Saturday, February 6, 2016

Note Software substituting account numbers – Polish Radio

                             Began joint action information and education of the Police and the Credit Information Bureau, under the slogan “Safe identity. Nieskradzione life. ” A study conducted on behalf of BIK shows that every fifth Pole was at least once in a situation where the breach of the protection of personal data.

We have to pay off the loan – which we did not take, we have to pay a large phone bill, you do not have, and no more requests for payment from the company, of which we’ve never heard. .. Such effects might steal our personal information.

A moment of inattention, and we have trouble

Maybe let’s start with the question, when you talk about identity theft, data that make up our identity, what data must be criminal, you could say he stole us our identity.

– the easiest way to provide identity card. A really little need to have someone stole us our data. Just lose it for a while out of sight. And what data they are sufficient for criminals? First name, last name, SSN, date of birth, the address is less important. And this information is sufficient to someone who specializes in the use of stolen documents could be just used – explains the guest radio Ones, Alina Stahl, the Credit Information Bureau.

And he added aspirant Maj Robert Koniuszy, a specialist from the Department of Prevention office of Prevention and Traffic Police Headquarters, every fifth Pole has experienced a negative situation in terms of security of their personal data.

– as many as 11 per cent. Poles lost their ID card, 5 percent. They fell victim to the theft, and 3 per cent. experienced theft of the password to your account or mailbox. Stolen identities are increasingly using criminal gangs to extort loan. It is at this time of so much easy that most of concluding contracts moved to the digital world. You can include, eg. Credit agreements, whether on the telephone subscription through the means of communication by e-mail, by telephone, which gives also the possibility that enough to give your personal identity, identity card number, and this is already an important step to the loan agreement – notes guest Polish Radio 24.

Therefore, our personal data, personal, are a very important element, and they require extraordinary protection. And every day this simply forget.

– Many information campaigns, or to create a portal Poles realize how important it is to protect personal data, in order to not turned out that someone behind our backs, using our data, will conclude a contract even tens of thousands of zlotys – adds the expert of the police.

it is worth doing, because only last year attempted to extort loans worth 400 million dollars.

reluctant to secure our documents

According to research Credit Information Bureau, 14 percent. Poles declare that they do not use any solutions that would reduce the negative effects of identity theft.

– Before our common action Police did together with MiIlward Brown study and asked the Poles is, what are their concerns loss of identity, they use methods to prevent this, and that’s when it turned out that 14 per cent. do not use any. No preventive measures – emphasizes Alina Stahl.

A consequence of such foolish actions may be in big trouble, because then the process of cleaning up the victims of such scams is very long.

– Because the contract was concluded. And even though eg. Lost evidence, but have not registered it, then we assert their rights is very long. And that is why the police and BIK took action to educate the public in this respect – explains the guest Polish Radio 24.

Often, even they expose themselves and choose the dangerous forms of behavior, this concerns mainly our presence on the Internet.

– that’s what often happens is that click on attachments, click on some strange websites, we do not look at the messages and at this point installs malicious code that often can not even be detected by antivirus. The reason is habits and a lack of knowledge and education. And here we should be just more thinking, thinking – notes Alexander Jagosz, chief engineer Integrated Solutions.

A lot of people also, for example. Transmits its data electronically, or taking pictures of identity cards, cards or driving licenses. I publish it in social media. And criminals have data ready to conclude a credit agreement. And hence the need for such action information –

Hacker on your computer

Especially with more and more computer and network log to the bank, make eg. transfers or regulate various types of charges.

– always will want to pay attention to whether a party is called. padlock, ie it is encrypted page to which access is controlled. Of course we must check that all use of the good, the right page. Banks in particular have warned that in e-banking, check whether the page on which the log, this is the correct side of the bank. Because the methods to be chosen according to this identity is really very much – draws attention to guest radio Ones.

It is even so. pishing, or catching our data. Eg. Hacker sends us information, we under some imaginary guise gave information about yourself, even your PIN.

– These methods are plenty and criminal groups specializing in this are known from the fact that, for example. organize the calls for a “respectable” companies, then they rent office where installs itself on a day, rarely two, thus form its great image. I then bid in connection with the recruitment of leaving your personal information. Then this data can be used to defraud credit – warns expert with BIK.

What is important, if we are pirated software, in case of an attack hacker bank we assume no liability and will not pay lost as a result of the offense money.

ID card that is of particular desire

As many as 11 per cent. Poles lost their ID card, and it is this document is very attractive for criminals.

– Sometimes, when the offender has to choose a credit card or ID card, he chooses evidence. Since the card has a limit, it is insured, it is the entire banking system preventing it. While the identity card in the hands of criminals, who knows what to do with it, it is very dangerous tool, that our identity – warns Przemysław Barbrich with the Polish Bank Association.

An identity card is part of our very sensitive data. We should always have it with you. I pay attention to where he sometimes “wander”.

– Because enough that someone will scan, image or photocopying of such proof, and already have our data – notes expert from the police.

the offender can then put on our proof business, take a loan, but not only.

– can also rent an apartment, you can commit a crime, such as that which recently was loud in the media. When the person who impersonated another person, employed in the company as a security guard-guard and took a lot of money on this his “different identity.” And then be blurred, all trace of it was lost – like Alina Stahl.

It may also be the case of purchase on the stolen data, eg. The phone and perform a lot of phone calls.

– Or also sell our personal data. Or take out a loan, which we learn only with the request for payment – adds expert of the BIK.

What should be avoided to be safe?

but we are not completely defenseless, and exposed to the sight of criminals. There are a few rules to keep in mind that our personal data will not fall into the wrong hands.

– Do not share our personal ID unauthorized persons to this, do not leave it in any hotel receptions or rentals of sports equipment, not publicize our personal data on a variety of suspicious meetings, where it is often suggested – calculates guest radio Ones.

Leaving evidence in exchange for example. equipment rental is absolutely illegal.

Credit information Bureau urges also that, in order to anticipate such situations that the data control slip and eg. check your credit history.

As soon as you have to report the loss of the document

And if our data leaked? Then it is important to act quickly. This is necessary in situations where we are sure that someone entered illegally in possession of our personal data, for example, won the information stored in our identity card.

– We need an identity card as soon as possible to reserve. Report it to the system Documents Reserved, which is supervised by the Polish Bank Association. You can also do this by hand, the Credit Information Bureau, but first you must create an account there – marked Alina Stahl.

And that’s what has been created page, which allows from any point in the world, in the case when lose identity card, log in with your mobile phone and register the document.

– Automatically these data there are accepted and distributed all banks. Someone who will try to take advantage of the identity card will not have such a possibility, because you get an alert that says that performs such banking operation. And then the signing of the agreement is simply impossible – explained aspirant Maj Robert Koniuszy, a specialist from the Department of Prevention Office of Prevention and Traffic Police Headquarters.

You can also submit it in any banking establishment. Since banks are integrated, and this information will be passed to other banks. Also, you should report this to the department records, eg. In the community.

Important and simple safety rules

Always prevention and prevention is more cost-effective than coming out of unpleasant situations. This is also the protection of our personal data. And just follow a few simple rules to avoid unpleasant consequences: use current anti-virus software, do not share the identity card for inspection by unauthorized or lose evidence from sight, check mark “kłódeczki” when you log in to your account online (symbol encrypted connection), stick wallet in a safe place, change passwords to accounts and profiles on the Internet at least every 1-3 months.

Robert Lidke, Sylwia Zadrożna, Justyna knuckle, Margaret Byrska


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