Saturday, December 20, 2014

Polish cleaner software Earth orbit – On 24

Researchers from Slupsk Technology Incubator developed software for the robot, whose task will be to catch a special mesh waste circulating in orbit and bringing them toward Earth to burned in the atmosphere. In February there will be testing machine.

Over the last few years, abundant in space missions in orbit will have accumulated more than 27,000 different kinds of garbage, such as the remains of rockets and satellites. The European Space Agency plans so “clean orbit” – within three years will be developed complete “garbage”, which will bring junk in orbit, where under the influence of high temperature will burn them.

– Actually, this project is already in the final stage. Now we face tests in Canada on a plane, in the interior of which will prevail conditions of weightlessness – said in an interview with Arkadiusz Śmigielski from the company Opti Nav, one of the three working on the project “Clean Space.”

– Grid behaves differently when it acts on the air resistance, and otherwise, when it is in space. We were standing in the middle of the equipment to see how they behave after launch, as these networks are growing, then the position of the nodes rozrysujemy – tells Śmigielski.

During the tests in Canada in early February will be able to give away 15 shots.

TVN 24

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