Monday, June 22, 2015

UKE: Lock SMS and software to help … –

The law and technology provide many opportunities for parents to protect children from pornography and other unwanted content on the network or phone. Can help the blockade of SMS Premium Rate and the appropriate software offered, among others, by operatorów.Nawet most effective lock but can not replace personal supervision

There are mechanisms that allow minors to block access to dangerous content for them, especially sexual content, pornographic – news agency says Business Pawel Kucharczyk Newseria from the Office of Electronic Communications. – Such mechanisms are primarily various kinds of software, such as parental controls that allow parents and guardians to check that al also block access to pornography on devices such as desktop, laptop or mobile phone .
These programs allow you to restrict or block the display of both the content and the use of specific programs. In addition, every year the President of UKE certifies “Safer Internet” providers who offer effective programs of this type.

We want operators to have applied for this certificate, of course fulfillment of the criteria, so that consumers have choice and could at the same telecommunications services to protect themselves and their children from accessing this type of content – says David Baker, a spokesman for the UKE.

Parents are also able to block SMS messages from pornography. Premium Rate is a telecommunications service for premium rate. Through it, users can order the game, subscriptions, participate in contests and sweepstakes, but they also serve to provide paid access to pornographic and sekstelefonów.

One of the legal instruments which introduced Office , was an amendment to the Telecommunications Law, which requires each operator to the fact that the subscriber free of charge upon request blocked access to Premium Rate services, both outbound and inbound, and that determined upon request of the subscriber upper limit amounts that can be on this type of service issue – says David Baker.

Children under the age of 13 do not have legal capacity, which means that it can not successfully enter into commitments or to acquire the rights. On the other hand limited legal capacity are minors who have already completed 13 years, but have not yet reached the age of majority. Although the legislator allows the possibility of concluding agreements by people who do not have legal capacity, but they can be concluded in minor, current affairs of everyday life, such as buying a kiosk prepaid card. Thus, as important, in the light of Polish law, it shall be deemed to concluding agreements in the field of small, current everyday affairs by persons who have no legal capacity or a person with limited legal capacity, made through the physical act, which is to buy a pre-Card Paid service provider. Minor, current everyday affairs can not but include the purchase of telephone / smartphone or a contract related to the purchase of the device.

Given that the child can just buy a pre-paid card, it is important that parents took care of it, how it will be used the services.

The best protection of minors smartphone users will acquire a lock premium services that would reduce children have access to that content. Premium Rate Lock service is available to both users of subscription offers and widely available jobs on the card. It suffices to contact our service provider – explains Milena Górecka, head of the Department of Consumer Policy in the Office of Electronic Communications.

Locks, programs and filters are not so great that after their installing recognize that our child is completely safe.

type of parental control software based on some kind of content filters. One first must identify the relevant parties as hazardous, available only for adults. But it is known that it can be unreliable, because if a page is not properly marked, it’s our child, despite the assumed blockade can access it – says Pawel Kucharczyk. – We therefore urge the parents to approached the matter with caution and verified, how a child uses the Internet or phone, with which it connects the parties that visited the page .

emphasizes David Baker, often the problem is lack of awareness of parents and guardians. Firstly, there is always aware of the threats and opportunities of the child access to undesirable content, and secondly, do not always know how to restrict this access.

UKE carries out activities that parents realize and carers, what are the possibilities, what allows you to protect children from inappropriate content. Because a large proportion of cases, the problem is not that they lack the proper tools, but that often consumers are not aware of threats on the one hand, on the other hand tools at their disposal – emphasizes David Baker.

You will also need parental involvement in their children’s activity on the Internet and reasonable supervision over it.

First of all, we need to check which services are using our minor children – returns Milena Górecka attention. – That we conclude a contract with the service provider, we are the person responsible for it, with what devices using our child how to enter on websites or use of mobile devices. Only depends on us whether they adequately secured the .

Experts stress that there is no one perfect way to protect your child from accessing pornography. But when you make use of all available opportunities, the risk will be significantly reduced.


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