Sunday, December 14, 2014

Windows 10 will have support for software Cortana … –


The network leaked version of the Windows 9901 operating system 10, which is scheduled for release next year. It is available in the application that allows access to Xbox Live and Cortana software.


Yesterday, 19:00 ?? James Mirowski ( ?? game in the world


Just yesterday we reported that Microsoft apparently plans on January 21 tell us details about the new tactics on the games, and they have already received a foretaste. The network leaked version of Windows 9901 10 , in which we noted, inter alia, to software and application Cortana connecting a computer with Xbox.

No specifics about playing on Windows 10. It is for the app to Xbox Live. (Source: The Verge) - Windows 10 will have the use of the software application to Cortana and Xbox - news - 2014-12-14

No specifics about playing on Windows 10. It is for the app to Xbox Live. (Source: The Verge)

For the players, of course, the most important is this last feature. That application will serve as a gateway to the environment Xbox – achievements, friends list or shop , which is already about to connect closely with the Windows Store. Let’s just hope it’s not all what he said Phil Spencer – the head of the Xbox brand – to mention that Microsoft will want to turn to the people playing on the PC. Addition, there are new animations. Redmond giant also resigned from the classic control panel. As announced in early December software is implemented Cortana, well-known people who use smartphones running Windows Phone . Admittedly, it still does not work quite well, but Microsoft has a lot of time to fix it.

More details will be announced probably already January 21, when the Redmond company will host a conference, devoted to the tenth version of Windows. As announced earlier, Phil Spencer, corporation is going to turn back toward the neglected recently players PC . Recall that the last such attempt is associated with activation of the platform Games for Windows LIVE, which turned out to be a huge flop.

  1. The official website of Microsoft

readers comments

makmakpl 2014-12-14 – 19:28

Until I could play in such a halo, or forze, I will wywalał these applications right away.

gorn18 2014-12-14 – 19:44

UP The same sentence in which we shit, we play on the PC than on Xboxach.

Aexoni 2014-12-14 – 19:51

 I take right away!

Predi2222 2014-12-14 – 19:56

Even pasting this link, but it does not hurt to repeat

Bezio1292 2014-12-14 – 20:08

Oh back on Steam.
 Hi: D

aope 2014-12-14 – 20:59

The program to account shoe was already by default in Windows 8, so it’s nothing new. New in this news only Cortana.

Klblaz 2014-12-14 – 21:18

The truth that the PC market is neglected, but that does not change any Games for Windows LIVE, which was terrible pile. Steam is now – so we wystarzczy. The purpose of Microsoft is to optimize the system and DirectX’a 12.

kaszanka9 2014-12-14 – 22 : 06

As it is to be a great support is probably wearing a joke.

Mitsukai 2014-12-14 – 22:09

Still zadzwinia me how people can connect with each other completely not related events, and on this basis they extend their applications.

Meno1986 2014-12-14 – 22:53

Cortana works well to not to say very well (in English). Unfortunately, the program still does not support the Polish language, which reportedly took place in November and December … We have nothing. :)

aope 2014-12-14 – 22:57

The purpose of Microsoft is to optimize the system and DirectX’a 12.
 Look how joker: & gt;
 Steam is now – so we wystarzczy.
 Monopoly and gradual reduction of user rights, however, such a beautiful thing ambassadors of slavery. Renting games as you can see it is doing well. Congratulations.

pixario 2014-12-14 – 23:01

For a long time you can play games with the XBOX360 and ONE on windows 7 8 (slip at a gaming) but Micro $ oft will not let it just does not pay them and such revelations like this in the news we are undergrowth funny

Skinner 2014-12-15 – 2:07

Why Micro $ hit invented Windows TT ….


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