Thursday, June 18, 2015

Digital Putin’s sovereignty. The Russian IT sector throws the gauntlet … – Newsweek Poland

Russian firms, in order to avoid international sanctions, mass transfer onto the domestic software production. The most to lose in this Western corporations – warns Bloomberg Business. The IT market in Russia is worth approx. $ 3,000,000,000.

President Putin’s appeal to defend the “digital sovereignty” Russia first responded banks and energy producers. Decisions about switching to national or forced software available free of charge sanctions, which were covered by some companies.

The insurance company forming part of the Kremlin-controlled Sberbank launched in February, online services service-based operating system-Linux Rosa, abandoning the same with the popular counterparts – Microsoft and Oracle products. The desire to switch to domestic production software also declared 10 other banks.

A similar tactic last year applied Gazprom – has implemented its own software for analyzing geological data. Created by Russian developers GEOMAT replaced by applications from companies such as Emerson Electric Co. or Schlumberger Ltd.

migrating to domestic “software” are part of a broader plan of the Russian government, according to which by 2025 with foreign software has to give up more than half of Russian companies. Currently, more than 75 percent. worth approx. 157 million rubles market belongs to foreign corporations.

In an interview with Bloomberg Business Elena Semenovska of the Moscow Centre for Development of Innovation (IDC) noted that although the total elimination of import software is not possible, Russian companies use domestic software “wherever possible”.


The development of the local IT market can be a major obstacle for giants US such as Microsoft and Oracle, the German SAP solutions, all of which are still used by many Russian companies. The restructuring of the Russian IT market could cost them a fortune – in 2014, the trio earned in Russia almost 60 billion rubles. Even if Putin’s plan fails, the losses may prove to be irreparable.


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