Tuesday, July 28, 2015

End of plagiarism at universities? They spend millions on new … – rmf24.pl

1 hr. 28 minutes ago

More and more students plagiatuje theses! Even one third of Bachelor or Master’s may be plagiarism – the reporter learned Romuald Kłosowski RMF FM. Whip the method of “copy-paste” – is to be the new software. For a new system of examination shall pay the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Fig. Illustrative

/ PAP / Marcin Bielecki / PAP

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Rather than reaching for books – students are increasingly seeking information on the Internet. It’s a big easier way of acquiring knowledge. This raises the big temptation to “cut corners” to go on. Increasingly, there are cases when students are switching works whose authors are not – admits Luke Szelecki, a spokesman for the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

So far, universities may or may not have to check the theses of its students and graduates. From the coming academic year is about to change. Last year, the amendment came into law on higher education and universities since 2015/16 have to deal with it. So far, about 180 schools, almost half of the universities Gypsies were tracked plagiarism – adds Szelecki.

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The new software Ministry of Science will the EU money. A hundred million zlotys selected schools will build or will improve their systems antyplagiatowe. After support to the Ministry signed up 117 universities. Deadline for submissions has passed a few days ago. The money will get those schools which submitted the best ideas to combat plagiarism. Ministerial winners will be announced in October.

All theses students from all Polish schools also will go to one, an electronic resource. There also will be able to track the cases of defense the same work at different universities.


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