Friday, May 29, 2015

New software for business customers G DATA version … –

Improved Mobile Device Management module now with support for iOS devices

 About 40% of all companies for our western border has become the target of cyber criminals in the last two years, where the average loss amounted to about 371 000 EURO (Source: KPMG). These statistics make it a key aspect for companies becomes secure their networks against data theft and other attacks. The updated generation of G DATA v13.2 sets new standards in the field of network security. Thanks unowocześnionemu MDM module, iOS devices are now integrated into the enterprise IT infrastructure and can be centrally managed by network administrators. In addition, all versions of G DATA business packages introduced a USB KEYBOARD GUARD module that provides protection against manipulated drives and USB devices (BadUSB).

 – Many companies that are leaders in their industry enjoys an unhealthy interest from cybercriminals. Theft of important company data, such as. Construction plans, information on the manufacturing processes or customer base can have a devastating impact on their financial condition and market position. Updated Software G DATA business is a complete solution. This means that mobile devices are as well protected as laptops, desktops or corporate servers – explains Walter Schumann, a member of the board of G DATA Software AG.

 Device running Android and iOS as full customer

 Over 90% of mobile devices shipped worldwide operates in two most popular systems – Android and iOS (source: IDC). That is why the device with these mobile systems from version 13.2 has been integrated as a full-fledged customers protected by G DATA network. Mobile Device Management module allows the administrator to convenient overview of all smartphones and tablets in the managed network. Appropriate security settings can be applied through a central console zrządzającej, specific to each company’s security policy if the settings theft from now on be under control admins.

 No entry for USB devices manipulated

 In August 2014 years, G DATA was the first anti-virus company, which introduced an effective tool to protect users against the threat called BadUSB. G DATA GUARD USB KEYBOARD is the solution, which turned out to be a hit and met with the approval of the EU IPACSO organization awarding prizes to the most innovative European companies. The technology provides effective protection against manipulated USB devices that can pretend keyboard, so as to take control of the affected computer. The winning module is now a permanent component of G DATA business solutions. Easy to manage USB KEYBOARD GUARD protection is possible from a central admin console where streaming down reports of blocked and approved USB keyboards.

 Effective protection against spam

 Every day, the average worker receives 12 emails classified as spam (source: Radicati Group). Additional module G DATA business MAIL SECURITY offers a centrally managed fully integrated antispam protection for Microsoft Exchange servers.

 G DATA AntiVirus Business

 Our solution protects your corporate network using a recognized and award-winning anti-virus technology. G DATA Software offers centralized management, automatic protection for servers, desktops, laptops and mobile devices running Android and iOS without affecting the performance of the hardware.


 G DATA Client Security provides the best protection against all types of threats – viruses, Trojans, spam and hackers. It also provides reasonable protection against industrial espionage and data theft using the latest proactive technologies and signature database.


 G DATA ENDPOINT PROTECTION protects your network in many ways. Achieve the highest level of security through a combination of proactive protection CloseGap hybrid and the best response time to new threats. In addition to virus protection, firewall and antispam G Data offers PolicyManager module, which allows you to control employee access to the Internet, installed programs or external storage.

 G DATA MANAGED Endpoint Security

 Companies that do not have separated the IT department to administer corporate network do not have to give up her thorough protection. With G DATA MANAGED Endpoint Security can seamlessly connect our offer anti-virus software from a remote network administration services for its customers. As an expert you deliver to its customer solution and service through which its corporate network will be safe and monitored by a professional administrator.

 All products business may be extended with additional functions.

 Optional modules offer business:

  • G Data MailSecurity allows antivirus, antispam corporate e-mail. The program acts as a gateway to protect and checking all incoming and outgoing messages thereby protecting the mail server.
  • G DATA ClientBackup allows you to create daily backups enabling quick recovery of data in case of failure. Minimize downtime in the company due to unpredictable situations.
  • G DATA PatchManagement used in the operation of automatic scanning process by finding loopholes to then assemble them into a central management console. The result is a quick and easy installation of the required updates.

 Key Features v13.2 at a glance:

  • Excellent protection of servers and workstations through a comprehensive and proactive protection than the current signature bases without affecting the performance of protected equipment
  • Improved mobile device management module – the integration of mobile devices with Android and iOS systems as full clients in your network
  • AntiSpam for Exchange – a dedicated protection module for Exchange receives with 13.2 update a centrally managed anti-spam technology for Exchange infrastructure. Enables centralized management of plug-in for Exchange with support of white and black lists of email addresses and domains
  • G DATA BankGuard for secure online transactions
  • USB KEYBOARD Guard provides protection against manipulated devices be plugged into USB ports
  • Integrated anti-virus and anti-spam e-mail
  • Full functionality outside the corporate network structures (sales representatives, delegations)
  • Simple Administration and clear interface that provides all the necessary information network administered
  • Catalog hardware and software used on clients in your network
  • Remote administration from any location thanks to the MobileAdmin
  • Access Control, and online content for the regulation of internet usage in the enterprise
  • Optional: PatchManagement to centrally manage software updates installed on client stations

 Free upgrade for existing customers

 Business customers with an active license free software update G DATA held the latest version.


     G DATA Security Client, ManagementServer, G Data MailSecurity (32 bit / 64 bit): Windows 8.1 / 8/7 / Vista / XP (32 bit), Windows Server 2003/2008/2012, 1 GB RAM

     G Data Administrator / G DATA WebAdministrator / G Data MailSecurity Administrator: Windows 8.1 / 8/7 / Vista / XP, Windows Server 2003/2008/2012, 1 GB RAM

     G DATA Security Client for Linux (32 bit / 64 bit): Debian 6.0 / 7, OpenSUSE 11.4, 12.2, 12.3 and 13.1, Suse Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP4, SP3 11 and 12, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.11, 6.6 and 7.0, Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS LTS ,, 12.04.5, 14.04.1 LTS and 14.10, CentOS 5.11, 6.6 and 7.0, Fedora 19, 20 and 21

Source: G Data



Thursday, May 28, 2015

Mosaic supported by robotics and software – Computerworld

 Artaic is a Boston startup, which produces beautiful mosaic projects, similar to those we admire as historic works of art. Something that sets them apart is the fact that Artaic creates them using technology and robots that are designed to thousands of different designs. Ted Acworth, founder Artaic and its CEO, founded the company in 2007 because he wanted to find a faster, more efficient way to create a mosaic for design – what used to be a process that requires considerable work.

“I looked at the ceramic industry and I realized that this is a huge market, “he says. “People are satisfied with boring, ordinary tiles, because prettier, more artistic tiles are too expensive. Thanks to technology, more people can now get beautiful tiles. “


MATLAB and Simulink software package for students –

 MATLAB and Simulink software package for students

The package MATLAB and Simulink Student Suite includes students with all the tools needed to create great projects based on popular and low-cost hardware platforms. It also includes free technical support packages in terms of equipment.

MATLAB and Simulink enable students, hobbyists, DIY enthusiasts and non-commercial users to use the design of using models (Model-Based Design, MBD) – a mathematical and visual approach to creating complex control systems – so they can create more complex designs without the need for programming knowledge. This allows users to develop skills relevant in the context of a career, because applications MATLAB and Simulink are widely used in engineering and science.

The offered package includes solutions for MATLAB, Simulink, and 10 additional products. Packages technical assistance to the Arduino and Raspberry Pi is available at no extra charge. With this additional sets of tools, users can customize their software in order to meet their needs for control, signal processing, testing and measurements, and create a number of projects – from weather stations on robots that recognize facial features. Additional 10 products includes toolsets for system control, data acquisition, digital signal processing system (DSP), image processing, instrument control, optimization, signal processing, statistics and machine learning or symbolic computation.

Farnell element14 and its online community provide a rich resource for the scientific community of students and tinkerers who realize their ideas through platforms such as Arduino hardware and Raspberry Pi. The MathWorks is pleased with establishing partnerships with the Farnell element14, thanks to which we joined this community and we can accelerate the pace of technology and innovation says Amnon Gai, manager. corporate development and partnership programs in MathWorks.

For more information on how to use solutions MATLAB and Simulink can be found on webinariach organized by element14. Please also refer to the contest Teacher’s Pet Students’ Robotics Challenge , which participants will use solutions MATLAB and Simulink to create programmable robots in order to find solutions to the most common problems that are being faced by students.

To learn more about solutions MATLAB and Simulink, join the Hangout Google, which will take place on June 10 at 15:30 GMT.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The IT market: software more important than hardware – Modern Firm

– This market changing very much. At the moment it is basically a market for services and solutions rather than hardware market. Although a lot of the equipment is sold, it is no longer even carrier solutions, but rather base, the basis for this, that certain systems installed – explained in an interview with the news agency Newseria Business Roman Durka, Executive Vice President of Sygnity.

Key trends

Durka notes that a few years ago the entrepreneur rather skeptical approached shared technology, or in the cloud. Today, however little that the company do not use them, and this trend can no longer be stopped. That is why this type of service will be very developed.


Another clear trend is the increasing mobility of workers, forcing the use of technologies that are available outside the office. Companies that collect more and more information, they must also invest in software for their analysis. Big data enables accurate understanding of customer behavior and thereby increase sales efficiency.

– In connection with the fact that these data are quite a few and you have to process them and transmit, in addition the whole concept of big data strongly developing network as well as network security and data across the network. There are companies making products in the field of data security, which a few years ago nobody had heard – Durka says.

Security is a purely economic decision

The issue IT security company is important also because of the increasingly popular method of work “bring your own device”, ie on their own devices employees. Durka draws attention to the fact that especially young workers often prefer to work on their own tablets or computers. Therefore, companies must ensure adequate protection of these devices. As indicated by the data analyzing cyberthreats companies, private facilities connecting employees to the network is one of the major risk factors.


Durka points out that security is a purely economic decision. Although adequate security costs, but often possible losses arising from cyber attack may be higher than the cost of investment in safety.

Innovation for small businesses

A little more difficult to accurately assess the direction of the development of services in the cloud and services mobile, but Durka is convinced that the coming years will pass under their trademark. As pointed out, the market driven by innovation, which often arise in small businesses.


– Today the development of science takes place mainly in smaller companies and only proven products tend to be incorporated by large companies. World power of information technology can not do without these small companies and start-ups around, because their different approach, less structured product, market and customer, and low costs, for which they work, give them a chance to create something completely different – says Durka.

He adds that the perception of these innovations and adapting them accordingly is a challenge for most companies, but those that do not will be able to do that, they may have a problem with survival in the market.

– Despite that small businesses are the engine of innovation, Durka notes that, at least in Poland there was a large market consolidation. Though IT companies are hundreds, then leading players in the market is now only a few. Further consolidation would be disadvantageous, because that could lead to monopolization – warns Vice President of Sygnity.




Friday, May 22, 2015

New software for Samsung NX1 dramatically improves … –

The top corps forming part of bezlusterkowego NX, Samsung NX1 has just received the latest firmware patch. A numbered 1.30 firmware brings many changes in the functioning of the camera in both photo and video. Is the occasion of proof of how much can be improved in the functioning of the body via software.

 Samsung NX1 is one of the most extensive bodies bezlusterkowych recent years and also the first time in NX, which with a clear conscience can be described as professional. However, he struggled since its inception to the various problems the functional and technical nature, which were disposed of subsequent amendments firmware, or firmware. The latest version, bearing the number 1.30 brings a record number of changes in the functionality of the camera and has a chance to move usability of the body to a new level.


 The list of changes made to the camera after installing the new software can be divided into three main categories:

  Functionality photo

  •  Improving the quality of work of AF in insufficient light conditions.


  •  Improving the quality of work of AF in backlight and spot.


  •  Improving the quality of work of AF in the corners of the frame when using a lens Samsung NX 16-50mm F3.5-5.6 ED OIS Power Zoom.


  •  Improvement of AF with face detection mechanisms wykoprzystaniem.


  •  Adding “mode AF zone” (Zone AF).


  •  The ability to increase the size of the AF target to the mode of area (Area Size).


  •  Abolition of time constraints bulb exposure.


  •  Increasing the number of frames that can be taken in a time-lapse mode to 3000.


  •  The addition of the four most common patterns of settings from the list of Pro Suggest (Cinematic, Memories, Gorgeous night, High Speed)

  •  Simplified preview screen shot image EXIF ​​data

  Functionality video

  •  Improving the quality of work of AF in movie mode.


  •  Improved performance image recording by the transmitter – increased image quality FHD mode prograsywnym to 60 frames / sec.


  •  The extensive functionality mode, Time Code with four new measurement tools.


  •  The format of 1920 × 1080 (120) was placed on the menu Movie Size to provide easier access.


  •  Added an option to enable or disable the automatic control of the microphone.


  •  Histogram and digital spirit level can be displayed in waiting and recording modes

  •  Added the ability to capture individual frames of 4K before and after a given point in the recording (JPEG files include the appropriate EXIF ​​data)

  •  Added new mode MF fine adjustment with the possibility of a three-stage sensitivity adjustment work.


  •  After recording, the camera remains in standby mode

  Functionality Communication

  •  Added the ability to transfer JPEG, RAW (preview only content in formation JPEG) and video via Wi-Fi. RAW files at the time of transmission commands are converted to JPEG thumbnails using the Picture Wizard and sent to the mobile device’s memory to enable the preview.


  •  Supports new Samsung Remote Studio application (downloadable via the command from the camera, it provides full control of the body NX1 via USB)

  •  Adds support for connection to the TV operating system based on Tizen OS.




 The new version of software for the camera Samsung NX1 can be downloaded from the official site technical support from Samsung. There is also its installation instructions in English.




Thursday, May 21, 2015

Bitdefender launches new software GravityZone to … –

May 21 Bitdefender antivirus software maker introduced to the Polish market a new generation of software GravityZone, which is characterized by comprehensive protection, efficiency and effectiveness in the field of corporate security.

May 21 Bitdefender antivirus software maker introduced to the Polish market a new generation of software GravityZone, which is characterized by comprehensive security, efficiency and effectiveness in the field of corporate security. Performance new GravityZone has its roots in a previous version, which was proven in the April tests which allowed users to recover to 17% capacity and reduce delays as much as half compared to competing solutions. New GravityZone is built on the basis of Bitdefender security technology that leads the industry in quality and has received numerous awards, .: AV-Test, AV-Comparatives, PC Mag and others.
Bitdefender GravityZone, which introduces for the first time defensive three-second answer, makes implementation is easier than ever with the ability to create installation package for any operating system and end point located anywhere, according with security policies and matched to the performance of the hardware.

Comprehensive control facilities at the new GravityZone lets users fine-tune permissions for connecting mobile devices and to create a secure devices that can be connected, including printer ports IEEE 1284.4 and IEEE 1394, USB ports, modems, CD-ROM devices, and others such as SCSI bus and RAID controllers, storage volumes, network adapters, and more.
New to protect Microsoft Exchange On-premise version (based on the server in the company) and Cloud offers an intuitive, centralized management. Physical and virtual Linux machines benefit from security access for endpoints on-demand protection for physical endpoints is checked by centralized scanning. Edition of the new GravityZone combined with the implementation of a new portfolio of business products that maximize simplicity and versatility. Option BitDefender Enterprise Security includes desktops and physical servers and virtual and mobile devices offering intelligent scanning, centralized management and many others. Package includes a suite of Advanced Business Security and Business Security.
“GravityZone was already at the forefront of the security industry, which has been proven in recent tests,” said Catalin Cosoi Bitdefender strategic security chief. “With the new GravityZone we have made some steps forward and excitedly look forward to its impact on the security industry and above all the safety of businesses around the world.”

added by MARKEN


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

These are the first findings ws. Airbus military disaster. Failed … – TVP

It’s about the so-called. ECU. – It works by analyzing the output signals generated as a result of the pilots, whereby the engines operate optimally, in which the pilots want to work. They analyze numerous data at the same time – explained in an interview with BBC spokesman Airbus. – The practical force that these devices were mounted one on each of the engines – he added.

According to information obtained by Reuters show that the problem is not so much the software code itself, but how it is installed in the devices of the machine.

Airbus A400M crashed near the airport in Seville in southern Spain. The crash killed four people. This was a new machine that passed the tests. She hit to Turkey.

Paused exploitation

A400M model is not currently operated by the Spanish army. Orders for such machines has made eight countries that want to replace their aging fleet of Hercules transport aircraft. According to Spanish media Madrid signed an agreement to purchase 27 machines, the first of which was supposed to join the army as early as next year.

The first copy of the A400M went in 2013 to France. After the disaster, the British Ministry of Defence as a precaution has ceased operation of its two aircraft A400M.


Sunday, May 17, 2015

The software will replace the presidents and directors – Computerworld

The increasing automation of work has long raised concerns about the possibility of losing jobs to robots that successfully replace humans. Such concern is, however, mostly lower-level positions or workers. The American Institute for the Future (Institute for the Future) warns top managers before an illusory sense of security.

Devin Fidler, director. Research at the Institute for the Future, published in the April issue of the Harvard Business Review the results of a research experiment, which the main objective was to examine the possibility of automation of management processes in the company at the highest management level. The project created a prototype of a new software called “ICEO” whose activity surpassed all expectations of researchers.

See also:

Basically, the new software is a virtual management system that automates complex processes, first dividing them into micro-tasks, and then allocating certain employees using tools such as oDesk and Uber, as well as e-mail and text (SMS). Operation of this system is very simple. It involves dragging and dropping in the right place separate “virtual assembly line”. The user manages them through the control panel.

Researchers at the Institute for the Future tested the new software ICEO, creating a hypothetical project for monitoring the work on a major research report on the production of graphene.

For information about methods of producing graphene, developers took advantage of Amazon Mechanical Turk platform through which freelancers commissioned to prepare a list of articles on this issue. Compiled a list of publications was then transferred analysts oDesk freelancers and service centered around Elance, who created a coherent, unified text. At the next stage of the project the text has been reviewed by experts, and then ground on by a group of editors, proofreaders and so. Controllers facts.

Using this software, ICEO divided the project into smaller tasks and separated them 23 people from around the world. The program eventually created, reformatted and prepared 60 pictures and diagrams.

– In principle we have with arms folded and just watched the ICEO implements the entire project. The intervention on our part was negligible. Despite this, we were positively surprised by the high quality of work done by the program, and the final result exceeded our wildest expectations, not to mention the speed with which all tasks have been done – Devin Fidler writes in the pages of Harvard Business Review.

Saving time is the main advantage of having a ICEO. Usually on the same quest and gathering the information needed for the study takes a few weeks, the program and the need for it just three days. In this way the report was not ready in a few months, but a few weeks.

In addition to reporting, the American Institute for the Future has conducted pilot tests in such areas as sales, quality assurance and recruitment. The results of all tests were also surprisingly good.

Applications posed by the experiment are such that soon even the most senior managers will not be able to avoid layoffs for its high quality jobs. Analysis of costs and benefits that are currently carried out by the shareholders, and relate mainly to lower-level employees may soon be used to assess the efficacy and cost-effectiveness in the hiring of executives.

It is estimated that the American Institute for the Future can We need two years to refine the technology and bringing it to a level that will allow the full implementation of software ICEO in the business environment.

So how do we prepare for the upcoming changes? First of all, it is worth paying more attention to the dynamics of the allocation of resources, because it mainly focused new solutions.


Friday, May 15, 2015

Are you using mods for GTA V? Watch out for malicious … –

Software malware noted in two modes for GTA V – Angry Planes and No Clip. Both have been reported at different sites, so had time to get to a large group of players.

The virus contained in them is extremely vile – it can not be easily detected after downloading fashion, because probably doing what belongs to him and spontaneously to erase. A serves steal user passwords, so if of you use these mods, just in case change your all, which you use on your computer.

How to deal with vindictive when fashion installed and the antivirus program fails? A detailed instruction can be found here. You have to not only track fade.exe file in the folder with temporary files and remove it from the registry, but GTA5.exe and delete the file from the directory with the game. Worst of all, it is not known yet whether these operations are one hundred percent handled by the case.

moderskiej community representatives say they have not seen before so vile attempt an attack on fans of the GTA series.

[Sources 1, 2]

Martin Kosman


Thursday, May 14, 2015

Adware – advertising malicious browser attack. Members … –

According to Google, in 2014 5.5% of visitors to Google sites had malware infected browser that display additional advertising. About 10 million users unknowingly have this type of malicious software on their computers or simply can not deal with it.

Ad Injectors are programs that display, joining advertisement or replace the existing advertising links to sites that fall unaware users when browsing the Internet. The main threat posed by malicious ads can bring it: to crack the encryption browsers and provide hazards in the form of malware, data theft of access to bank accounts, taking over the search and to transmit the reports of our activity outside sources.

as reported by Google, between June and September 2014 years, analysts have found 50870 extensions for Chrome and more than 34,000 software applications independent exhibiting behavior podobnene to those which are characterized by injectors unwanted ads. Approximately 38% were described as malicious software that outside advertising also sending out spam via Facebook (24%), took over the search engines (11%) and can transfer information about our activity criminals. Studies have shown that prey can fall also ours, all accesses to various auction portals such as. EBay.

The most common ad injector has been superfish.Com, which appeared in 3.9% of cases the samples investigated by Google. Right behind him is listed (2.4%), which overwrites the URL parameters and addresses of online stores. Mac users, nor may feel safer, Google also found the risk of also running on those systems. Google has found changes in 3.4% and 5.1% respectively Pages for Mac and Windows.

In response to an investigation carried out, Google has promised to patch the software and removed 200 “fraudulent” extensions available in the official store for Chrome. Added the option displays a warning to users who unknowingly consume infected software.


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

10 million Internet users want on your computer malicious software –

According to Google, in 2014 5.5% of visitors to Google sites had malware infected browser that display additional advertising. After in-depth analysis of Google determined that about 10 million users unknowingly have this type of malicious software on their computers or simply can not deal with it.

Google, closely associated with the University of California, Berkeley and Santa Barbara decided to shed light on the tangled network of lucrative online advertising system. The results of the initial diagnosis allowed to assess the magnitude of the threat and that they can cope in environments different browsers in a very similar extent.

Why do the ads are a threat to security?

Ad Injectors are programs that display, joining advertisement or replace the existing advertising links to sites that fall unaware users when browsing the Internet. The main threat posed by malicious ads can bring it: to crack the encryption browsers and provide hazards in the form of malware, data theft of access to bank accounts, taking over the search and to transmit the reports of our activity outside sources.

Source: Google

Between June and September 2014, researchers found 50870 with Google Chrome extensions to more than 34,000 independent software applications showing actions similar to those which are characterized by the injectors. Approximately 38% were described as malicious software – in addition to the injectors unsolicited advertising, they also were sending spam via Facebook (24%), by acquiring the search engines (11%) for transmitting information about our activity ending.

Studies have shown that prey can fall also ours, all accesses to various auction portals such as. eBay.

The most common ad injector has been superfish.Com, which He appeared in 3.9% of cases the samples examined by Google. Right behind him is listed (2.4%), which overwrites the URL parameters and addresses of online stores.

Mac users, nor may feel safer, Google also found the risk of also running on those systems. Google has found changes in 3.4% and 5.1% respectively Pages for Mac and Windows.

How to avoid malicious ads?

If your Mac is infected or has this type of software installed on your computer, you will be bombarded with pop-up windows and colorful advertisements. The infection is most often we can see that the homepage has been changed and search engine redirected to other new source. To get rid of adware can update your operating system to the latest version of Yosemite v10.10.3 resistant or later, or try to remove the software manually.

In response to the investigation carried out, Google has promised to patch the software and removed 200 “fraudulent” extensions available in the official store for Chrome. Added the option displays a warning to users who unknowingly consume infected software.


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Open source. The software, through which the world works – Polish Radio

Open source programs count, draw, compose music and regulate the temperature in our homes, based on them actually any equipment – from smartphones and computers of various types, to televisions, microwaves and refrigerators. People from all over the world giving each additional functionalities that they need, and that makes these programs are becoming more developed and perfect. In smartphones install remote controls for your TV, for example, adjust the intensity of light in the home.

The program “Holy Rollers” we talked about whether open source software really is free, and also told how the unique, open “Education Server”, which is used by students in Estonian schools. Four students were wondering what features should meet and what kind of system should be written an excellent free application.


Title broadcasts: Holy Rollers

Leads: Patrick Kuniszewicz

Date of issue: 12/05/2015

Time issue: 9.00

kd / bullets


Open source. The software, through which the world works – Polish Radio

Open source programs count, draw, compose music and regulate the temperature in our homes, based on them actually any equipment – from smartphones and computers of various types, to televisions, microwaves and refrigerators. People from all over the world giving each additional functionalities that they need, and that makes these programs are becoming more developed and perfect. In smartphones install remote controls for your TV, for example, adjust the intensity of light in the home.

The program “Holy Rollers” we talked about whether open source software really is free, and also told how the unique, open “Education Server”, which is used by students in Estonian schools. Four students were wondering what features should meet and what kind of system should be written an excellent free application.


Title broadcasts: Holy Rollers

Leads: Patrick Kuniszewicz

Date of issue: 12/05/2015

Time issue: 9.00

kd / bullets


Monday, May 11, 2015

Software SJCAM –

Hi. I have the webcam here:


From what I know it is a fake version. And now the question is, or how I would install software from the original webcam that something happened to her? Because I need options “PC CAM” and the software did not exist.

PS: If anyone has a link to such software, let them send.


Thursday, May 7, 2015

Serious consequences of minor bugs in the software –

For this, however, that software errors can lead not only to display the legendary blue screen, but also to more serious consequences – counting human lives and billions of dollars – evidence not missing.

Matthew Kocielski, responsible for the safety tests LogicalTrust argues that “errors are everywhere because the software is everywhere, “and lists several examples in which a small omission developers, the desire to save time, or mere inability to foresee all eventualities, led to deplorable consequences.

1. Therac-25

Between 1985 and 1987 6 people was burned as a result of irradiation machine Therac-25. Three of them died as a result of the accident.

In the first case, in which the patient lost as a result of breast and feeling in his hand, it turned out that machine applied the approx. 100 times higher dose of radiation than resulted from the order. The manufacturer, AECL considered, however, that this is not possible, so no action was taken.

Later this the same year – in 1985. – other machine crashed, displaying an error message and take no exposure. The operator, used to moods device, forced execution procedures. The machine was attempting to five times the performance of the exposure, then completely he refused to obey. 3 months later the patient who participated in the procedure, died due to complications of radiation exposure.

AECL very long displacing guilt, recognizing that it is not possible to Therac-25 wrong dose or exposure made despite przeczącego ago Communication. Although it burns has been a few people, and the case went to court. During the proceedings, a spokesman for AECL admitted that he made a “small number” of tests the device was placed on the market.

As it turned out, worth more than $ 1 million machine has been equipped with software written in assembly language, created by one person. Accidents caused two minor omissions programmer. Overall, however, it lacked one, as it turned out, extremely significant line of code. Suddenly dozens of characters.

On the other hand, the error is likely to have been caught before the product on the market, if they do not run more reliable test procedure.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Is the Mac is vulnerable to viruses and malware? – Press

The notion that you do not have to worry about viruses or malware having your Mac is still surprisingly popular.

Many people believe Mac that can not catch the virus, but is it true? Are you a Mac viruses?

According to Bogdan Botezatu, Senior Analyst Electronic Threats Bitdefender : “The answer is definitely yes. There have been individual incidents, and certainly there will be another. “ A few years ago, some malicious software was able to exploit a vulnerability in Java, which enabled devices to infect 600,000 Macs, which was just 1% of the user base.

Since then, there were also other problems, such as KitM.A, backdoor application on OS X systems, which allowed to make screenshots desktop users and exploit Rootpipe, which proved to be very difficult to remove. Bogdan Botezatu also explains: “Software OS X has certain perspectives more security vulnerabilities than Windows all together. Apple advertises its products as being free of viruses. They ensure that we do not need anti-virus, because they know that people hate antivirus software . This type of software most often slows down computers so you do not want to install them. “

Apple has been repeatedly criticized for its slow approach to the issue of repairs with security gaps. Rootpipe was detected in October 2014, the amendment was published only recently (April 2015) and refers only to Yosemite (!), Not protecting older versions of OS X. The software can draw their own conclusions.

Senior Analyst Bitdefender also says that “Microsoft I’ve made at the forefront of infections so long that people began to exert pressure to have made some concrete steps towards change. Repair time associated with threats is now much shorter and we are encouraged to use third-party security software, which is also highly valuable clue manufacturer. “

“Modern threats operate quietly, which enables them to longer remain hidden, the latest versions of Mac OS X and Windows they are not slowed down, except for programs that steal Bitcoiny. “

Institutes, such as AV-Test , commenting on the threats of malware admitted: “This year alone we detected and registered more than 48 million unique malware samples, and approximately 98% were written for the Windows platform.” The same system Mac OS X was created more than 5000 new viruses, which proves that this type of threat there.

Why is there such a preponderance of threats for Windows?

Still more profitable to attack machines running Windows than Mac, the same with the logic of attacking Android instead of iOS. Malicious software is effective for both Windows and Android, and carries an advantage for criminals. In a word, these platforms are more profitable for criminals who write malicious software, and in almost every case just about money.

How to protect yourself from the dangers? If you fear the threats and would like to be sure that your system is safe, here are a few tips from professionals from Bitdefender:

  • Keep your operating system and all applications updated. Always install the latest patches.
  • Install antivirus software scanning or making other tool. According to tests conducted by AV-TEST, inter alia, Bitdefender has a 100% detection efficiency.
  • Use common sense and be suspicious. If something looks too good to be true niemoże and so probably is.

Apple was mentioned always that you can run additional antivirus software only for extra protection, but I do not do this for some time, so whether it is a cause for concern? Unfortunately, probably soon we see about that. At this time, we encourage you to install antivirus software. Bitdefender software maker gives the opportunity to test the software on your Mac for 30 days.

Based on an article from the portal

  Editorial CentrumPR indicates that the articles, photographs and comments posted by users of sites are concentrated in the Group Kafito. Published materials and speeches are their property and their private opinions. Editors CentrumPR not responsible for their content.



Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Is the Mac is vulnerable to viruses and malware? –

Many people believe that the Mac can not catch the virus, but is it true? Are you a Mac viruses?

According to Bogdan Botezatu, Senior Analyst Electronic Threats Bitdefender : “The answer is definitely yes. There have been individual incidents, and certainly there will be another. “ A few years ago, some malicious software was able to exploit a vulnerability in Java, which enabled devices to infect 600,000 Macs, which was just 1% of the user base.

Since that time, there were also other problems, such as KitM.A, backdoor application on OS X systems, which allowed the execution of the users desktop screenshots and exploit Rootpipe, which proved to be very difficult to remove. Bogdan Botezatu also explains: “Software OS X has certain perspectives more security vulnerabilities than Windows all together. Apple advertises its products as being free of viruses. They ensure that we do not need anti-virus, because they know that people hate antivirus software. This type of software most often slows down computers so you do not want to install them. “

Apple has been repeatedly criticized for its slow approach to the issue of repairs with security gaps. Rootpipe was detected in October 2014, the amendment was published only recently (April 2015) and refers only to Yosemite (!), Not protecting older versions of OS X. The software can draw their own conclusions.

Senior Analyst Bitdefender also says that “Microsoft I’ve made at the forefront of infection for so long that people began to exert pressure to have made some concrete steps towards substitution. Repair time associated with threats is now much shorter and we are encouraged to use third-party security software, which is also highly valuable clue manufacturer. “

“Modern threats work quietly, allowing them to remain longer in hiding, the latest versions of Mac OS X and Windows they are not slowed down, except for programs Bitcoiny stealing. “

Institutes, such as AV-Test , commenting on the threats of malware admitted: “This year alone we detected and registered more than 48 million unique malware samples, and approximately 98% were written for the Windows platform.” At the same Mac OS X it created more than 5,000 new viruses, which proves that this type of threat there.

Why is there such a preponderance of threats for Windows?

still more profitable to attack machines running Windows than Mac, the same with the logic of attacking Android instead of iOS. Malicious software is effective for both Windows and Android, and carries an advantage for criminals. In a word, these platforms are more profitable for criminals who write malicious software, and in almost every case, just about the money.

How to protect yourself from the dangers? If you fear the threats and would like to be sure that your system is safe, here are a few tips from professionals from Bitdefender:

· Keep your operating system and all applications updated. Always install the latest patches.

· Install antivirus software scanning or making other tool. According to tests conducted by AV-TEST, inter alia, Bitdefender has a 100% detection efficiency.

· Use common sense and be suspicious. If something looks too good, it can not be true, and so probably is.

Apple was mentioned always that you can run additional antivirus software only for extra protection, but I do not do this for some time, so if it is a cause for concern? Unfortunately, probably soon we see about that. At this time, we encourage you to install antivirus software. Bitdefender software maker gives the opportunity to test the software on your Mac for 30 days.

Based on an article from the portal

added by MARKEN


Monday, May 4, 2015

Explained: What functionalities should have software … –

A key element of pricing policy is the introduction of different types of promotions involving the lowering of prices. In this regard, it is worth checking whether the program has the capability parameterization commercial promotion in respect of the goods, as well as the particular client. An important feature is the ability to assign specific goods and contractors range of dates for the promotion, so that prices could be raised automatically updated depending on the date specified by the user.

One of the most important indicators is return on sales effectiveness. Software supporting trade can support the determination of optimal prices, if the user has access to data on the direct and indirect costs of buying products. Since the cost of delivery of individual consignments may differ from each other, as well as the purchase price of goods for resale, you should verify that the software provides functionality for determining the margins (and the prices of sales) in relation to specific supplies of goods.

The best known method of issuing goods from the warehouse is a FIFO (first in first out – method queue) and LIFO (last in first out – method stack). Software supporting trade can help optimize storage costs through flexible management of issuing goods from the warehouse, not only according to the rules of FIFO or LIFO. In some cases, you can optimize the storage space through manual selection, which deliveries should spend customers merchandise.

In the sales area use of e-invoices instead of paper documents can generate cumulative savings of up to a few pennies per invoice issued. The savings mainly take the opportunity to automate invoice circulation within the company selling the product. E-invoices are automatically read by the financial accounting system, which reduces to a minimum the time needed for their accounting and record-keeping services.

To meet the analytical needs of SME managers is not necessary to have a dedicated solution Business Intelligence (BI) since the functionality BI in sales can provide software supporting trade. It is therefore necessary to determine how the system layer reports (summaries, interactive charts) provides the functionality required for efficient operation – planning, forecasting and decision making.


Do you have illegal software? See what you threatening – eGospodarka

Pricing software allows them to shoulder sometimes. It is also they are often the reason why users choose to turn to illegal copies. Using the latter carries nevertheless has certain dangers. What? The technical support department Bitdefender antivirus software explains what threatens us as a result of using pirated copies of software.

The main risk is to infect our PC. Cracks, which are used to activate the illegal licenses very often contain malware code. You might think that most users of this type of program, alerts will not respond at all, or a message about the threat treat them as a false alarm. Fortunately, it’s just generalities. We all know the damage that can cause malware. It slows down the system performance of your computer, it sends confidential data and information, damage files. The most endangered of information we include bank account numbers, credit cards, passwords and address books, all of which can immediately be acquired and used by identity thieves.

The second installment of the risk is to use a program that does not work properly or at all. Some software vendors implement the module responsible for verifying the licensing status of the program, which can run for some time, and then gets a lock command the main functions of the program to apply pressure to buy the original version of the license.

Let’s assume that we’ll lock automatic updates. It carries an increased risk vulnerabilities hackers use the version of the software, which fixes the legitimate versions are pushed along with regular product updates.

If you are considering installation of illegal copies of the Windows operating system, you must know that in 1 out 3 copies of code elements are hidden malware with open security vulnerabilities. All are disabled by default update and firewall policies are changed. You should be aware that Microsoft’s patches are issued in order to strengthen the security level of Windows, and properly configured Windows Firewall, can to some extent make it more difficult for malware nacierającemu access from the outside.

photo. Focus Pocus LTD –

Do not use illegal software

The use of pirated copies of programs can have dire consequences.

We’ll add at the end of the story yet described by its hero in the forum, who tried to sell a forged copy of the software:

“In July 2013 I bought on eBay a used copy of the program to learn the language for $ 150. We never used it or not I installed for this reason that shortly after he made the purchase of a new copy, the latest version on Amazon.

A few months ago, I decided to sell unused, old version back eBay. Two days later, the item was pulled from eBay because it was a fake, a lawyer with the company producing the software phoned me and ordered to pay software and pay compensation for moral damages in the amount of $ 800.

He convinced him that I had no idea that the software may be counterfeit. He said only that the law selling illegal copies, even unconsciously against the law.

I am able to realize this reasoning, but it is a bit too harsh approach to punish in this way persons who acted unconsciously to someone’s detriment and happened, they for the first time. This may sound naive, but it was not this my bad intentions. It did not end, however, warning, and the punishment was carried out. “


Do you have illegal software? See what you threatening – eGospodarka

Pricing software allows them to shoulder sometimes. It is also they are often the reason why users choose to turn to illegal copies. Using the latter carries nevertheless has certain dangers. What? The technical support department Bitdefender antivirus software explains what threatens us as a result of using pirated copies of software.

The main risk is to infect our PC. Cracks, which are used to activate the illegal licenses very often contain malware code. You might think that most users of this type of program, alerts will not respond at all, or a message about the threat treat them as a false alarm. Fortunately, it’s just generalities. We all know the damage that can cause malware. It slows down the system performance of your computer, it sends confidential data and information, damage files. The most endangered of information we include bank account numbers, credit cards, passwords and address books, all of which can immediately be acquired and used by identity thieves.

The second installment of the risk is to use a program that does not work properly or at all. Some software vendors implement the module responsible for verifying the licensing status of the program, which can run for some time, and then gets a lock command the main functions of the program to apply pressure to buy the original version of the license.

Let’s assume that we’ll lock automatic updates. It carries an increased risk vulnerabilities hackers use the version of the software, which fixes the legitimate versions are pushed along with regular product updates.

If you are considering installation of illegal copies of the Windows operating system, you must know that in 1 out 3 copies of code elements are hidden malware with open security vulnerabilities. All are disabled by default update and firewall policies are changed. You should be aware that Microsoft’s patches are issued in order to strengthen the security level of Windows, and properly configured Windows Firewall, can to some extent make it more difficult for malware nacierającemu access from the outside.

photo. Focus Pocus LTD –

Do not use illegal software

The use of pirated copies of programs can have dire consequences.

We’ll add at the end of the story yet described by its hero in the forum, who tried to sell a forged copy of the software:

“In July 2013 I bought on eBay a used copy of the program to learn the language for $ 150. We never used it or not I installed for this reason that shortly after he made the purchase of a new copy, the latest version on Amazon.

A few months ago, I decided to sell unused, old version back eBay. Two days later, the item was pulled from eBay because it was a fake, a lawyer with the company producing the software phoned me and ordered to pay software and pay compensation for moral damages in the amount of $ 800.

He convinced him that I had no idea that the software may be counterfeit. He said only that the law selling illegal copies, even unconsciously against the law.

I am able to realize this reasoning, but it is a bit too harsh approach to punish in this way persons who acted unconsciously to someone’s detriment and happened, they for the first time. This may sound naive, but it was not this my bad intentions. It did not end, however, warning, and the punishment was carried out. “
