Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Google fights unwanted software in new ways – Computer World

Let’s start with what Google describes as undesirable
 software, which is available on the web. Company of Mountain
 View lists the following examples:

  • Misleading by making an offer to overvalued, which
     in fact, not be acted upon;

  • Encouraging users to install any other

  • Users are not informed of all important functions

  • The user is impaired by unexpected

  • The software is difficult to remove;

  • collected and / or sent private data. Without
     informed of this fact;

  • Software is in a different package, but you
     is not informed about it.

You probably have met with similar cases sometimes, right
 the? Fortunately, Google has decided to remedy this and intends to
 god of wine spirit warn users through the installation of such
 unwanted software, and it will take place in three new

  • In Google Chrome . Browser
     the Mountain View company already warns downloadable
     unwanted software through a small statement, but Google
     introduces a new alert that is much clearer and more
     visible. You can see it below and you’ll see whenever memorized in
     Chrome website offering the possibility to download unwanted

mp2xy337QU.jpg New message
 The warning is clearer

  • Google Search . Google in its own
     search engine algorithms introduced in order to better
     detection of web pages with unwanted software. From
     information disclosed by Google that search should
     less likely to offer the results of such websites, and therefore, not
     There redirect users.

  • Ads . Google also praised the fact
     he recently started on their own sites to block advertising pages
     sites that contain unwanted software.

Google announces web developers about the possibility of
 use Google Webmaster Tools tools that allow
 determine whether the site meets the requirements and what changes should
 introduced in order not to “upset” by the Mountain View.

The new changes are part of the Google Safe Browsing technology, with
 the more you read the
 this article. However, in our download section you will find
 stable release of Chrome, which is equipped with the

“Download the web browser
  Google Chrome on Windows, OS X and Linux

The new improvements in the field of Safe Browsing certainly enjoy,
 because users will be better made aware of undesirable
 software, whose victims yet so often we fall almost
 all of them.

“See also:
  OS X most leaky system 2014

Source: Google


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