Sunday, February 22, 2015

Why do not you want to create software for Ubuntu? – Dobreprogramy

A year ago, being one of the “more famous” Ubuntu developers did not think I would change the vehicle by which I earn money from such a reason that the total lack of interest on the part of developers and contributors to the store. I decided to describe Ubuntu – known to all stakeholders operating system technology as a platform for software distribution. I think it is quite a topic interesting for a relatively small group of customers, due to the fact that I did not find a similar entry relating to the store to make using Ubuntu.

As it was in the beginning …

On the sale of software in Ubuntu Software Center earning for several years. Current income is a range between the minimum and the national average. This is quite high, given that Ubuntu is quite a niche operating system. Earnings from USC (Ubuntu Software Center) is even more than half of all you earn my money, and I would take it seriously. During this time I was able to achieve a lot of dedicated software for Ubuntu. Repeatedly won top ranks “Ubuntu Top Salles App”, and the title of “Ubuntu Pioneer.”

It all started to go bad a year ago. Sudden lack zaintereowania developers Canonical employees, to the awful long time to wait for the acceptance of the program or even the updates. The addition of the program had to wait up to a month! While competing platforms do this several times faster. In addition, support is usually answered within a few weeks, if not months …

How does it look now?

Unfortunately, the situation deteriorated dramatically. Now I’m waiting for approval of the program already 3-4 months. Further any results! I used’ve even its leadership UbuntuPolska portal that works with the permission of the creators of the official Ubuntu. I even found a Pole, who works at Canonical, finally helped me to achieve at USC status of “Pending QA”, which means the quality control software, this is the penultimate status, which is located just before the “Ready to Publish” – that is ready to be published. No but that eventually stopped … That countryman also do not know why it’s all so long, I have repeatedly contacted the department responsible for moderating the software, hitting the Ubuntu Software Center. I never brought it no effect. The first time I told them about the problem, they decided to solve it and finally wrote back in the “feedback-in” available in the Ubuntu developer panel. Just as you can see it has not produced any effect further. Over time, every few weeks, I promised that the program will be accepted until the end of the week, but as you can see, nothing moved to the present day.

This is not the end of problems!

My software that was added before support began “olewać” developers, available only on Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04. Obviously I can not update the firmware, and every day I get a few to several e-mails asking for access to the software for the new Ubuntu 14.10. I am forced to send each one of them specially prepared by me a .deb package. So I had to give up the security of sale (let’s say for the less well-known that was), and run the risk of piracy. What if I did not do it? People would feel cheated. And what about those who do not dare to write to me? This situation is not a problem just for me. Go ahead, you can write to any developer who created the paid software on Ubuntu with a request to make it available for version 14.10. Maybe you’ll get it for free, just because you can not see who actually bought the program and who is not. As if that was not enough they recently broke the software. Fault caused the lack of charging sales by almost a week. Obviously repaired after I shipped after 2 emails a day, but a week is a loss without any compensation.

What about me?

Current software that is out there, I’ll leave. I’d be a fool if you give up with a sizeable profit. If it is profitable and it is, as long as I am able to organize support for the current firmware for which you have already done, although primitive aktualizatory. But after all the surprises I put more emphasis on making with competing platforms. For USC until the situation will not change no longer I will add a single program or game. Therefore, definitely not recommend to anyone interested developer to engage in the creation of a dedicated Ubuntu firmware! Well, yes. I’m still the creator UbuntuPolska, same opinion as to the operating system does not change. I think it’s the most polished and designed for everyday use Linux distribution.


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