Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Companies are increasingly investing in software – Money.pl

2014-12-16 14:53

The growing popularity of the use of information systems in Polish enterprises is a sign that our market has appreciated their role in support of the implementation of the business objectives. Still, the level of computerization of domestic companies differ on how the situation in Western companies, which to improve its competitiveness for years to successfully use the powers given to them by specialized software.

Tangible benefits flowing from the introduction of the system in the enterprise computer, made in the case of the largest companies in their use has become the norm. Polish and foreign corporations operating in our country, use sophisticated systems designed specifically for their needs. Implemented in software supports the implementation of complex tasks in a way that allows for efficiency impossible to achieve with traditional methods of work. Also, SMEs face more often decide to buy highly specialized systems, and even custom dedicated software, fully adapted to the processes carried out by them. This trend is the result not from fashion to modern technology, and radically improve the organization of work, which allow you to achieve advanced business applications.


The main reason why companies decide to implement information systems , is to optimize their operation. With the right software it is possible to significantly accelerate the performance of daily activities. This saves a lot of time workers who can focus on other activities, contributing to a greater extent by the company to generate additional profits. Implementation of the system lets you organize your work and its standardization, which make the implementation of all business processes much easier and more transparent, both for regular employees and their managers.

The computer system stores all relevant to business information, allowing you to access them at any time. Disappears thanks to a lot of problems with getting the necessary data that have been stored in the form of paper documents. Employee – rather than, for example, to browse through a stack of binders in search of an invoice from the previous quarter – it just gives the contractor the application data and returns it with all necessary information.

– The implementation of an adequate system also improves communication within the company, leading to data integration and improve their flow. No good exchange of information between the different departments of companies is one of the most common problems, the solutions of which customers expect from us – says Tomasz Derczyński HDF Poland, the company involved in the design of IT solutions for industrial and service companies.

Measuring the effectiveness of

Implementation of the system allows effective control of the results of business activities undertaken. Lack of appropriate tools to measure the effectiveness of one of the greatest ills management. Thanks

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