Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Pirated software only in theory has a lot to offer … – Spider’s Web

Pirated software is potentially a lot to offer. Tempts the convenience of access, bargain price, or even free use of the program, costing a substantial sum of money otherwise. Before using this opportunity should however make a simple balance of profit and loss, as we face the consequences of inappropriately high for the benefits.

Regardless of whether use of illegal software unknowingly or deliberately, its use may cause bandwidth potential problems, the existence of which we are often not even aware of it.

Buying the program from the official distribution has one key advantage – it gives absolute certainty the source from which it is derived. The same can not be said of course pirated copies. With this in mind, we should remember that deciding to download or purchase software of unknown origin issue primarily compromised our security.

The threat is very real

Pirated software downloaded from torrents and other file-sharing networks does not give any warranty as to its content. Very often, therefore, that we get … the egg with a twist. And it’s a very unpleasant surprise.

It may, for example, find that installing an illegal copy, open your computer to potential attacks using malicious software that can then bring very unpleasant consequences.

In recent times, especially the popular “bonus” attached to pirated copies were two “worms” – Conficker and dorkbot. There is a high probability that they were used to create so-called “zombie computers” that is, the components of the botnet.


A botnet is a collection of computers infected in a manner undetectable by the user, and allows the designer to exercise remote control of all infected computers.

A botnet is a very serious threat, since it allows you to make various attacks on users from spam, to the surveillance and stealing personal data. Especially the latter are particularly dangerous, because the range of such deed goes far beyond the computer screens.

It is well known cases of stealing credit card numbers and passwords to web sites and services. In extreme cases, they even identity theft using data obtained using malware localized in an illegal copy of the software. Although this should not be considered as a rule, there were also a very serious cases to clear the bank accounts of users, and we have to admit that it is a much more serious problem than the unwanted mail with offers.


At first glance, it might seem that this practice applies only to pirated versions downloaded from dubious sources, however, the problem is as real in the case of the purchase of illegal copies, the legal form of distribution. Even at the Allegro.

Subject selling pirated software through the auction site will be more thoroughly addressed in the later parts of the cycle, but today should realize that the mere fact that the software is sold on Allegro, not testifies to its legality.

The scale of trafficking is huge, and as a result – all the more dangerous. According to data from January this year, released Spider’s Web, 91% -99% of the available on Allegro distribute two recent versions of Windows and MS Office are illegal copies. It has been estimated that the total revenues from the sale amounted to about 1.9 million.

Just a huge influence (1.4 million) was recorded in the total sales of illegal copies of software Corel, Adobe, and Symantec over January and February. It must be emphasized that it is the amount that goes to the … cheaters, dishonest traffickers preying on the money buyers. These are gigantic sums that should well illustrate how easy to purchase illegal software version, with a seemingly legitimate source.

Also in the case of this form of sale must reckon with possible attacks carried out with malicious software. Especially in the case of purchasing a license key, it is very common to send their emails, in which neither the key nor redirected to the manufacturer, but redirect the user through the entire network naszpikowanych malware websites. This is no different absolutely nothing, by downloading files from torrents – well, except that we spent the money.


Of course, speaking about the consequences of using illegal software, not to mention the legal issues. And here at the beginning you have to make it clear – every time the use of pirated copies of software is a violation of law and is punishable by law.

A comment on this aspect of the case asked James Kralka, the site .

The computer program is protected by copyright. Both in relation to the question code and graphic design. Therefore, the use of the software piracy are provisions of the Act of Copyright and Related Rights of 1994. Interestingly, these records it appeared only in 1994, before the law did not include them, because prior to this period piracy to flourish.

Art. 74 of the said Act clearly defines the legal nationality of the software:

  1. Computer programs are protected as literary works, unless the provisions of this Chapter do not provide otherwise.
  2. The protection granted to the program computerized includes all forms of its expression. Ideas and principles underlying any element of a computer program, including the base lines, are not protected.

It is worth stressing that copyright excludes from the scope of permissible software use. In contrast to the contentious issue of serials download from sites like Rapidshare, downloading software always violate the law.

Criminal liability in the event of a breach of copyright law defines art. 116 of the Copyright Act:

Whoever, without authorization or against its conditions distributes someone else’s work in its original form or in the form of the development, performance, phonogram, videogram or broadcast, the penalty of restriction of liberty or imprisonment up to 2 years.

  1. If the perpetrator commits the act referred to in paragraph. 1 in order to achieve financial gain, is punishable by imprisonment up to 3 years.
  2. If the perpetrator did the offense referred to in paragraph. 1 a regular source of income or criminal activity, as referred to in paragraph. 1, organizes or directs, be punished by imprisonment from 6 months to 5 years.
  3. If the perpetrator of the act referred to in paragraph. 1 acts unintentionally, subject to a fine, imprisonment or imprisonment for up to a year.
  4. A liability is determined while Art. 79 of this Act, which describes what actions may be entitled to claim that copyright has been infringed, the person who violated the law.

It also follows a moral consequence of the use of illegal software – except that deprive creators due to earnings, supporting criminal activity. Especially in the case of buying pirated copies, including on auction sites, it is worth remembering that not only break the law, but also support the illegal dealings.

An even more serious consequences associated with the use of illegal software may affect companies and institutions that have the commit

I would say that in this case, the losses can be much more severe than in the case of home users.

While private user can, in many cases cover the ignorance of the offense and the purchase of pirated copies, it For companies illegal software is used most often, deliberately.

piracy pirate pirates torenty torrent

Typically, such actions are dictated by the desire to save money, especially in the initial stages of the business, although this is not the case. Also in respected, highly successful companies there were cases of the use of illegal software.

This is particularly true of institutions, in which the cost of a single license for the program is very high, such as design offices and advertising agencies, using the very expensive software.

An employer who decides to take such a step, it risks de facto much more than just place allegations of copyright infringement. Apparent savings resulting from the use of illegal software are also not worth the risk, especially if we take into account several factors.

First of all, by virtue of said art already. 79 of the Act on the Copyright, software developer has the right to demand compensation “by paying a sum of money in an amount equivalent to two times, and if the violation is at fault – three times the appropriate remuneration, which at the time of the investigation would be payable in respect of the award by an authorized permission to use the song. “

Even the need to pay three times the value of the software must be sufficiently” deterrent “. If this is not suggestive enough, we should also take into account the losses resulting from the so-called. lost profits. And these may be the nail in the coffin of the company.

At the moment in which the suspected use of illegal software and the police arrives, we really lose the opportunity to continue to work, because it needed to requisition equipment.

A few years ago there was a situation in which a certain advertising agency won the tender for the campaign of 20 million. However, it was caught using pirated software worth 1.5 million, as a result had to pay a fine, the amount could be as much as three times that amount.


But that was not the worst – for the duration of the process the agency was deprived of work opportunities, and therefore was not able to realize the signed contract. It is hard to imagine how big the losses suffered in this way. We only know that that the agency has not been able to pick up after them.

Apart from such extreme cases, where the use of illegal software apprentice’s activities or institutions, even the single case of the use of pirated software may err on the fate of the company. Because it affects a very negative impact on the company’s reputation and business reputation is a factor not to be underestimated.

In particular, if we take into account the previously reported attack on the possibilities of digital computers infected with pirate software, it is difficult to expect that customers have entrusted their company data from which these data can be stolen.

It should be remembered also that the consequences are always burdened by the employer. Even if pirated software is detected on the computer of one employee, the employer bears the whole responsibility under Art. 120 of the Labor Code:

  1. If the cause by an employee in the performance of his duties as employee injury to a third party, to make good the damage is the only employer.
  2. In view of the employer who repaired the damage caused to a third party, employee responsibilities as stipulated in the provisions of this chapter.

James Kralka adds:

If someone uses the freeware for non-commercial license to operate, also runs the prawnocywilną liability for breach of license under Art. 79

It is worth mentioning that the problem of illegal software applies not only to private companies, but sometimes … of state institutions

You can use the analogy here to buy on Allegro – it that the entity starts in a legal tender for software announced by the institution does not mean that the product comes from a legitimate source. It would seem that when the tenders should be subject to strict controls (stress – “should”. Reality verify) has no right to come to a situation where a state institution use of illegal software.

Unfortunately, such a situation occurs quite often, according to the analytical data provided Spider’s Web. The majesty of the law traffickers fake copies of software are tendering and very often they win, they usually winning bid determines one factor – price.

prison jail crime punishment piracy pirate

Here you go back even deeper implications, especially in relation to tarnish the reputation. In a situation where a state institution is caught using pirated software loses public confidence in the eyes of citizens, thus resulting in a subsequent public opinion, because as you know, the public likes to generalize.

Everything the hands of the user’s awareness

It would be easy to close this article moralizing cliché, but I think that such matters should be left to their own conscience. It should, however, keep in mind all the consequences described here, especially when deliberately decide to make use of pirated software.

It’s hard to argue that even doing the fast balance of profit and loss, the latter can be overwhelmingly more, the potential benefits. This applies to both home users and businesses.

In the case of people who use illegal copies unconsciously, is unfortunately only sensitivity to the pervasive piracy and informed purchasing from reliable sources. It should be openly question the suspiciously low purchase price, with somewhere in the back of the head that acquired in this way, the product may not be legal.

It should trust their own, common sense, because both in law and in For other threats, we are always guilty themselves.

* Some graphics from website Shutterstock


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