Sunday, February 22, 2015

Microsoft has modified the Cloud SQL Server – Computerworld

 The company has met the same requirements of companies that carry more and more data to the cloud and expect that the services offered will provide mechanisms to control far better than both cloud applications and data stored in the cloud. Microsoft claims that the improved SQL Server has been developed taking into account such is required.

It is worth recalling that companies wishing to use the services of the cloud SQL Server have two options. DaaS service can buy (Database as a Service) or install the appropriate application on a virtual machine resides in the cloud Azure.

See also:

When choosing the second option, applications can be used to move to the cloud, without making them any significant changes. In the case of SQL Server, however, mean that the company must exercise the same care of the database.

The mechanism of automatic data backup software is built into SQL Server 2014 Enterprise. The user enters the Azure portal and maybe a few clicks of the mouse to configure such a mechanism, such as setting. How often and how data backups should be performed. Comes into play when the agent IaaS software integrated into SQL Server, which modifies the virtual machine (the same applications and Windows).

Welcome to conferences and workshops

  March 18, 2015 r.
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 We invite you to participate in a free eSeminarium, which will focus on business migration to the cloud obliczeniowej.Podczas eSzkolenia – we’ll show you what a business can derive profit company using infrastructure solutions on demand (IaaS) – will present how to start and configure the type of cloud-based service IaaS in tens of seconds, – explain what is the scalability of the resources available in the cloud, – prove as increases …


  February 26, 2015 r.
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  February 18, 2015 r.
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 We invite you to e-Seminar, which will present the biggest advantages of the public cloud from Oracle. With these services, your company will have access to databases, archiving tools, application server, and even if the document repository system that eSzkolenia BI.Podczas – present benefits (business, financial, and purely technical) resulting from the implementation of Oracle cloud – We will provide for your chat, live where you can ask …


  February 17, 2015 r.
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 The integration of private and public clouds necessary business risk for many enterprises and departments IT.Odpowiedzią challenge for the problems associated with this type of integration can be Comparex Hybrid Cloud Appliance – Ready, set up a system that highlights cloud computing on-premise, which is the bridge to the Microsoft platform Azure. Enables secure migration of applications from on-premise systems to the public cloud computing and the construction of hybrid solutions – application …


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