Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Microsoft’s software will be on devices with … – Banker

             Microsoft announced it has signed an agreement with 11 providers of electronic equipment from mobile operating system Android. Under the agreement, the devices will be pre-installed Office programs and messaging service Skype.


The US company has informed that the matter has reached an agreement with the companies: Samsung, Dell, TrekStor, JP Sa Couto, Datamatic, DEXP, Hipstreet, QMobile, Tecno, Casper and Pegatron. On devices manufactured and sold by these companies will be installed programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, OneDirve and Skype.


“For manufacturers, this agreement will help increase the value of Android devices and enrich the experience of users who use this equipment,” – said in a statement vice president for Microsoft. Peggy Johnson business development.


Media note that Microsoft and creator of Android, Google, compete in the market for mobile operating systems. Microsoft offers its own Windows Phone platform, and Google has produced a number of applications which function in the Office programs. However, in the past, there have to work these conglomerates. (PAP)


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