Saturday, February 6, 2016

Here are the most famous malware. Do you remember this malware? – Gadzeto Mania

Michelangelo, Chernobyl (CIH), or ILOVEYOU Cryptolocker names that usually come to mind when I hear the malware. Certainly things are similar and with you, dear readers. Have you ever wondered, however, over how malware was remembered by experts in digital security? No? It’s wonderful.

You know when I saw the first virus?

Malware has been with us for 30 years, and mentioned in the introduction of viruses is only the tip of the iceberg. Over the years there were threats even more dangerous, more malicious and more difficult to eliminate. Knows best about Mikko Hypponen from the company F-Secure, a world-class expert on security, which is referred to as “virus hunter”.

Hypponen malware fighting for more than 25 years, and recently shared their knowledge with readers Komórkomanii in the “safety zone”. It is worth mentioning the fact that 2,011 years went to Pakistan to meet the person who created the first known PC virus – Brain.A . “

Expert few days ago on the blog F -Secure presented his “Gallery of famous malicious software.” They were on the various risks that the last 30 years to attack our computers. Let’s see, how many of you have heard of them or remember them? Or had the dubious pleasure of a closer look at some programs?

This is the most important viruses in history (according to Mikko Hypponen):

1990. – Forms

Form is one of the most well-known virus that settled on millions of computers around the world. Spread via the 3.5-inch floppy (infected the boot sector) and contained the following text: “The FORM-Virus sends greetings to everyone who’s reading this text. FORM does not destroy data! Do not panic! Fuckings him Corinne. “(Virus FORM sends greetings to all who read this message. FROM does not destroy data. Do not panic. Pie *** Corinne.)

1992. – Michelangelo

the Michelangelo virus that activated the birthday of Michelangelo (March 6). Overwrite sections of your hard drive, by which information stored on them become inaccessible and unusable computer. The virus was not particularly widespread, but he was able to panic on a global scale .

1995. – Concept

Concept in turn, the first macro virus, which is the type of malware that is attacking programs like MS Word. hiding in documents , and infected computers on which they were opened. It works on both PCs and Macs. Spread on a large scale, but more than 10 years not heard about it.

1999. – Melissa

The virus, which takes its name – allegedly – from the name of the dancer erotic could infect up to 20% of all computers in the world . Melissa is a program that quickly spread on the Web and was a major threat to enterprise servers and infrastructure. Its effect was to send infected documents to your contacts in Microsoft Outlook. Although it was not specifically destructive character, it caused the loss of 80 million dollars.

2000. Loveletter

Malware is known also under the name ILOVEYOU . This is one of the most famous email worms in history – caused one of the biggest outbreaks of malicious software (starts reach 5.5 billion dollars!). Owes its name to the fact that pretended to love the chain.

2001. – Code Red

Next on the list is the first fully automated network worm that attacked computers with Windows. , 19 July 2001. infected until 300 thousand. Server worldwide. Its effect was to carry out a distributed DDoS attacks on selected sites, including website of the White House .

2003. – Slammer, Sobig and Lovsan

These three programs were created in around 2003. The first worm attacked servers, and its effect was not noticeable to the casual user. Lovesan aimed at a computer with Windows ME / XP, which used for DDoS attacks . Sobig is a worm that spreads via emails and network drives, which included an additional (inoperative properly) Trojan. The victims of the attacks was a few million computers in the world.

2004. Sasser

Sasser is basically last worm, which was the work of a bored programmer . It symbolizes a kind of “end of an era in which malicious software was written by people just curious of what it may be capable of.” Emerging after threats were aimed at bringing profit for the creators.

2005. – Sony rootkit

Malware shed through music CDs that seemed Sony BMG. hiding in the security software content from unauthorized copying (DRM). Infected as computers become susceptible to other types of malicious software.

2006. – Warezov

This email worm was an instrument in the hands of organized criminal group. he sent en masse your code in the Annexes to the e-mails and his characteristic was frequently download new versions of the code with remote server .

2007. – Storm Worm

this program is also known as Small.dam . This Trojan, which was carried out in Annexes spam. It was a complex program that turned the victim’s computer into part of a large botnet .

2008. – Downadup

Malware Downadup exploit a vulnerability in Windows Server service, and his task was to download files from a remote server. Downadup infected millions of users, including computers army and police of several countries . What is important – it is still active

2010. – Stuxnet

This is the world’s first worm that was used to spy . He also had the ability to reprogram industrial installations. It included the first ever rootkit PLC and exploited vulnerability 0-day.

2013. – Cryptolocker

Last on the list is Cryptolocker, or malware used to racketeering . It was distributed in emails and attachments through GameOver Zeus botnet. Cryptlocker blocked computers by encrypting hard drives – the victim had to pay a ransom to be able to use them. Developer forced in this way, more than 3 million dollars.

Malicious software should be afraid all the time. No matter whether they were programs that were to cause the greatest possible chaos that applications for cybercriminals to fill the purses. In the future probably will be dangerous malware, which for several years, will complement this list. Viruses, worms, Trojans, and rootkits are ultimately indispensable part of computer science and software.

Source: Safe and Savvy F-Secure


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