Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The number of mobile malware tripled in … –

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the amount of malware targeting mobile users has more than tripled in 2015. compared to 2014. the most serious threat was ransomware, malicious software being able to obtain unlimited rights on an infected machine and programs that steal data, including financial malware. These are the main results of the annual report, Kaspersky Lab devoted to the evolution of mobile threats.

Landscape mobile threats in 2015 in numbers

  • Kaspersky Lab has detected 884 774 new mobile malware, which represents a threefold increase compared to 2014. (295 539).
  • the number of new mobile banking Trojans fell 7 030 (16 586 in 2014.).
  • 94 344 users have been attacked by mobile ransomware, which is a five-fold increase compared to 2014. (18 478).

There is a growing amount of software ransomware

2015 was a year software ransomware, which encrypts the data or lock the device, and requests payment of a ransom in exchange for the restoration of access. In the case of mobile software ransomware ransom ranged from 12 to 100 dollars.

The number of users of mobile products Kaspersky Lab attacked by ransomware increased from 1.1% to 3.8% between 2014 and 2015. The attacks were recorded in 156 countries, the most affected was Russia, Germany and Kazakhstan. The malware named Trojan-Ransom.AndroidOS.Small and its modification, Trojan-Ransom.AndroidOS.Small.o, were the most active in Russia and Kazakhstan. Small.o was the most widespread of all mobile ransomware programs detected by Kaspersky Lab last year.

The number of modification applications ransomware has increased 3.5 times, which proves that fraudsters see more benefit in making money on users through blackmail. In 2016. Is expected to increase the complexity of this type of malware and its modifications, and the target of attacks will be more countries.

malware with root access – another threatening trend

Almost half of the 20 most popular Trojans in 2015. were malicious programs displaying intrusive advertising on mobile devices. The most widespread in the last year were Trojans Fadeb, Leech, Rootnik, Gorpro and Ztorg. Fraudsters using every available method to spread the Trojans, including harmful banners, fake games, and even legitimate programs available in the official app stores. In some cases, they are positioned as legitimate software pre-installed by the manufacturer.

Some of these malicious applications can gain access to the administrator level. Such rights give attackers virtually unlimited ability to modify information stored on the victim smartphone or tablet. If the installation is successful, the malware will be nearly indestructible and will be able to survive even restore factory settings. Mobile malware with the ability to access administrator-level known since around 2011., And last year was extremely popular among cybercriminals. This trend is likely to continue in 2016 and in the near future.

Watch out for your money – Mobile threats Banking

Banking Trojans are becoming increasingly complex despite the decline in the number of their modification. Mode of action of these malicious applications has not changed: the penetration into the system / device malware “imposes” fake legitimate applications online payment or banks. But the scale of the use of this malware has increased significantly in 2015. Today, cyber criminals can attack several dozens of customers of banks located in different countries using only one type of malware. Previously they used the malicious applications that could only attack one or two financial services organizations in just a few countries. An example of a malicious application which could attack different targets is a Trojan Acecard, which is equipped with tools for attacks on users of dozens of banks and websites.

“With the obtaining by mobile devices more and more functionality, cyber criminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated attacks, with which attempt to steal users’ money. Last year was a year of banking Trojans and software ransomware. Applications for advertising (adware) have been widely used to infect devices using more sophisticated malicious programs. Therefore, to be safe, you should purchase a dependable mobile antivirus solution. Keep in mind that it is much easier to prevent risks than to fight the consequences of infection “- advises Roman Unuchek , Senior Malware Analyst, Kaspersky Lab’s.

More information on the evolution of cyber threats mobile 2015. is on

This information can be used freely subject to the application Kaspersky Lab as a source.

All Press Releases Kaspersky Lab Poland are available on the


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