Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The software for the banks no longer additive. It is a priority –

The software for the bank & # XF3; in & # x17C already, not a supplement. It is a priority Changes in customer expectations are forcing a growing number of companies outside the technology sector to improve knowledge of the software. Success in this area requires a partnership, cooperation and commitment to a level well beyond the traditional outsourcing. Banks must pass aware of this and develop a clear vision of action, supported by specific investments in software and technology. As a result, they can stand out from the competition and non-banking institutions.

customer behavior evolve faster than companies are able to modify their business models and processes and the technology used. This process forces the organizations, including the growing group of companies outside the technology sector, more perfect knowledge of the software at a level corresponding customer demand. In this way, revenues increasingly depend on technology. It is a differentiating factor and the mechanism by which customers come in contact with the brand and increase loyalty to her.

The company operating revenue beyond technology sector can become more closely dependent on innovation. This means that the compulsion to pay more attention to the technology. This is not always possible, however. In such a situation, the commercial success in the field of software development should require partnership, cooperation and commitment to a level well beyond the traditional outsourcing. Software services enable the development of product platforms, offering the functionality and the ability to configure, as well as the flexibility necessary to support multiple generations of products.

Technology has become a priority

 An independent research firm Forrester Research, in one of his recent report stated that with the development of industries such as information services and financial, retail, media, tourism and entertainment, the value of the product or service in an increasingly software. Possibilities of software is no longer a nice addition, and important asset of any brand. Technology has become a priority of strategic importance. Currently, each service or product requires a software client contact, and in such an environment, companies need to use the services of partners who are competent. Compared with traditional IT projects, it requires a way of thinking and skills in a much more focused on the product. What is needed is a different type of providers with the broader skills, such as user experience design (UXD) or knowledge of Agile.

The increased popularity and the assimilation of social channels, digital and mobile changed the expectations of our customers and created businesses the opportunity to deliver a broader and more innovative range of products aimed at the consumer. It is no longer business opportunity, but a necessity. Some companies have paid a high price because I underestimated the impact of software and digital technologies to their business models and the ability to reach thanks to them for a broader and more diverse customer base.

Adapt or die

 An example would be the Kodak, a former giant among companies pre-digital photographs, which gradually fell into decadence and finally in 2012, filed for bankruptcy. The reason could be the inability to defeat a positional again in the digital age. In contrast, post-it notes and Moleskine, the two companies operating outside the technology sector, which have built their empires on paper products, successfully used the software and technology to develop its product range and strengthen the position of digital customers.

In the was launched in September 2014 application Post-it Plus app, which allows users to record and share online handwritten notes on pieces of paper Post-It, which facilitates their organization and continued use. In the first week after starting the application downloaded more than a million users. It also had the status of iTunes Featured App.

 At the beginning of the year, the company announced the launch of a Moleskine notebook series on the market with intelligent Livescribe pens so that, after registration, you will be able to transfer notes and images from the paper on your computer or other mobile device, thereby facilitating users to access their ideas. In addition to the transfer of ideas from paper to screen, smart pens can also record video notes pinned to written documents, mark them by tagging or flagging by the end of the smart pen.

As far as relations with the customers are becoming more digitization, increasing demand for suppliers who will be able to boast the necessary skills and competence in this field. In many cases, such suppliers are also involved in the development of services and software are able to improve the capabilities of IT companies and their ability to provide services in the field of use of the product for the customer base.

This includes banking – in particular, if pokusimy an answer to the question of how a modern bank. Prior to his identity created branch, external authentication elements, ATM and financial consultant. Currently, banks are losing their identity and brand recognition, because a brand no longer corresponds to a branch, but software for customer contact, sales

 and the use of financial services.

Banks have become technology companies

The move away from purely digital banking services to a wider range of financial services is possible. Already available on the market, one of the popular solution to companies outside the banking sector, which, thanks to the involvement of nearly 40 card issuers, including leading banks in the US, allows payment by most major credit and debit cards.

Banking institutions must develop more products together with dealers who have the necessary skills and capabilities in the context of software development. If banks want to remain competitive and retain customer loyalty must deal with sales of products and become promoters of services – in short, if you still want to keep an intermediary, have become technology companies.

Customer requirements are constantly increasing. Competitiveness forces companies to ensure that they appreciated the importance of the rate of introduction of products. In dealing with companies, consumers expect initiative, creativity, and technological development overtaking and innovate. Banks are required to pass aware of this and develop a clear and broad vision of action, supported by specific investments in software and technology. As a result, they can in the eyes of customers stand out from the competition and non-banking institutions.

 Balazs Fejes, EPAM Systems


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