of which are still used by many Russian companies. The restructuring of the Russian IT market could cost them a fortune – in 2014, the trio earned in Russia almost 60 billion rubles. Even if Putin’s plan fails, the losses may prove to be irreparable.


Thursday, June 18, 2015

Digital Putin’s sovereignty. The Russian IT sector throws the gauntlet … – Newsweek Poland

Russian firms, in order to avoid international sanctions, mass transfer onto the domestic software production. The most to lose in this Western corporations – warns Bloomberg Business. The IT market in Russia is worth approx. $ 3,000,000,000.

President Putin’s appeal to defend the “digital sovereignty” Russia first responded banks and energy producers. Decisions about switching to national or forced software available free of charge sanctions, which were covered by some companies.

The insurance company forming part of the Kremlin-controlled Sberbank launched in February, online services service-based operating system-Linux Rosa, abandoning the same with the popular counterparts – Microsoft and Oracle products. The desire to switch to domestic production software also declared 10 other banks.

A similar tactic last year applied Gazprom – has implemented its own software for analyzing geological data. Created by Russian developers GEOMAT replaced by applications from companies such as Emerson Electric Co. or Schlumberger Ltd.

migrating to domestic “software” are part of a broader plan of the Russian government, according to which by 2025 with foreign software has to give up more than half of Russian companies. Currently, more than 75 percent. worth approx. 157 million rubles market belongs to foreign corporations.

In an interview with Bloomberg Business Elena Semenovska of the Moscow Centre for Development of Innovation (IDC) noted that although the total elimination of import software is not possible, Russian companies use domestic software “wherever possible”.


The development of the local IT market can be a major obstacle for giants US such as Microsoft and Oracle, the German SAP solutions, all of which are still used by many Russian companies. The restructuring of the Russian IT market could cost them a fortune – in 2014, the trio earned in Russia almost 60 billion rubles. Even if Putin’s plan fails, the losses may prove to be irreparable.


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Malicious software manages files “phone hacking scandal” –

The recent leak of documents related to the phone-hacking scandal has become a pretext for easier social engineering attacks on Polish internet users. In one such case a file called FILE ALL 1-20.exe , having to pretend files associated with the investigation, so really is a malicious software from quite a wide range of possibilities. Logging of keystrokes, spread through removable drives or theft stored in browsers and system registry entries are just some of the unpleasantness, we may encounter by running the said file.

Technical Description

Unfortunately, we do not know how this malware began to spread. It is possible that, as in previously reported cases, simply see page provides the files that users search to find all the files of the investigation. The software is detected by as many as 45 out of 57 antivirus solutions presented in the system VirusTotal. This is expected because the file is parsed very primitive worm, whose main task is to steal data. Most antivirus vendors called him “Rebhip.”

Malware, after infection, performs a series of steps that are potentially dangerous for the victim.

  • Steals passwords from popular web browsers Internet Explorer and Firefox.
  • Copies each other on all removable drives and creates the appropriate file AUTORUN.INF which causes the computer to Windows and enabled the startup can be infected when you insert removable disk.
  • injected into two processes: explorer.exe and iexplore.exe . With this second process leading network communication with the server C & amp; C. In this way they bypass firewalls that examine applications communicate with the Internet, because most users allows Internet Explorer to process this communication.
  • added in four different registry keys in order to guarantee a start-up with the launch of the system.
  • Steals data access to the site, allowing the attacker gains access to a larger number of domains and can often change the server C & amp; C.

In addition, the malignant the software also contains code to hinder its analysis using the debugger. In addition to standard techniques such as checking whether a program debugging using flag IsBeingDebugged , the program also checks whether some functions will not start of the statement causing the program to stop. It is a common procedure used by people analyzing software to run the program until it comes to an interesting feature.

Malicious software also implements a number of methods that allow you to avoid environments for analysis. They are based on an examination of key Windows installation, the existence of certain DLLs or services. After wykradnięciu data they are sent to the address in the domain , which resolved to an IP address on the network UPC. is a provider of “dynamic DNS” which means that an IP address, which solved The domain name can change rapidly.


Unfortunately, we have repeatedly witnessed significant event will be used for social engineering attacks. This was the case of the earthquake in Nepal, when it was founded at least 15 fake websites asking for a grant on behalf of the International Red Cross. This is also the case of the latest attack MERS disease – Trojan was distributed as an alleged list of infected patients.

As you can see these are not the most technologically advanced attacks and we do not have statistics on their effectiveness, but preying on the curiosity of people, especially when searching for information on the network, it may be a very good tactic.

To all, we recommend caution when opening mail coming from unknown sources or downloading files from untrusted websites.

We recommend that you read OUCH !, newsletters that will help eg. if the computer is already infected.

Tags: malware, OUCH, trojan, leakage


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Delivery of software licenses (ZP-4/2015 / IT) – Puls Biznesu

placing an advertisement: optional

The notice involves: contract.


I. 1) NAME AND ADDRESS: Institute of Biotechnology of Agricultural and Food, ul. Rakowiecka 36, ​​02-532 Warsaw, province. Mazowieckie, tel. 022 6063600, fax 022 8490426.

  • The website address of the contracting authority:

I. 2) ordering the Kind: Other: Research Institute.



II.1.1) Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Delivery of software licenses (ZP-4/2015 / IT).

II.1.2) Type of contract: delivery.

II.1.4) determining the object and the size or scope of the order: Object of the contract is the delivery of the following software licenses for Microsoft OPEN License commercial version: 021-10257 Office 2013 Single OPEN 1 License No Level – 22 pcs., 79P-04749 Office Professional Plus 2013 Single OPEN 1 License No Level – 3 pcs., P73-06285 Windows Server Standard 2012 R2 Single OPEN 1 License No Level 2 PROC – 1 pc., R18-04281 Windows Server CAL 2012 Single OPEN 1 License No Level User CAL – 50 pcs., 228-10344 SQL Server Standard Edition 2014 Single OPEN 1 License No Level – 1 pc., 359-06098 SQL CAL 2014 Single OPEN 1 License No Level User CAL – 20 pcs.
 The Employer was required to purchase specific on / in the license, so it can not prevent equivalents ..

II.1.6) Common procurement vocabulary (CPV):,,,

II.1.7) whether submitting a partial offer: .

II.1.8) whether submitting a variant offer: .



III.1) bid bond

Information on security: It is not required

III.2) down payments


  • III . 3.1) Entitlements to perform specific activity or activities, if the law imposes an obligation to have

    Describe how to assess compliance with this condition

    • The Purchaser withdraws from the description of how to assess compliance of these conditions. Assess compliance with the conditions for participation in the proceedings in this regard Purchaser will on the basis of a statement about fulfilling conditions for participation in the proceedings following the model attached as Appendix 3 hereto.

  • III.3.2) Knowledge and experience

    Describe how to assess compliance with this condition

    • The Purchaser withdraws from the description of how to assess compliance of these conditions. The contracting authority considers the condition knowledge and experience based on the statement referred to in point. 10.1.1 Terms of Reference.

  • III.3.3) technical Potential

    Describe how to assess compliance with this condition

    • The Purchaser withdraws from the description of the method to assess compliance with these conditions. The contracting authority considers the condition appropriate technical potential based on the statement referred to in point. 10.1.1 Terms of Reference.

  • III.3.4) persons capable of performing the contract

    Describe how to assess compliance with this condition

    • The Purchaser withdraws with a description of how to assess compliance of these conditions. The contracting authority considers the condition having persons able to fulfill an order based on the statement referred to in point. 10.1.1 Terms of Reference.

  • III.3.5) Economic and financial

    Describe how to assess compliance with this condition

    • The Purchaser withdraws from a description of how to assess compliance with these conditions. The contracting authority considers the condition concerning. Economic and financial situation based on the statement referred to in point. 10.1.1 Terms of Reference.


III.4.1) in demonstrating meeting the conditions referred to in Art. 22 paragraph. 1, apart from declaring about fulfilling conditions for participation must be submitted:

III.4.2) in confirming the non-liability pursuant to Art. 24 paragraph. 1 act, one should submit:

  • a statement that no grounds for exclusion;
  • current copy of the register or from the central records and information about the business, if separate provisions require registration or records in order to demonstrate the absence of grounds for exclusion under Art. 24 paragraph. 1 point 2 of the Act, issued not earlier than 6 months before the deadline for submitting requests to participate in the proceedings or the award of tenders;
  • The contractor quoting at showing fulfilling conditions for participation in the proceedings on the resources of other entities , which will participate in the implementation of the contract, it shall also documents concerning this subject in the scope required for the contractor, referred to in point III.4.2.

III.4.3) Documents foreign entities

If the contractor has his habitual residence outside Polish territory, submits:

III.4.3.1) in the country in which he has his habitual residence attesting that:

  • no liquidation or bankruptcy – issued not earlier than six months before the deadline for the submission of applications for admission for the award of contract or tender;
  • not been prohibited from applying for the order – issued not earlier than 6 months before the deadline for submitting requests to participate in the proceedings or the award of tenders;

III.4.4) Documents related to belonging to the same group

  • list of entities belonging to the same group within the meaning of the Act of February 16, 2007 r. on competition and consumer protection or information that does not belong to the group;


Other documents specified in point III.4) or in point III.5)

The other documents referred to in Chapter 10. Terms of Reference



IV.1.1) Award Mode: Open.


IV.2.1) Award criteria: lowest price.

IV.3) amendment to the agreement

provides for substantial changes of provisions of the agreement in relation to the content of the offer, under which the selection of the contractor:

Acceptable changes of clauses of a contract and determining conditions for changes

According to Art. 144 Public Procurement Law, the Purchaser shall provide for the possibility of making significant changes to the provisions of the Agreement in relation to the content of the Offer, pursuant to which the selection of the Contractor in the following cases:
 a) there is a change of generally applicable laws in terms of affecting the implementation of the subject of the Order, in particular as regards the rate of tax on goods and services tax;
 b) shall be renumbered address or registered office of the Contractor;
 c) The Contractor will change the name because of the conversion or other events leading to the change of name;
 d) there is a change of subjective data such as the contracting parties. change the bank account of the Contractor.


IV.4.1) Address of a website, on which accessible terms of reference are:
terms of reference can be obtained at: Institute of Biotechnology Food Industry them. prof. Wenceslas Dabrowski in Warsaw at ul. Rakowiecka 36 room No. 134 (Secretariat) from Monday to Friday. 8:00 – 15:30.

IV.4.4) Time-limit for receipt of requests to participate or tenders: 23.06.2015 10:00, place: the Institute of Biotechnology Food Industry them. prof. Wenceslas Dabrowski 02-532 Warszawa, ul. Rakowiecka 36, ​​room 134, Monday to Friday. 8:00 – 15:30.

IV.4.5) Time-bound journals: period on days: 30 (the deadline for submission of tenders).

IV.4.16) Additional information, including the financing of the project / program from European Union funds: Not applicable.

IV.4.17) Will there be any cancellation of the award orders, in case no funds from the budget of the European Union and non-returnable centers from the aid provided through Member States of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) which were supposed to be intended to financing all or part of the order:


Monday, June 15, 2015

Microsoft treats the Ask Toolbar as malware –

 I think each of the users of such web browsers as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, had to deal with so-called. “Toolbars” (Toolbar). These usually take place under the address bar, and their goal is “to expand the functionality of” our browser. You can not hide, however, that these additives usually the case when uploading install other software and quickly want to get rid of them.

 Apparently Microsoft comes to the topic very similarly and as part of an aggressive approach to our digital security decided to mark the Ask Toolbar , which is one of the most popular such tools, which delivered is bundled with the Java installer as malware.

 Ask Toolbar installed on your computer creates 10 files and 10 folders, and the program is considered dangerous because it allows to take control of our browser, allowing you to change its settings. Antivirus Tools and directed against malicious software, such as Windows Defender and Microsoft Security Essentials This toolbar now detect and remove it from your computer.

 It is also known that Microsoft does not intend to stop at the Ask and soon another such “extras” would bring them a similar treatment.



Sunday, June 14, 2015

Locks, programs and filters help protect children from pornography –

The law and technology provide many opportunities for parents to protect children from pornography and other unwanted content on the network or phone. Can help the blockade of SMS Premium Rate and the appropriate software offered, among others, by operators. Even the most effective lock but can not replace personal supervision over what your child is doing on the Internet and how to use the phone.

There are mechanisms that allow you to block access to dangerous for minors their content, especially sexual content, pornographic – Newseria news agency says Business Pawel Kucharczyk of the Office of Electronic Communications. – Such mechanisms are primarily various kinds of software, such as parental controls that allow parents and guardians to check that al also block access to pornography on devices such as desktop, laptop or mobile phone.

 These programs allow you to restrict or block the display of both the content and the use of specific programs. In addition, every year the President of UKE certifies “Safer Internet” providers who offer effective programs of this type.

 – We want operators to have applied for this certificate, of course fulfillment of the criteria, so that consumers had a choice and could at the same telecommunications services to protect themselves and their children from accessing this type of content – says David Baker, a spokesman for the UKE.

 Parents also have the option to block SMS messages with pornographic content. Premium Rate is a telecommunications service for premium rate. Through it, users can order the game, subscriptions, participate in contests and sweepstakes, but they also serve to provide paid access to pornographic and sekstelefonów.

 – One of the legal instruments which introduced Authority, was an amendment to the Telecommunications Law, which requires each operator to the fact that the subscriber free of charge upon request blocked access to Premium Rate services, both outbound and inbound, and that determined, upon request the subscriber upper limit amounts that can be on this type of service to spend – says David Baker.

 Children under the age of 13 do not have legal capacity, which means that it can not successfully enter into commitments or to acquire the rights. On the other hand limited legal capacity are minors who have already completed 13 years, but have not yet reached the age of majority. Although the legislator allows the possibility of concluding agreements by people who do not have legal capacity, but they can be concluded in minor, current affairs of everyday life, such as buying a kiosk prepaid card. Thus, as important, in the light of Polish law, it shall be deemed to concluding agreements in the field of small, current everyday affairs by persons who have no legal capacity or a person with limited legal capacity, made through the physical act, which is to buy a pre-Card Paid service provider. Minor, current everyday affairs can not but include the purchase of telephone / smartphone or a contract related to the purchase of the device.

 Considering that the child can just buy a pre-paid card, it is important that parents took care of it, how it will be used the services.

 – The best protection of minors smartphone users will acquire a lock premium services that would reduce children have access to that content. Premium Rate Lock service is available to both users of subscription offers and widely available jobs on the card. It suffices to contact our service provider – explains Milena Górecka, head of the Department of Consumer Policy in the Office of Electronic Communications.

 Locks, programs and filters are not so great, that when you install them recognize that our child is completely safe.

 – type of parental control software based on some kind of content filters. One first must identify the relevant parties as hazardous, available only for adults. But it is known that it can be unreliable, because if a page is not properly marked, it’s our child, despite the assumed blockade can access it – says Pawel Kucharczyk. – We therefore urge the parents to they approached the matter with caution and verified, how a child uses the Internet or phone, with which the parties connects what sites visited.

 As pointed out by David Baker, often the problem is lack of awareness of parents and guardians. Firstly, there is always aware of the threats and opportunities of the child access to undesirable content, and secondly, do not always know how to restrict this access.

 – UKE carries out activities that parents and guardians to realize the possibilities, which allows you to protect children from inappropriate content. Because a large proportion of cases, the problem is not that they lack the proper tools, but that often consumers are not aware of threats on the one hand, on the other hand tools at their disposal – emphasizes David Baker.

 You will also need parental involvement in their children’s activity on the Internet and reasonable supervision over it.

 – First of all, we need to check which services are using our minor children – notes Milena Górecka. – That we conclude a contract with the service provider, we are the person responsible for it, with what devices using our child how to enter on websites or use of mobile devices. Only depends on us whether will provide them accordingly.

 Experts point out that there is no one perfect way to protect your child from accessing pornography. But when you make use of all available opportunities, the risk will be significantly reduced.

Source: Information Agency Newseria



Saturday, June 13, 2015

Now everyone can be installed on Apple devices open … – dobreprogramy

So far, about running for Apple mobile devices
 all kinds of emulators, even stareńkich consoles, it was
 forget it. Foreign environment, allowing to run unchecked
 code malic garden were excluded, as in many
 other types of applications. Daredevils remained jailbreaking and shop
 Cydia. With the release of the latest version of the development environment
 Xcode situation changed dramatically – now everyone,
 restrictions will be able on your iPhone and iPad emulators to run both those and any other officially available in the AppStore applications.

Earlier it was possible to install on devices
 Apple’s mobile software with source code owned by
 using Xcode. This however required to join the program
 developer and paying for the privilege annually $ 99.
 With the advent of the beta version of Xcode 7, anyone can build
 Applications for iOS and and install it on their devices, without
 having to pay any fees or subscribing to a
 any development programs. The only requirement is
 possession of an Apple ID.

The opportunities they provide users with demonstrated
 Developer Bouke van der Bijl, installing on your iPhone
 popular Game Boy Advance emulator (GBA4iOS).
 The operation is simple, just you import the program code
 to Xcode, and then send it to the device with iOS-I. What
 Most importantly, it works on all versions of iOS and OS
 X, you do not need to install earlier versions of iOS and 9 or OS X El

Such a solution to the matter on the one hand gives users
 the freedom to use free software on their devices,
 on the other hand it protects the commercial software developers before
 piracy – we do not install already compiled files .ipa
 available in pirate shops or torrents.

Those interested in trying out the latest Xcode 7 beta may too
 Free download it (along with the language compiler and around Swift 2
 a collection of different SDK and tools) party
 Apple developers.

                         © dobreprogramy


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Now everyone can be installed on Apple devices open … – dobreprogramy

So far, about running for Apple mobile devices
 all kinds of emulators, even stareńkich consoles, it was
 forget it. Foreign environment, allowing to run unchecked
 code malic garden were excluded, as in many
 other types of applications. Daredevils remained jailbreaking and shop
 Cydia. With the release of the latest version of the development environment
 Xcode situation changed dramatically – now everyone,
 restrictions will be able on your iPhone and iPad emulators to run both those and any other officially available in the AppStore applications.

Earlier it was possible to install on devices
 Apple’s mobile software with source code owned by
 using Xcode. This however required to join the program
 developer and paying for the privilege annually $ 99.
 With the advent of the beta version of Xcode 7, anyone can build
 Applications for iOS and and install it on their devices, without
 having to pay any fees or subscribing to a
 any development programs. The only requirement is
 possession of an Apple ID.

The opportunities they provide users with demonstrated
 Developer Bouke van der Bijl, installing on your iPhone
 popular Game Boy Advance emulator (GBA4iOS).
 The operation is simple, just you import the program code
 to Xcode, and then send it to the device with iOS-I. What
 Most importantly, it works on all versions of iOS and OS
 X, you do not need to install earlier versions of iOS and 9 or OS X El

Such a solution to the matter on the one hand gives users
 the freedom to use free software on their devices,
 on the other hand it protects the commercial software developers before
 piracy – we do not install already compiled files .ipa
 available in pirate shops or torrents.

Those interested in trying out the latest Xcode 7 beta may too
 Free download it (along with the language compiler and around Swift 2
 a collection of different SDK and tools) party
 Apple developers.

                         © dobreprogramy


The software will determine the level of pain, analyzing our face –

Patients suffering from various diseases are often not able to determine the level of pain, eg. During the test. This will help in this modern technology, on which work researchers from the University of California, San Diego. They create software that using a special algorithm by analyzing the expression on his face will be able to measure accurately determine the level of pain the patient. It has to be something of a pain scale automated version visible in the image below.

The system will analyze a number of different part of the patient’s body, such as lowering the eyebrows, close their eyes, frown, etc., on the basis of these data to determine how much suffering.

The technology has already been tested on patients aged 5-18 years who underwent laparoscopic surgery to remove the appendix. For now, was not as precise in identifying the level of pain and the patient’s parents are much better understood; if the level of suffering, but it can provide relief for medical personnel, indicating when to prescribe painkillers.

The software is already practically ready, but do not know anything yet about plans to introduce it for use.


Wednesday, June 10, 2015


The law and technology provide many opportunities for parents to protect children from pornography and other unwanted content on the network or phone. Can help the blockade of SMS Premium Rate and the appropriate software offered, among others, by operators. Even the most effective lock but can not replace personal supervision over what your child is doing on the Internet and how to use the phone.


There are mechanisms that allow minors to block access to dangerous content for them, especially sexual content, pornographic – Newseria news agency says Business Pawel Kucharczyk of the Office of Electronic Communications. – Such mechanisms are primarily various kinds of software, such as parental controls that allow parents and guardians to check that al also block access to pornography on devices such as desktop, laptop or mobile phone.


These programs allow you to restrict or block the display of both the content and the use of specific programs. In addition, every year the President of UKE certifies “Safer Internet” providers who offer effective programs of this type.


We want operators to have applied for this certificate, of course fulfillment of the criteria, so that consumers had a choice and could at the same telecommunications services to protect herself and her children before access to this type of content – says David Baker, a spokesman for the UKE.


Parents also have the option to block SMS messages with pornographic content. Premium Rate is a telecommunications service for premium rate. Through it, users can order the game, subscriptions, participate in contests and sweepstakes, but they also serve to provide paid access to pornographic and sekstelefonów.


One of the legal instruments which introduced Authority, was an amendment to the Telecommunications Law, which requires each operator to the fact that the subscriber free of charge upon request blocked access to Premium Rate services, both outgoing and incoming, and that determined, upon request, the upper limit of the amounts that may be on such services spend – says David Baker.


Children under the age of 13 do not have legal capacity, which means that it can not successfully enter into commitments or to acquire the rights. On the other hand limited legal capacity are minors who have already completed 13 years, but have not yet reached the age of majority. Although the legislator allows the possibility of concluding agreements by people who do not have legal capacity, but they can be concluded in minor, current affairs of everyday life, such as buying a kiosk prepaid card. Thus, as important, in the light of Polish law, it shall be deemed to concluding agreements in the field of small, current everyday affairs by persons who have no legal capacity or a person with limited legal capacity, made through the physical act, which is to buy a pre-Card Paid service provider. Minor, current everyday affairs can not but include the purchase of telephone / smartphone or a contract related to the purchase of the device.


Given that the child can just buy a pre-paid card, it is important that parents took care of it, how it will be used the services.


The best protection of minors smartphone users will acquire a lock premium services that would reduce children have access to that content. Premium Rate Lock service is available to both users of subscription offers and widely available jobs on the card. It suffices to contact our service provider – says Milena Górecka, head of the Department of Consumer Policy in the Office of Electronic Communications.


Locks, programs and filters are not so great, that when you install them recognize that our child is completely safe.


type of parental control software based on some kind of content filters. One first must identify the relevant parties as hazardous, available only for adults. But it is known that it can be unreliable, because if a page is not properly marked, it’s our child, despite the assumed blockade can access it – says Pawel Kucharczyk. – We therefore urge the parents to approached the matter with caution and verified, how a child uses the Internet or phone, with which the parties connects what sites visited.


As pointed out by David Baker, often the problem is lack of awareness of parents and guardians. Firstly, there is always aware of the threats and opportunities of the child access to undesirable content, and secondly, do not always know how to restrict this access.


UKE carries out activities that parents and guardians to realize the possibilities, which allows you to protect children from inappropriate content. Because a large proportion of cases, the problem is not that they lack the proper tools, but that often consumers are not aware of threats on the one hand, on the other hand tools at their disposal – emphasizes David Baker.


You will also need parental involvement in their children’s activity on the Internet and reasonable supervision over it.


First of all, we need to check which services are using our minor children – notes Milena Górecka. – That we conclude a contract with the service provider, we are the person responsible for it, with what devices your child is using, how it comes on websites or use of mobile devices. Only depends on us whether will provide them accordingly.


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The programmer is just a man, that is why there are errors in the … – PC World


The technological progress promotes the formation of vast amounts of new software. Increasingly, for this progress corresponds broadly understood not so much equipment, but that software. Strict capabilities of modern engines to be installed in the newest cars, amazing functionality of washing machines, refrigerators or televisions or even the amazing capabilities of modern construction machinery would not be possible to achieve, if not the software.

We are accustomed also to the ubiquity of the internet, the possibility of using mobile banking, online shopping, social networking, streaming music and video. That’s all well would not exist if not for software. Experts increasingly stress that today dominates the software outright, pushing modern materials and original design concepts for second place. Moreover, since the software depends not only functionality, but also the quality of modern equipment.

See also:

Where do bugs in the software. Problems programmer

Today’s programs are made up of hundreds of thousands and even, increasingly, millions of lines of code. It happens that in order to achieve the simple effect even need to write hundreds of lines of code – usually happens in the case of event generation graphics on the screen, which for some reason you can not use the standard graphic libraries. The writer software programmers are not robots. Each of them can happen to a bad day, or a moment of inattention. The human factor affects the fact that it is impossible to avoid errors in the programs – especially if the software is created under the pressure of time in not always favorable environment and circumstances. Errors are present in every product programming, and the more lines of code, and the more software is created, the more bugs. In software engineering phenomenon known as pyramid of error propagation .

The formation and replication of errors in the software is also reflected adopted in the early development of computer software design methods. Initially both operating systems and applications that were not designed to be safe – were simply efficiently and as quickly as possible to do its job. There was also a need to reflect on isola- each other programs or data. The first computers were used by scientists and engineers in research centers and universities, and their service dealt with their creator, who knew exactly what you can and can not do with your computer.

Over time, computers began ordinary work, but still very experienced users. When constructing the first mainframe was decided to introduce security mechanisms. They were, however, the separation of users of the system to another, but not the separation and isolation of programs to be executed by a single user. Similar assumptions accompanied the creators of the first operating systems on PCs. Pretty soon it turned out that the programs, even if they were not running at the same time, they can interfere with each other causing system failures (eg. When you complete the cleaning is not just used memory area).

What’s more, created the then the needs of the operating system model assumed the existence of a large kernel of acting with highest privileges and the allocation of very high powers for the programs. Such a business model of the IT environment created stability problems. It often happened that caused the failure of one program to crash the entire operating system -all certainly remember the famous blue screens in Windows . Currently, departs from this model, well isolating programs from each other, slimming making them modular kernel, but some developed over the years the mechanisms of the system and how to write applications remaining, making errors associated with interaction between applications and the system still around and are very difficult to spot.

The fight with errors

It is impossible to write complex software that would not contain errors. Therefore, companies engaged in software development in addition to programmers also employ teams of people involved in the testing and removal of software errors found. Finding fault diagnosis is a time-consuming task. It requires multiple running applications in a variety of specific conditions, on different platforms and different versions of operating systems.

The diagnosis is used special software that allows you to preview the inner workings of the application. Such software often allows it to make changes to the code “on the fly”, making it easier to determine whether repair the error will not occur next.

In addition to software testing under normal operating conditions shall also be conducted stress testing (ie. Stress testing). They are designed to capture errors related to the work program under overload conditions, ie for example. When the application logs on too many users, provides to it or gets too much data, or in a situation of insufficient system resources.


Locks Premium services and software to help … – TELEPOLIS.PL

The law and technology provide many opportunities for parents to protect children from pornography and other unwanted content on the network or phone. Can help the blockade of SMS Premium Rate and the appropriate software offered, among others, by operators. Even the most effective lock but can not replace personal supervision over what your child is doing on the Internet and how to use the phone.

  There are mechanisms that allow minors to block access to dangerous content for them, especially sexual content, pornographic – Newseria news agency says Business Pawel Kucharczyk of the Office of Electronic Communications. Such mechanisms are primarily various kinds of software, such as parental controls that allow parents and guardians to check that al also block access to pornography on devices such as desktop, laptop or mobile phone.

 These programs allow you to restrict or block the display of both the content and the use of specific programs. In addition, every year the President of UKE certifies “Safer Internet” providers who offer effective programs of this type.

  We want operators to have applied for this certificate, of course fulfillment of the criteria, so that consumers had a choice and could at the same telecommunications services to protect themselves and their children from accessing this type of content – says David Baker , spokesman for the Office of Electronic Communications.

 Parents also have the option to block SMS messages with pornographic content. Premium Rate is a telecommunications service for premium rate. Through it, users can order the game, subscriptions, participate in contests and sweepstakes, but they also serve to provide paid access to pornographic and sekstelefonów.

  One of the legal instruments which introduced Authority, was an amendment to the Telecommunications Law, which requires each operator to the fact that the subscriber free of charge upon request blocked access to Premium Rate services, both outbound and inbound, and that determined, upon request of the subscriber the upper limit of the amounts that may be on such services spend – says David Baker.

 Children under the age of 13 do not have legal capacity, which means that it can not successfully enter into commitments or to acquire the rights. On the other hand limited legal capacity are minors who have already completed 13 years, but have not yet reached the age of majority. Although the legislator allows the possibility of concluding agreements by people who do not have legal capacity, but they can be concluded in minor, current everyday matters, such as the purchase of a prepaid card at a kiosk.

 Thus, as important, in the light of Polish law, it shall be deemed to concluding agreements in the field of small, current everyday affairs by persons who have no legal capacity or a person with limited legal capacity, made through the physical act, which is to buy a pre-Card Paid service provider. Minor, current everyday affairs can not but include the purchase of telephone / smartphone or a contract related to the purchase of the device.

 Considering that the child can just buy a pre-paid card, it is important that parents took care of it, how it will be used the services.

  The best protection of minors smartphone users will acquire a lock premium services that would reduce children have access to that content. Premium Rate Lock service is available to both users of subscription offers and widely available jobs on the card. It suffices to contact our service provider – explains Milena Górecka, head of the Department of Consumer Policy in the Office of Electronic Communications.

 Locks, programs and filters are not so great, that when you install them recognize that our child is completely safe.

  the type of parental control software based on some kind of content filters. One first must identify the relevant parties as hazardous, available only for adults. But it is known that it can be unreliable, because if a page is not properly marked, it’s our child, despite the assumed blockade can access it – says Pawel Kucharczyk. That is why we appeal to parents to approached the matter with caution and verified, how a child uses the Internet or phone, with which the parties connects what sites visited.

 As pointed out by David Baker, often the problem is lack of awareness of parents and guardians. Firstly, there is always aware of the threats and opportunities of the child access to undesirable content, and secondly, do not always know how to restrict this access.

  UKE carries out activities that parents and guardians to realize the possibilities, which allows you to protect children from inappropriate content. Because a large proportion of cases, the problem is not that they lack the proper tools, but that often consumers are not aware of threats on the one hand, on the other hand tools at their disposal – emphasizes David Baker.

 You will also need parental involvement in their children’s activity on the Internet and reasonable supervision over it.

  First of all, we need to check which services are using our minor children – notes Milena Górecka. That we conclude a contract with the service provider, we are the person responsible for it, with what devices using our child how to enter on websites or use of mobile devices. Only depends on us whether will provide them accordingly.

 Experts point out that there is no one perfect way to protect your child from accessing pornography. But when you make use of all available opportunities, the risk will be significantly reduced.

Source text: Newseria


Friday, June 5, 2015

Logistics supply of software IKEA Memnon Networks –

IKEA plans to have all shipments from suppliers included in one system – Memnon Apport Enterprise – through which will be possible on-line access to data on shipments, so that you can better manage the supply process.

Implementation of Memnon Apport Enterprise for IKEA Industry on a global scale will start at the end of June 2015.

Memnon Apport Enterprise, operating in the cloud, is a solution dedicated to advanced logistics needs.


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Industry IKEA invests in management software … –

IKEA Industry signed a contract with Memnon Networks for the supply of Memnon Apport Enterprise software to manage transports in the supply, the 44 factories of the company.

IKEA Industry is part of the IKEA Group, which manufactures on a global scale furniture and wooden elements, working with more than 1 000 suppliers of various materials. IKEA plans to have all shipments from suppliers included in one system – Memnon Apport Enterprise – through which will be on-line access to the data dotyczcych transports, so that you can better manage the supply process.


Implementation of Memnon Apport Enterprise for IKEA Industry on a global scale will start at the end of June 2015. In accordance with the planned roll out’ami for another factory, suppliers and transport companies.


Memnon Networks operates in Poland since January 2015 offering solutions and services for the Polish market.


New software for business customers G DATA version … –

You are under Press Releases. Posted here materials have been developed by companies unrelated
with the editorial or Group SA. Editors is not responsible for the content of this publication.

Improved mobile device management module now with support for iOS devices

About 40% of all companies for our western border has become the target of cyber criminals in the last two years, where the average loss amounted to about 371 000 EURO (Source: KPMG ). These statistics make it a key aspect for companies becomes secure their networks against data theft and other attacks. The updated generation of G DATA v13.2 sets new standards in the field of network security. Thanks unowocześnionemu MDM module, iOS devices are now integrated into the enterprise IT infrastructure and can be centrally managed by network administrators. In addition, all versions of G DATA business packages introduced a USB KEYBOARD GUARD module that provides protection against manipulated drives and USB devices (BadUSB).

– Many companies that are leaders in their industry has an unhealthy interest from cybercriminals. Theft of important company data, such as. Construction plans, information on the manufacturing processes or customer base can have a devastating impact on their financial condition and market position. Updated Software G DATA business is a complete solution. This means that mobile devices are as well protected as laptops, desktops or corporate servers – explains Walter Schumann, a member of the board of G DATA Software AG.

devices running Android and iOS as full customers

More than 90% of mobile devices shipped worldwide operates in two most popular systems – Android and iOS (source: IDC). That is why the device with these mobile systems from version 13.2 has been integrated as a full-fledged customers protected by G DATA network. Mobile Device Management module allows the administrator to convenient overview of all smartphones and tablets in the managed network. Appropriate security settings can be applied through a central console zrządzającej, specific to each company’s security policy if the settings theft from now on be under control admins.

No entry for USB devices manipulated

In August 2014 years, G DATA was the first anti-virus company, which introduced an effective tool to protect users against the threat called BadUSB. G DATA GUARD USB KEYBOARD is the solution, which turned out to be a hit and met with the approval of the EU IPACSO organization awarding prizes to the most innovative European companies. The technology provides effective protection against manipulated USB devices that can pretend keyboard, so as to take control of the affected computer. The winning module is now a permanent component of G DATA business solutions. Easy to manage USB KEYBOARD GUARD protection is possible from a central admin console where streaming down reports of blocked and approved USB keyboards.

Effective protection against spam

Every day the average worker receives 12 emails classified as spam (source: Radicati Group). Additional module G DATA business MAIL SECURITY offers a centrally managed fully integrated antispam protection for Microsoft Exchange servers.

G DATA AntiVirus Business

Our solution protects your network company using recognized and award-winning anti-virus technology. G DATA Software offers centralized management, automatic protection for servers, desktops, laptops and mobile devices running Android and iOS without affecting the performance of the hardware.


G DATA Client Security provides the best protection against all types of threats – viruses, Trojans, spam and hackers. It also provides reasonable protection against industrial espionage and data theft using the latest proactive technologies and signature database.

G Data Endpoint Protection Business

G DATA PROTECTION protects your ENDPOINT network in many ways. Achieve the highest level of security through a combination of proactive protection CloseGap hybrid and the best response time to new threats. In addition to virus protection, firewall and antispam G Data offers PolicyManager module, which allows you to control employee access to the Internet, installed programs or external storage.

G DATA MANAGED Endpoint Security

Companies do not have separated the IT department to administer corporate network do not have to give up her thorough protection. With G DATA MANAGED Endpoint Security can seamlessly connect our offer anti-virus software from a remote network administration services for its customers. As an expert deliver to its customer solution and service through which its corporate network will be safe and monitored by a professional administrator.

All business products can be extended with additional functions.

Optional Modules offer business:

▪ G DATA MailSecurity allows antivirus, antispam corporate e-mail. The program acts as a gateway to protect and checking all incoming and outgoing messages thereby protecting the mail server.

▪ G DATA ClientBackup allows you to create daily backups enabling quick recovery of data in case of failure. Minimize downtime in the company due to unpredictable situations.

  1. 1. G DATA PatchManagement used in the operation of automatic scanning process by finding loopholes to then assemble them into a central management console. The result is a quick and easy installation of the required updates.

Key Features v13.2 at a glance:

▪ Excellent protection of servers and workstations thanks comprehensive proactive protection and maximum current signature bases without affecting the performance of protected equipment

▪ improved mobile device management module – the integration of mobile devices with Android and iOS systems as full clients in your network

▪ AntiSpam for Exchange – a dedicated protection module for Exchange receives with 13.2 update a centrally managed anti-spam technology for Exchange infrastructure. Enables centralized management of plug-in for Exchange with support of white and black lists of email addresses and domains

▪ G DATA BankGuard for secure online transactions

▪ USB KEYBOARD GUARD provides protection against manipulated devices that attach the USB ports

▪ Integrated anti-virus and anti-spam e-mail

▪ Full functionality beyond corporate network structures (sales representatives, delegations)

▪ Simple administration and clear interface that provides all the necessary information network administered

▪ catalog of hardware and software used on clients in your network

▪ remote administration from anywhere thanks to MobileAdmin

▪ Access Control and online content for the regulation of internet usage in the enterprise

▪ Optional: PatchManagement to centrally manage software updates installed on client stations

Free upgrade for existing customers

Business customers with an active license free upgrade your software G Data for the latest version . Always and everywhere!


G DATA Security Client, ManagementServer, G DATA MailSecurity (32 bit / 64 bit): Windows 8.1 / 8/7 / Vista / XP (32 bit), Windows Server 2003/2008/2012, 1 GB RAM

G Data Administrator / G DATA WebAdministrator / G Data MailSecurity Administrator: Windows 8.1 / 8/7 / Vista / XP, Windows Server 2003/2008/2012, 1 GB RAM

G DATA Security Client for Linux (32 bit / 64 bit) Debian 6.0 / 7, OpenSUSE 11.4, 12.2, 12.3 and 13.1, Suse Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP4, SP3 11 and 12, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.11, 6.6 and 7.0, Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS ,, 12.04.5 LTS, 14.04 .1 LTS and 14.10, CentOS 5.11, 6.6 and 7.0, Fedora 19, 20 and 21
