Sunday, February 22, 2015

NSA “sewed” spy software on disks … – TVN24 Business and the World

US National Security Agency (NSA) has found a way on how to hide spyware hard drives manufactured by Western Digital, Seagate, Toshiba, and other well-known manufacturers – tells Reuters.

The NSA could thus lead surveillance on most computers in the world – emphasizes Reuters.

The software has been found by the company dealing with cybersecurity Kaspersky Lab. Computers with spy software were traced in 30 countries. Among other things, Iran, Russia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Mali, Syria. Yemen and Algeria. The aim was to be governmental, military, telecommunications companies, banks, energy companies, media and Islamic activists.

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The international gang of hackers could steal, until one billion US dollars from 100 different inst … See more »

This information was confirmed by Reuters NSA employee who claims that Kaspersky’s analysis is correct. NSA spokeswoman gave the company report will not comment publicly.

The disclosures hit the ability to surveillance by the NSA, which had already been affected by the activities of Edward Snowden.

or reputation may suffer manufacturers of electronic equipment that was susceptible to install spyware.

The access to the hard drive was supposed to help the agency to have the source code information devices. In this way, the NSA could easily “deep” hole up software – gives Reuters.

It is not known how vweszła agency in possession of information about the codes. Spokesman Steve Shattuck Western Digital said that his company did not provide the source code to any government agencies.


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