Friday, February 26, 2016

Ericsson’s software is changing the face of Volvo vehicles – TELEPOLIS.PL

Ericsson gave more details about its plans to introduce the latest communication systems in autonomous vehicles. Due to the fact that autonomous driving is becoming increasingly popular solution, attention is given to irregular network coverage on highways, which stands in the way great achievements in the field of multimedia and performance.

At CES 2016 in Las Vegas, Ericsson and Volvo Cars announced a joint research program on the development of intelligent broadband solutions for data streaming, which makes both driver and passengers benefit from new solutions while driving autonomous vehicle Volvo. New technologies in the framework of the research program is planned to integrate with autonomous cars Volvo.

The connectivity features in cars autonomous announced by Ericsson use creative technologies to provide excellent experiences with the use of the media in such vehicles, especially on high-speed highways. This environment is particularly challenging because it is assumed that the capacity and management of data will support a large amount of mobile data when driving at high speed. While coverage is strong in static locations, it is very inconsistent on the highways and in the car, you can only use a limited amount of data.

The research program Ericsson and Volvo Cars will be presented with the latest autonomous car Volvo at the Mobile World Congress in 2016.

Source text: Ericsson


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Texa update software – e-self-healing

Fig. Texa

Fig. Texa

A new version of the diagnostic software IDC4 TRUCK.


Texa has released a new, 38. version of the diagnostic software IDC4 TRUCK.

A list of vehicle models supported by the application contains the address On you were to turn the presentation of the most important innovations in the application.


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

IFS partner of Sauber F1 –

IFS partner of Sauber F1 2016-02-23

Barcelona, ​​February 22, 2016. – Sauber F1 Team is pleased to announce that the company IFS was his partner (Principal Partner) for the season 2016 Formula 1 World Championship FIA. IFS is a global provider of enterprise software.

The leader IFS gained by providing companies with the world of software that enables them to effectively manage the activities and identify trends and opportunities for development, so that these companies can be flexible and benefit from the changes. With more than one million users in target markets (including the automotive sector), IFS is recognized by the independent analysts as a leader in the industry because of the solutions to enterprise resource planning (ERP), enterprise asset management (EAM) and maintenance management service ( ESM).

IFS logo will be placed on the end plates of the rear wing and the top of the cockpits of both vehicles Sauber C35, on the overalls and helmets of drivers Marcus Ericsson and Felipe’a Nasr, and costumes of other team members. During the first winter test in Barcelona IFS logo will be visible on the car Sauber C34-Ferrari in the colors of the season in 2016.

Monisha Kaltenborn, Team Principal at Sauber F1:

We are pleased to welcome the company IFS as a partner of Sauber F1. It is for Formula 1 time full of challenges, so collaboration with strong partners is particularly important to us. Together with IFS lay the groundwork for the coming season and create a basis for future projects. This cooperation is an expression of the shared values ​​of both companies, especially in terms of performance, advanced technologies and maintain the highest quality standards, which are the basis for a fruitful partnership. We are pleased that we will be working with IFS. Our goal is to build a long and successful cooperation. “

Mark Boulton, Chief Marketing Officer at IFS:

“a new partnership between IFS and Sauber F1 was established on the basis of a solid, common values, as both companies attach great importance to innovation and especially appreciate the effective teamwork. It is these values ​​that led to the successful launch of IFS Applications 9 and that they live our employees and partners on a daily basis, allowing us continuous support for its growing customer base around the world with software and solutions IFS. We are proud to be working with the team Sauber F1. It promises to be a really interesting season. “
 Pictures of the car Sauber C34-Ferrari livery for 2016. Are available on our portal advertising agency.

Learn more:


 Magdalena Golańska, VP Marketing IFS CEE, tel. +48 500 100 090,
 Anna Machol, PR IFS Poland, tel. +48 512 134 493,


The number of mobile malware tripled in … –

You are in the section Press Releases. Posted here materials have been developed by companies unrelated
with the editorial or Group SA. Editorial is not responsible for the content of this publication.

the amount of malware targeting mobile users has more than tripled in 2015. compared to 2014. the most serious threat was ransomware, malicious software being able to obtain unlimited rights on an infected machine and programs that steal data, including financial malware. These are the main results of the annual report, Kaspersky Lab devoted to the evolution of mobile threats.

Landscape mobile threats in 2015 in numbers

  • Kaspersky Lab has detected 884 774 new mobile malware, which represents a threefold increase compared to 2014. (295 539).
  • the number of new mobile banking Trojans fell 7 030 (16 586 in 2014.).
  • 94 344 users have been attacked by mobile ransomware, which is a five-fold increase compared to 2014. (18 478).

There is a growing amount of software ransomware

2015 was a year software ransomware, which encrypts the data or lock the device, and requests payment of a ransom in exchange for the restoration of access. In the case of mobile software ransomware ransom ranged from 12 to 100 dollars.

The number of users of mobile products Kaspersky Lab attacked by ransomware increased from 1.1% to 3.8% between 2014 and 2015. The attacks were recorded in 156 countries, the most affected was Russia, Germany and Kazakhstan. The malware named Trojan-Ransom.AndroidOS.Small and its modification, Trojan-Ransom.AndroidOS.Small.o, were the most active in Russia and Kazakhstan. Small.o was the most widespread of all mobile ransomware programs detected by Kaspersky Lab last year.

The number of modification applications ransomware has increased 3.5 times, which proves that fraudsters see more benefit in making money on users through blackmail. In 2016. Is expected to increase the complexity of this type of malware and its modifications, and the target of attacks will be more countries.

malware with root access – another threatening trend

Almost half of the 20 most popular Trojans in 2015. were malicious programs displaying intrusive advertising on mobile devices. The most widespread in the last year were Trojans Fadeb, Leech, Rootnik, Gorpro and Ztorg. Fraudsters using every available method to spread the Trojans, including harmful banners, fake games, and even legitimate programs available in the official app stores. In some cases, they are positioned as legitimate software pre-installed by the manufacturer.

Some of these malicious applications can gain access to the administrator level. Such rights give attackers virtually unlimited ability to modify information stored on the victim smartphone or tablet. If the installation is successful, the malware will be nearly indestructible and will be able to survive even restore factory settings. Mobile malware with the ability to access administrator-level known since around 2011., And last year was extremely popular among cybercriminals. This trend is likely to continue in 2016 and in the near future.

Watch out for your money – Mobile threats Banking

Banking Trojans are becoming increasingly complex despite the decline in the number of their modification. Mode of action of these malicious applications has not changed: the penetration into the system / device malware “imposes” fake legitimate applications online payment or banks. But the scale of the use of this malware has increased significantly in 2015. Today, cyber criminals can attack several dozens of customers of banks located in different countries using only one type of malware. Previously they used the malicious applications that could only attack one or two financial services organizations in just a few countries. An example of a malicious application which could attack different targets is a Trojan Acecard, which is equipped with tools for attacks on users of dozens of banks and websites.

“With the obtaining by mobile devices more and more functionality, cyber criminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated attacks, with which attempt to steal users’ money. Last year was a year of banking Trojans and software ransomware. Applications for advertising (adware) have been widely used to infect devices using more sophisticated malicious programs. Therefore, to be safe, you should purchase a dependable mobile antivirus solution. Keep in mind that it is much easier to prevent risks than to fight the consequences of infection “- advises Roman Unuchek , Senior Malware Analyst, Kaspersky Lab’s.

More information on the evolution of cyber threats mobile 2015. is on

This information can be used freely subject to the application Kaspersky Lab as a source.

All Press Releases Kaspersky Lab Poland are available on the


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Software that abhor life telemarketerowi –

The service is called Jolly Roger Telephone and is supported by bot software, which supports a conversation with a telemarketer, thus wasting his time and making it no longer will try to call. Anderson says that his work providing a relatively simple answer, is able to sustain a conversation for at least a few minutes before the person on the other side realizes that it is talking to a man.

Author bot experimented with different personalities before he decided that the best would be the man who just woke up from a nap and often mentions that it must have a coffee and asks telemarketer to repeat its offer.

the service has proved a great success, because in just 10 days of its operation, received more than 100,000 calls. According to Anderson, who did not expect such a big interest, he explains that his bot received calls from telemarketers, among others, Australia, South Africa and the UK.

Now launched a kickstarter campaign that will raise money for build a robot who uses many different voices (for now, this is only the voice of Anderson) and speaking different languages.

If you can raise money, maybe, at least for some time we will have the peace of mind of intrusive telemarketerami.


Guide: How to choose the right POS software –

More and more companies from various industries decided to implement POS systems to manage sales, service and warehouse for reporting. – Statistics show that POS systems, allow an increase in profit by up to 15 per cent., By reducing by as much as 85 percent. losses resulting from errors of staff – comments Yaroslav Kluszczyński the company Posbox.

Among the benefits of the implementation of professional IT solutions for sales in the company mentioned improving the flow of information between staff, customers and owners / management teams, as well as the possibility of sales analysis. The ability to quickly enter data into POS systems, can significantly improve the work, eg. By barcode readers.

trying on to purchase the appropriate software, it is essential to choose the IT systems, that their functionality will help to control and accelerate various processes in the company. Looking for a suitable POS software should be chosen so that its functionality has been fully utilized and tailored to the needs of the business. Therefore, if you run a business that requires employees to frequently log into the system, for example. Serving guests in the restaurant, to choose a solution where each employee receives a personalized magnetic card or pin, by which I log in to the system. This way we can track not only the efficiency, but time and their work.

This article does not have any comments yet.


Sunday, February 21, 2016

“Mokes” – the new malware. – News 24

The world of cybercrime is growing rapidly and with strong accents. And so it happened this time.

 Safety - computer graphics. / Photo. Internet The company” Kaspersky Lab “, specializing in issues of computer security, confirmed the discovery of a new
malware. “Mokes” is the type of “Trojan”. Identified application is a type of multi-platform software – confirmed are versions for both the family of operating systems “Windows” and variations of “Linux”. The main objective of the application is to collect information at wykorzystanu cameras, microphones and keyboards in infected computers. All the collected data – the Trojan sends servers cybercriminals. Additionally – it is equipped with the ability to perform “screenshots” and registrations of all characters on the keyboard, which characterizes it as the greater threat.

At the moment the identified hazard occurs in the form of “Backdoor.Win32.Mokes” and “Backdoor.Linux. Mokes. “
experts” Kaspersky Lab “prepare the necessary arrangements for their products in order to dispose of the application.


Finally! It seems that Microsoft is getting better patch … – Antyweb

Microsoft (I think) ends the era of “soon”

If you regularly me’re on Antywebie (if yes – thank you, if not – encourage), it is noticed that for some time, Microsoft receives from me a little nudges more than usual. It went mainly for Lumia 950 and XL, which, despite its positioning as a flagship product, did not show its full potential even in action. Winne everything was underdeveloped from the beginning of the software, which competed with new models – on the agenda were / are pendants, restarts, generally incredible things. The man who bought the equipment for a significant price, and received the dose of emotion from the smartphone may have difficulty understanding the intentions of the giant. Similarly with Surface’ami – hybrids for a lot of money at first denied the idea of ​​mobility by errors in energy management. These already straightened, holders of such equipment can obliterate hands and say to himself:

No. Now I really get what I paid for.


Said error in the new Surface’ach is by both Microsoft and Intel. Microsoft fundamentally aimed chose him Skylake’ów implementation of the latest members of the family of professional hybrid, and not Intel made a name for himself with writing the appropriate drivers for Windows 10. the result was incorrect power management by Surface’y, sleep which is a kind of lottery, automatic wake up and problems with graphics. So true miracles on a stick – imprecise communication giant in the case of customers, long time to wait for the amendment meant that the Prime Minister Surface’ów turned out not to be “painless” .

Microsoft also took care about users the latest Lumii. What can you say about a new version?

After a long wait for any movement of the giant on the latest devices Lumia, we will see finally any updates. Just because it appeared, and so some very pleased, but it is worth mentioning that the upgrade should be the most important – that amendments. With the version for 10.0.10586.107 Lumii X50 can safely say in the direction of Redmond: “keep up.” And one would wish – a little faster. I am aware that the mobile business to Microsoft means to have less and less, but those who have decided, however, to spend money on these devices do not leave themselves.


Among the amendments implemented by Microsoft in the new version of software for Windows Mobile 10 mentions primarily the general improvement action handsets – this is a fact. the system runs noticeably faster, and although there are moments of reverie is (especially for applications written yet for Windows Phone 8.1 …), it is the better. although not perfect. Improvements to the quality Bluetooth connections do not have the opportunity to check because of the failure of the headphones, but as soon as I have the opportunity (and I will be soon), and check it. Microsoft Edge was not omitted and better deal with PDF files. Confirmed in larger file has no stability problem. It also seems to have disappeared mistake of appearing too long the search suggestions / pages when you type the address. Windows Hello allegedly consumes less energy and I could not yet confirm this. Outlook account do not report an error – it is also a plus.

As the m. In. Polish WPWorld, a lot can also change with the release of a new version of firmware for the new Lumia phones. The relevant update is supposed to appear this weekend, however, treat these reports with a grain of salt – not necessarily need to be checked. If, however, there are plans to release this patch, it will probably be necessary to supplement the above patches.

What’s next?

Customers expect mainly promised, frequent amendments. These are needed all the time – Windows Mobile now provides 10 large square building, but this is starting to look very pretty syntax. Prior to Microsoft, there is one very serious test associated with upgrading older devices to Windows 10 Mobile – we’ll see if the giant regained the lessons and he could do it as painlessly. Lumia 930 is waiting for the green light and as soon as the update (and this has to happen on February 29 – also treat less serious), it will be more or less clear whether the recent, unpleasant events were only an accident at work.


Ardigen and Selvita provide software for laboratories of Enea – portal

5 614 listings in the database


Monday, February 15, 2016

System upgrade Macs makes them vulnerable to attack –

Several years ago, when there were still shops with applications and automatic software updates, computer users have to download them manually from manufacturers, or from external web sites being journalists for this type of upgrade.

Most companies have already switched to modern and much safer systems, however, Apple still holds up fairly archaic system Sparkle, which distributes software updates for Macs. The problem is that the tool is no longer safe and could pose a serious threat to users. He discovered it one of the specialists. Safety hiding under the pseudonym Radek.

Radek actually discovered until two gap. The first, to establish a connection between the server software manufacturer and the user’s computer, uses a simple combination of HTTP instead of HTTPS encrypted. As a result, a hacker could use the attack Man in the Middle, strapping on the road communication both devices.

Second vulnerability is related to the way in which Sparkle uses a WebView component WebKit. Hackers can thus perform potentially dangerous Javascript code, and if the server host allows you to edit certain XML files, hackers could get into any computer system upgrade.

the good news is that, fortunately, not all applications use the network Sparkle are susceptible to these vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, those who are vulnerable, however, we include the most popular software on the Mac, such as VLC, Adium, Coda and iTerm. Fortunately, the developers have patched vulnerabilities on their side, so we can hope that soon the threat is eliminated.


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Modern software Enea – Glos Wielkopolski

The company Enea will use in their laboratories with the STARLIMS system. The agreement between Enea and companies Selvita and Ardigen, which are responsible for implementation of the system, has already been signed.

Ardigen and Selvita provide specialized software for the safe collection, archiving and searching data (LIMS) for laboratories Enea Production
in Kozienice Power Plant and Power Plant Bialystok. The system will manage the area taking into account the laboratory sample workflow, electronic laboratory notebooks or document management.

– class LIMS systems in the areas of laboratory, also in the energy sector, they are standard on the western market. We are proud to be the first company in the energy sector in Poland decided on such a solution – says Maciej Majewski, Head of the Laboratory of Chemical Enea production.

And he adds: – The new system will shorten the duration of studies , improve data security and minimize the risk of errors by the extensive integration of the measurement apparatus and systems of internal customers.

the joys of signing the contract does not hide the company’s representatives Ardigen. – Implementation of the project for the ENEA Group is for our IT team an interesting challenge. Acting earlier by several years as a division in bioinformatics Selvicie and for several months in the colors Ardigen, we have completed dozens of these types of deployments, but it is the first for the energy industry. Given that no other of the Polish energy groups do not use such an advanced system like STARLIMS can freely say that the Group Enea is becoming a leader in professional management in the area of ​​laboratory – he says Sebastian sour, Executive Vice President Ardigen.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

12 questions for software vendors to automate marketing – Computerworld

Marketo. Eloqua. HubSpot. Pardot. Act-On are just some of the many platforms and services automate marketing processes available on the market today. How to check which ones best suit your company’s needs?

The basic principle is, of course, seek relevant information, particularly the comments of other users, and the results generated by the comparison of products on websites such as G2 Crowd, TrustRadius, Capterra or Software Insider.

See also:

Useful turn out as recommendations from other industry marketing. A great idea is to create a list of needs and objectives and tools necessary for the job.

First of all it is worth to focus on the exact history among various software vendors to automate marketing processes to be able to compare their offerings on an equal footing.

Here are 12 questions based on interviews with specialists of marketing, which will allow for early preparation of the relevant questions of trade and create a solid foundation for the evaluation of tenders each provider of technology marketing.

1. The software is integrated with the CRM system? Is the flow of information is two-sided?

The ideal solution is the integration platform for the automation of marketing processes with CRM systems such as Salesforce even. Adam Bockler, head of communications at Float, advises to ask about the specific functions of CRM on the same platform in order to determine whether it guarantees the right solutions. – Not everyone needs a Salesforce, especially smaller companies focusing more on selling their products and monitoring of agreements sales than creating incredibly detailed reports – explains Adam Bockler.

– Full and seamless integration between the CRM platform, which uses sales and solutions for the automation of marketing processes is crucial – the more, the larger the team, and the more difficult it becomes communication – says Billy Crip, Director. marketing Officer, Field Nation.

2. The software is integrated with other, additional solutions?

In addition to integration with CRM platforms, it is worth asking about the other tools and services and the individual platforms to automate marketing processes, bearing in mind the list of services that are absolutely necessary in the company. For example, HubSpot software is integrated with solutions such as GoToWebinar, SurveyMonkey, Shopify, WordPress and Zappier. Ask yourself whether you really need access to them.

– It is absolutely necessary to prepare a list of tools for which we ask the software vendor. If you just do not have it in their offer, it is worth asking whether it is planned to implement them in the near future – Adam advises Bockler.

3. As data is provided to the automation system and marketing it taken?

Most likely it will be necessary to combine the data collected on the platform for the automation of marketing processes with data from with other systems, such as CRM & lt; SEO, CMS, or ERP. The aim is to create “a comprehensive picture and streamline decision-making process.” – Data should be readily available through the API or planned exports in popular formats – advises Tom Berger, Vice President. Digital marketing firm Progress.

4. How flexible they are reporting? Is it possible to export their own reports?

A faulty reporting capabilities are still the Achilles heel of many, in their own way great platform, he said Micky Long, vice president and executive director. generate sales leads at Arketi Group. It is therefore important that organizations carefully overripe available tools for reporting functions.

5. How is measured the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns?

– For a long time slogans such as monitoring, reporting and ROI does not have much meaning for marketing activities – says Lauren Littlefield, president of the company Field Public Relations. – You could just run a campaign radio or billboard, hoping for a better result confirmed the final financial results of the company at the end of the year. Today, through technology specialists and marketing managers of companies equally analyze the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of their marketing efforts – explains Lauren Littlefield.

In her view, high-quality platform for the automation of marketing processes are flexible, customizable user panels and reporting capabilities allow to measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns on a number of different, often very detailed levels. Organizations should ask software vendors to automate the marketing of a way to measure the effectiveness of actions and make sure that there are indicators that are most important to them.

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Russian hackers have manipulated the exchange rate – Puls Biznesu

According to experts, a year ago Russian-speaking hackers introduced a virus known as a Trojan Cork to system Energobanku of Kazan. They led to the execution of orders of foreign currency worth over $ 500 million after non-market rates. Within a few minutes they caused a change in the exchange rate of the ruble to the dollar by more than 15 percent. This provoked a reaction of the central bank of Russia, who ordered the investigation of potential market manipulation.

Group-IB, which explored the mechanism of the attack on behalf of Energobanku announced that the software used for running the test can get into your system through seemingly safe websites or files. What’s worse, Trojan Korkowa regularly updated, making it invisible to antivirus programs. As a result, it infected 250 thousand. computers around the world and over 100 financial institutions, argues Group-IB.

– This is the first documented attack using the virus and has the potential to make a major damage – said Dmitry wolves, the head of the cell recognition in the Group-IB. – When malware penetrate the local network is intelligent enough to infect computers that are not even connected to the Internet – he added.

The Moscow Stock Exchange announced that its system is not compromised during the incident in February 2015. In its investigation, the central bank said Russia is not manipulating the exchange rate. He stressed that the fluctuations could be due to trader error.

The increased volatility in the currency market lasted 14 minutes. The exchange rate of the ruble to the dollar fluctuated during this period between 55 and 66 rubles, which significantly differed from the dominant market rate.

Energobank claimed last year that suffered 244 million rubles ($ 3.2 million) losses on transactions ordered by the malware. But there is no evidence that hackers earned on these operations. Group-IB warned that he could be the only test against future attacks. The company also said that the same virus was used in August last year, during the attack on the Russian payment card scheme, which resulted in ATMs were stolen hundreds of millions of rubles.


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

How do I buy today’s customer? – Software –

Multichannel, omnichannel, gamification, mobile sales, social media, showrooming, Big Data. These are just some of the trends that have emerged with the development of retail sales. Digitization of the market meant that shop owners must change their approach to the sales process. To keep up with market challenges should think about modern management software retail sales.

How do I buy today’s customer?
 Purchasing process has changed significantly. Changed customer expectations. They require, not only the product itself, but also on customer service. They want to buy by mobile. From anywhere, at any time. More boldly they buy via the Internet, which no longer associated with the risk of the purchasing. Customers choosing a product, not guided by price alone. Increasingly important are retail experience. The way in which the customer was served and what opportunities he gave him a salesman. A consumer wants to feel special. He wants a personalized message.

 “ Gone are the days when the purchasing process relied on a fast purchase. Contemporary, intelligent customer is looking for, monitors the price compares. Often they decide to check the product from store and made the purchase in the online store. Sellers must be aware of this fact. They need to see the directions in which changes to the contemporary market and follow them. Only then are able to provide a multitude of trusted and loyal customers. “- says Daria Widerowska, Marketing Manager, IT.integro.

 Management software retail sales

 To meet the demands of customers should think about professional management software sales. The modern market is rich in this type of solution. One of them is the LS Nav, available as an industry solution for the ERP system – Microsoft Dynamics NAV. This example will show the current trends in the retail industry.
 LS Nav is an integrated system that supports both the headquarters of the company, as well as shopping facilities and points of POS. LS Nav was designed based on Microsoft Dynamics NAV. This means that users have access to different areas of ERP software, such as finance, sales, marketing, warehouse management and services.
 LS Nav implemented in more than 3 000 companies with more than 50 000 stores 115 000 POS terminals. Among the users of the system are, among others, IKEA, Adidas, Hard Rock Café, David’s Bridal, Elie Saab, Futbolmania, InMotion Entertainment, Petit Bateau, Parkson Department Stores.

 Software for the retail response to current trends?

 According to the creators of LS Retail, the contemporary market focuses on a few key trends that shape the modern retail. Meeting the demands of our customers give companies greater sales and consumer loyalty. New trends are mainly focused on modern technology and the availability of mobile solutions:

  • and multi-channel universe will become an indispensable part of business. Customers will want to make purchases using mobile devices, via the Internet, as well as traditionally – from store.
  • The key role in purchasing retail will play mobile devices.
  • The rapidly increase sales via the Internet.
  • Increase the importance of analysis allowing identification of trends and customer behavior.
  • More and more retailers will decide to move its IT infrastructure for cloud-based platform shared by the providers of cloud services.
  • Increased competition in the retail industry will be higher expectations in terms of rates of return on investment and maintenance costs of the IT system.
  • Retailers replace their own, very specific solutions standard applications designed for the retail sector.

 Sales management software in Poland. Implementation of a group Marketing Investment Group LS Nav and Microsoft Dynamics NAV solutions are also popular in Polish companies. Among the implementations carried out by IT.integro, it is worth mentioning the implementation of the Marketing Investment Group.

 MIG has been running for 25 years. Group created a network of salons 50style, Sizeer, Timberland, Symbiosis. Additionally, it is the exclusive distributor of such brands as New Era, O’neill, Lotto, Umbro, Confront, Feewear, Lacoste shoe product line. MIG currently manages more than 95 lounges Sizeer, 17 lounges Timberland, 85 50style lounges, 13 shops Symbiosis, 8 lounges Umbro and 3 shops O’neill.

  “ During the thorough analysis of the range of solutions we evaluated: a wealth of functionality, stability, scalability, flexibility in expansion and financial commitment required to implement and maintain the new system. We chose Microsoft Dynamics NAV supplemented with a module LS NAV. , “says Krzysztof Nitsch, Management Representative, Marketing Investment Group.

 Implementation of the solution LS Nav helped raise network efficiency and improved decision-making process. Among the main benefits of implementing LS Retail on Marketing Investment Group worth mentioning automatic stocking up shop, ie. Replenishment, the introduction of a central management promotions, users, POS terminals, detailed business analysis, utility system, flexibility and the ability to modify the dictionaries inventory, pricing, promotion, configuration functionalities.

 ERP system in the industry retail sales

 The ERP system is an indispensable element of good management in the retail industry. It allows you to effectively control all processes within the organization.

 “ Today, in terms of sales strategy, it becomes necessary to provide the retail customer access to all the offers and promotions. Whether it purchases from store or through an online store. This is possible by providing a scalable system that automates financial processes and logistics company and enable management of product availability across the network. Additionally provide integration with e-commerce with any device, anywhere. “- said Przemyslaw Kniat, Manager for. Sales IT.integro.

 Microsoft Dynamics NAV provides ease of use, fast implementation and full support current and future requirements of the retail industry. Microsoft Dynamics NAV is used as ERP software for more than 117,000 customers, including over 3,500 companies in the retail industry.



Adwind: malicious software as a service, and more than 400 000 … –

At the end of 2015. Researchers from Kaspersky Lab came across the unusual malware that was detected while trying to attack targeted a bank in Singapore. The malicious JAR file was attached to a phishing e-mail messages received by a bank employee, who was the target of the attack. The attention of researchers caught numerous features of malicious software, including the ability to act on different platforms, and the fact that it was not detected by any antivirus solution.

tool remote administration Adwind

it turned out that the organization has been attacked using remote administration tools Adwind, a commercially available black-backdoor, which was written in the Java language, making it cross-platform software. The program can run on Windows, OS X, Linux and Android, allowing remote control of an infected machine, data collection, information theft and so on.

If you attacked a user opens the attached file JAR, the malware installs on their own and will attempt to communicate with the server control. The list of features of malware include:

  • interception of keyboard characters,
       theft of stored passwords and capture data from Web forms,
       make screenshots,
       take pictures and videos with the connected or built-in webcam,
       record audio from a connected or built-in microphone.
       file transfer,
       to collect general information about the system and the user.
       stealing the keys to portfolios containing cryptocurrency
       Manage SMS messages (for Android)
       theft VPN certificates.

Although it is mainly used by opportunistic criminals and shed in the conduct mass spam campaigns, Adwind was also used in targeted attacks. In August of 2015. This pest has occurred in reports on the campaign cyberszpiegowskiej directed against Argentine prosecutor, who in January 2015. Was found dead. Another example of a targeted attack was striking incident in the Singapore bank. A deeper analysis of the events concerning the use of software Adwind shows that they were not only targeted attacks, which used this tool.

Targets of attacks

During the investigation, researchers from Kaspersky Lab analyzed almost 200 examples of attacks organized by unknown criminals to spread malware Adwind and identified the sectors in which it operates most of the goals:

  • production
       government circles,
       shipbuilding industry,
       the media

From the information coming from the clouds Kaspersky Security Network shows that between August 2015. and January 2016. more than 68 000 users come into contact with samples of malware remote administration used in nearly 200 attacks Adwind.

The geographical distribution of targeted users (by clouds KSN for the period) shows that almost half of them (49%) located in the following 10 countries: the United Arab Emirates, Germany, India, United States, Italy, Russia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Turkey and Taiwan.

On the basis of the profiles of identified targets researchers from Kaspersky Lab have identified a potential customer categories platform Adwind:

  • crooks who want to rise to the next level (using harmful software for more advanced fraud)
       unfair competition,
       cybernajemnicy (spies for rent)
       individuals who want to spy on people they know.

Danger as a service

One of the main features that distinguishes tool Adwind from other commercial malware distribution is the way – Adwind is offered openly as a paid service, and the “client” pays a fee for the use of harmful tools. Based on the analysis of user activity on the internal forum of cybercriminal services, experts from Kaspersky Lab estimates that by the end of 2015. It had about 1 800 customers. This makes Adwinda one of the largest known platform malware.

“Platforms such as Adwind make the level of professional knowledge required to carry out cyber attacks falls to a minimum. Based on our analysis of the largest attack Adwinda – a Singaporean bank – we can say that behind him the person was certainly not a professional cybercriminal and we believe that it is similar to other clients of the platform. it is a very disturbing trend, “- he said Alexander Gostev , the main expert. iT security, Kaspersky Lab .

“Despite the many articles published about Adwinda by different researchers, this platform is still active and attracts new criminals of various categories. we conducted our audit in order to draw attention to community safety IT and law enforcement a new trend where malware has the form of a service that can benefit almost everyone, “- commented Vitaly Kamliuk , Director of the Global Team. Research and Analysis (GReAT) into the Asia-Pacific , Kaspersky Lab’s.

Kaspersky Lab experts informed the law enforcement agencies for their discoveries concerning the platform Adwind.

In order to increase protection prior to this threat experts Kaspersky Lab recommends to analyze the need to use the Java platform and its exclusion of all unauthorized sources.

for more information on cyber attacks with the use of tools Adwind can be found at .

Kaspersky Lab also prepared a video showing how complex cyber threats are detected and investigated: : http: // r / polujac_na_lowcow .

Source: Kaspersky Lab
