Thursday, June 11, 2015

The software will determine the level of pain, analyzing our face –

Patients suffering from various diseases are often not able to determine the level of pain, eg. During the test. This will help in this modern technology, on which work researchers from the University of California, San Diego. They create software that using a special algorithm by analyzing the expression on his face will be able to measure accurately determine the level of pain the patient. It has to be something of a pain scale automated version visible in the image below.

The system will analyze a number of different part of the patient’s body, such as lowering the eyebrows, close their eyes, frown, etc., on the basis of these data to determine how much suffering.

The technology has already been tested on patients aged 5-18 years who underwent laparoscopic surgery to remove the appendix. For now, was not as precise in identifying the level of pain and the patient’s parents are much better understood; if the level of suffering, but it can provide relief for medical personnel, indicating when to prescribe painkillers.

The software is already practically ready, but do not know anything yet about plans to introduce it for use.


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