Monday, November 30, 2015

Painful promotion for pirated software – do not get caught! – Virtual Poland

  Browsing the Internet or running around among the shelves each of us is sensitive to special promotions. This also applies to the software. Here, however, an extremely attractive price offers should increase our vigilance.

 Very often “bargain” deals you come across the popular auction sites or web pages. Tempted by “blockbuster promotion” proposed by the “super salesman” in many cases get software derived from an illegal source . The consequences turn out to be the deplorable. Paying for “promotional” software is not enough that transferred to the account of criminals, it ourselves we risk the potential loss of their own data, or an infection of equipment by malicious viruses.

  Counterfeit software is increasingly being offered on online marketplaces on the website and in stores run by rogue traders . Overcome weakness to the overwhelming promotions and discounts, we can unwittingly fall prey to the practice of criminal and become a buyer of illegal software. Caution should keep regardless of the sales channel, but to the growing interest in online shopping, we should be especially careful, choosing deals on auction sites. According to Bartlomiej Witucki, the representative of the BSA The Software Alliance in Poland, very much on the online auction software Microsoft raises substantial doubts . Manufacturers against such dubious offers run checks. It turns out that almost 100 percent of such suspects auction turns out – after a more detailed check – illegal.

Beware of stolen keys

 Software manufacturers increasingly addition to the classic “box” offer special keys, consisting of a row of numbers and the numbers that allows the activation of the program. At the indicated our e-mail inbox gets the link or said the key to the software through which we can activate it. However, if the funds obtained in this way illegal code, even one that has already been used repeatedly, it is – at best – the key may simply not work . Half of poverty if the link that we get, leading to the manufacturer. In real trouble begins when you click the link coming from an unknown source. In one scenario we can become part of a botnet, which is part of zhackowanej network spreading infringing content (eg. Materials of a pornographic or paedophilic) or used for other criminal activities .

Do not let them infect the pirate

 According to the analyzes of BSA The Software Alliance, an organization that works for the promotion and enforcement of intellectual property rights, there is a high, positive correlation (r = 0.79) between the indicator and the number of unlicensed software infection. In the case of illegal software there are cases of installing malicious programs on your computer, for example. Spyware applications or stealing important data for us : from pictures, the card numbers and passwords to bank accounts. It also happens that with the illegal software, users unwittingly install viruses , worsening the functioning of the computer (felt is then clear dismissal of his work or frequent “suspension”). There is also the risk of blocking the application is installed on your computer and requesting payment of user ransom for his release (ie. Ransomware).

Bandits behind bars

 Actions taken by the police more often show that for the illegal sale of unlicensed software are facing ordinary criminals. In April this year. The District Court in Slupsk Thomas Z. was sentenced to three years imprisonment for stealing and distributing computer software known auction site. The court did not apply the conditional suspension of sentence. In addition to the recognition guilty of theft software also he sentenced him for the dissemination of computer programs through the portal of the auction. In the course of the investigation that exposed the actions of Thomas Z. software manufacturers to the detriment of approx. PLN 350 thousand.

Watch the video of our weekly program #dziejesienazywo: Christmas shopping – how to avoid falling victim to crime? Is it worth buying on the internet?

What to look for? Here are some suggestions:

 1. Do not be tempted abnormally low price of the software . These types of deals do not get a chance. Low price is a lure for users abandoned by unscrupulous dealers who acquired the software from illegal sources. Therefore, before you buy software – check the price of a legitimate seller. Software sold at auction, which grossly deviates price of software offered on the market, it should be your first indication that something may be amiss. Tempting price of software should light you in the head a red light.

 2. On the pages of the software manufacturer Check the list of authorized resellers . Then you can be sure that the software is completely legal.

 3. If you purchased a “box” software, make sure it is complete . Even if the box is wrapped in foil, it may turn out that you do not have a full set of software.

 4. Be wary of websites offering software at very low prices . If the dealer who sold you the Product Key announces that software should download from a different party than the manufacturer, immediately notify law enforcement authorities and the manufacturer of the software.

 Arr. SLK-WP


Turris Omnia – Czech router that same update their own … – PC World

Turris Omnia is a router, which will be built
 crowdfundingowej part of the campaign carried out by our
 southern neighbors on the site IndieGoGo. The project is almost
 sure, because the action has not yet come to an end, but failed to reach
 established the goal of 100,000 US dollars (at the time of publication
 They collected more than 310 thousand. dollars).

Turris Omnia has to stand out above other routers
 all software that will be able to make
 connection with the server manufacturer and then will
. The router will work under control
  OpenWrt – lightweight GNU / Linux distribution that
 is designed for embedded systems.

Technical specifications router includes Turris Omnia
 dual-core processor clocked at 1.6 GHz based on
 ARM, 1 GB of RAM DDR3, 4GB
 flash memory for data and two USB 3.0. On board
 will also feature five ports of Gigabit Ethernet + WAN connection and
 mSATA / mini PCI Express slot. For distribution networks wirelessly
 is to correspond to the Wi-Fi 802.11ac MIMO 3×3.

The router can be ordered on IndieGoGo at a price of 189
. On the video below obejrzycie official material
 Turris devoted Omnia.

“See also:
  Cujo: 3D printed smart guard

Source: Indiegogo


Sunday, November 29, 2015

Turris Omnia – Czech router that same update their own … – PC World

Turris Omnia is a router, which will be built
 crowdfundingowej part of the campaign carried out by our
 southern neighbors on the site IndieGoGo. The project is almost
 sure, because the action has not yet come to an end, but failed to reach
 established the goal of 100,000 US dollars (at the time of publication
 They collected more than 310 thousand. dollars).

Turris Omnia has to stand out above other routers
 all software that will be able to make
 connection with the server manufacturer and then will
. The router will work under control
  OpenWrt – lightweight GNU / Linux distribution that
 is designed for embedded systems.

Technical specifications router includes Turris Omnia
 dual-core processor clocked at 1.6 GHz based on
 ARM, 1 GB of RAM DDR3, 4GB
 flash memory for data and two USB 3.0. On board
 will also feature five ports of Gigabit Ethernet + WAN connection and
 mSATA / mini PCI Express slot. For distribution networks wirelessly
 is to correspond to the Wi-Fi 802.11ac MIMO 3×3.

The router can be ordered on IndieGoGo at a price of 189
. On the video below obejrzycie official material
 Turris devoted Omnia.

“See also:
  Cujo: 3D printed smart guard

Source: Indiegogo


Friday, November 27, 2015

Illegal software. How not to fall prey to fraudsters? – Antyweb

Recently I wrote to you about the fact that in Poland there is a lot of illegal software and at worst – well dealings is to sell counterfeit software on auction sites even where tempting, of course, attractive price and increasingly better methods criminals. We already know that the scale of the threat is pretty big – but how to guard against falling into the trap of scammers?

The average consumer of new technologies often are not aware of the risks, and criminals obviously do not facilitate identifying suspicious auction, or copies of the program. Niezaznajomiony with the subject consumer may at first glance do not see the difference between the carrier counterfeit and original available in the official, proven sales channels. On this theme leaned research firm IDC, resulting in a report drawn up on behalf of Microsoft, where it is clear that the majority of users do not realize that the use of illegal software.

45% of rogue software from the Internet, so-called. “Digital distribution” where the consumer receives activator – for him, of course, have to pay. What’s more, these activators can be the source of the original infection – from the very beginning of the program or operating system, you may be infected with adware or Trojan horse. Often, a user pays extra – their data, or risk rob a bank account.


According to data from Global Research Computer Software 2013 users frequently turn to proven licensed software from a legitimate source of Because of concern for the safety of your machine, and thus – also the data. As I wrote in a recent article on the subject – more than half of the software in Poland comes from illegal sources, and of course an important wicket for cybercriminals.

First of all, you need to beware of offers from so-called. “Super vendors”. Such offers often tempt a very low price compared to shops that have the appropriate certificates. Before purchasing any program should therefore check the market price on the Internet. Much lower, suspect the price should be a very important signal that the quotation is simply something wrong.

Drastically lower than the market price of a product should always arouse our suspicion, since he can point to its illegal origin. If the software is not just about the fact that buying pirated copies of computer criminals we earn. It is also about our security, which in this case is exposed to a number of risks. For example, counterfeit software can contain malicious code that can even steal our data, including financial or use the processing power of your computer for criminal purposes

~ Christopher Floraczak -, Director of Consumer Channel Group at Microsoft

A very important signal of suspicious origin software is also of poor quality disc label or packaging of the product. It is worth comparing the content and appearance of the box with the original, available on the Internet. If only charge your product key, you should download software only from the manufacturer – if it is suggested that we refer to other sources – is also an important signal that the software that you want to buy might be false.

Graphics: 1, 2


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Nearly 4.5 million zł pay this year, Polish companies to be illegal … – Business portal

5 498 listings in the database


Poland Space Agency buys Systems Tool Kit to simulate the entire … – (press release)

Polish Space Agency will buy for 1 million zł software STK, which has its possible entry into the world’s space programs and will improve the security of Polish.

On Wednesday (25 November), public finance committee issued a positive opinion request to revise the financial plan Polish Space Agency in 2015. They enable, among others, the purchase of specialized software.

The key software STK

As explained Marek Banaszkiewicz, chairman Polish Space Agency (PAK), constructing a plan of the Agency for quite an early stage of its organization in the first quarter of 2015 years it was assumed that the Agency will ultimately counted 45-50 people and for this purpose are set wages.

– In the organization of the Agency recruitment proceeded more slowly than expected, so far we have employed slightly more than 20 employees . Therefore, salaries began to be paid in the second half of the year and the resulting large reserves. We decided to use them to finance assets – said Marek Banaszkiewicz.

President PAK explained that it was, among others, about crucial to the operation of the Agency STK software (Systems Tool Kit), which is estimated to cost 1 million zł. It serves a full review and simulate the situation in space and on Earth.

– If you built the satellite, you do such simulation at the beginning. As a result, we can also learn what satellites fly over the territory of the Polish, who is watching us. For the military it will be very useful – analyzing president of PAK.

According to Marek Banaszkiewicz at the moment in Poland there is no full version of the industry of the software, individual companies are only truncated versions of scientific research.

– None of this software at some point may prevent us from entering into a lot of space programs – Banaszkiewicz added.

In the opinion of the President of PAK STK software can produce 500 thousand. zł profit a year.

Marek Banaszkiewicz reassured that shifts in the financial plan PAK do not interfere with the functioning of the Agency. – Because we have dedicated substantial amount of activities – in favor of innovative companies or the administration. This year, all elements of the plan related to these activities will be done – he explained.

shifts in the financial plan PAK

Draft amendment to the financial plan of PAK presented Beata Kempa , the head office of the Prime Minister. It involves reducing the amount of revenue and expenses by the amount of 1.58 million zł and making internal changes aimed at getting the right individual items of the plan, in accordance with currently accepted assumptions.

On the revenue side the Agency’s proposed reduction of the amount of subsidy zł 8.8 million to 6.9 million zł due to increased subsidies for investments and investment purchases.

also planned increase in other income of EUR 300 thousand. zł to 620 thousand. zł due to increased depreciation charges in connection with the planned purchase of additional assets.

Added to this change in salaries of 5.4 million zł amount to EUR 3.5 million zł, of which wages and salaries cuts of zł 4.27 million to 2.37 million zł due to higher spending to assets.

Beata Kempa added that at the same time proposed to increase funds for capital expenditure, ie. a specific subsidy of 1.2 million zł zł to 3.1 million in connection with the planned purchase of specialized software for the reign of the trajectory of the mission and thermal analysis, mechanical elements of the structure of space and software for the analysis of satellite data, which will allow Polish Space Agency to act as a subcontractor in space projects and provision of services to entities of the space sector in Poland.

– Polish Space Agency will be the only player on the Polish market, having comprehensive software for the space, which will allow the Agency to become a leader in this field and will create the opportunity to generate revenue – said Beata Kempa.

Additionally, in connection with the establishment of offices in Warsaw and Rzeszow it is planned to purchase two cars for 250 thousand. zł.

– The proposed changes do not increase the obligations of PAK, nor worsen the planned financial result, which is the fulfillment of the provisions of the Public Finance Act – assured the head office of the Prime Minister.


Millions of dollars in penalties for illegal software –

In the past year under the settlements and judgments, the total value of claims in Poland for the use of illegal software in favor of producers who are members of BSA | The Software Alliance will be at least 4.4 million zł.

The amount of 4.4 million zł is much more than the sum that companies and individuals have to pay for infringement of software copyright in the two previous years. Such a large increase in the amount of compensation reflects the increasingly efficient cooperation of victims vendors with law enforcement authorities. Enough to compare the amount of compensation that companies and individuals committed to pay under the settlements and judgments in the past. In 2012,. And in 2013. Value of the compensation exceeded one and a half million. A year later, it was, admittedly, a little more than 1.3 million zł, but today 4.4 million zł.

A report published in the last year. R. Research BSA Global Software Survey shows that 51 per cent. Polish software used without proper licensing. The problem concerns among the industry engineering, printing, surveying and architecture. And though inglorious rate gradually declining (in 2007. And 2011. Amounted to 57 per cent. And 53 per cent.), Then with other countries in our region it is still high. Slovakia and Hungary unlicensed uses less than 40 percent. software, the Czech Republic has 34 percent. The EU average was up 31 percent.

In Poland, still rate the use of unlicensed software is high compared to the average in the EU. However, the reason for optimism is increasing interest in the implementation of best practice software asset management (SAM – Software Asset Management), mainly due to the resulting optimization of the cost of acquisition of the license to the software. Currently, conducted by BSA in the Lower and Upper Silesia campaign “Fact or Fiction” not only encourages these practices, but also enables the addressees campaigns use a variety of free tools and materials that are useful in ordering the management of software and licenses. As a reminder, more than 25,000 companies from Silesia has the opportunity to benefit from free access to their individual accounts under the base of the BSA Company Index, the level of which are available free tools and materials for the practice of software management (SAM – Software Asset Management) – said Bartlomiej Witucki , the representative of the BSA | The Software Alliance in Poland.

 In recent years, BSA | The Software Alliance, which represents in Poland and the world’s leading software companies get every year hundreds of reports of the use of illegal software in companies throughout the country. This is several times more than in the past.

In comparison with 2014 the number of notifications of pirated software in 2015 increased by nearly 170%. However, since the numbers, more important is improving the quality of submissions. This may be due .: increase awareness that this type of application, as so. whistleblowing are acceptable, the effectiveness of campaigns in social media and transparency of the new online application form at the BSA. Let me once again remind you that the company elects to pirated installations should be aware of not only the risk of legal liability and financial, but also threats to IT security, which should be understood risk of data loss or acquisition by third parties – adds Witucki.

 Source: BSA | The Software Alliance




The way to cheap original software for the company – Modern Firm

– Many companies do not even realize how much savings can be found through the resale of unused software – says Marcin Maruta, office Maruta watch SP.J. – A significant optimization can also be accessed through purchasing used software.

The expert stresses that such action is lawful and complies with the European Court of Justice. Importantly, it provides financial benefits to both the buying and selling.

Life Stories

– One of the scenarios is the situation in which we have redundant, unused licenses, because we migrate to cloud solutions such as, for example, Office 365. Then the previously signed contract becomes redundant and ready for resale – says Stefan Buschkühler, Sales Director of International Business at ReLicence AG – Another scenario is in which you want to buy used software licenses Group.


Save 30-40 percent

Stefan Buschkühler underlines that the savings associated with purchasing used software amounts to 30-40 percent. volume license costs.

– Approximately, we can assume that the market for used Microsoft software in Europe is about 10 billion euros. Of course, you have to deduct a certain amount because the actual and practical market for second hand software is about 1 billion euros annually on used software for companies – adds Stefan Buschkühler, Sales Director of International Business at ReLicence AG.

Source: Newsrm.TV


                                                          Anna Kołakowska


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Malicious software biggest threat for SMEs – Business portal

5 498 listings in the database


2015 record year in terms of compensation for pirated … – Gazeta Wyborcza

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The total amount of compensation for the use of illegal software in Poland only in 2015 will amount to at least 4.4 million zł – more than the previous three years in total. According to the BSA approx. 51 per cent. Software in Poland is used without a license.



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          1 ->

In 2012-2014 the value of claims paid annually to producers under the settlements and judgments exceed 1.3-1.5 million zł. This year’s compensation in October amounted to 4.4 million zł. A significant increase in the amount of claims reflects more effective collaboration software vendors with law enforcement agencies, as well as decreasing social acceptance and less and less leniency of the courts against piracy. Using illegal software is punishable by a fine or loss of liberty for up to 5 years.

In the study, published in 2014 BSA Global Software Survey shows that 51 per cent. Polish software used without proper licensing. The problem concerns the industry .: engineering, printing, surveying and architecture. Although this rate gradually declining (in 2007 was 57 per cent., In 2011 – 53 per cent.), In comparison with other countries in the region remains high. Slovakia and Hungary unlicensed uses less than 40 percent. software, and in the Czech Republic – 34 percent. The EU average is 31 percent.

“In Poland continued to factor the use of unlicensed software is high compared to the average in the EU. The reason, however, for optimism is increasing interest in the implementation of best practice software asset management (SAM – Software Asset Management), mainly due to the resulting them to optimize acquisition costs for software licenses, “- said Bartlomiej Witucki, a representative of The Software Alliance BSA in Poland.

In recent years, the BSA getting more and more numerous applications of the use of illegal software in companies throughout the country. “Compared with 2014 the number of notifications of pirated software has increased this year by nearly 170 percent. However, the numbers more important is improving the quality of applications” – says Witucki.

According to the representative of the BSA observed change may be the result of, among others, increased awareness that such reports are acceptable as so. whistleblowing, as well as the effectiveness of campaigns in social media and transparency of the new online application form at the BSA.

“Companies that pirated installations should be aware of not only the risk of legal liability and financial, but IT security threats, which means a risk of data loss or acquisition by third parties” – adds Witucki.

The Software Alliance BSA headquarters in Washington, DC is an international organization representing the interests of software companies in dealing with governments and in the international market, promoting the use of legal software. BSA operates in more than 60 countries, including Poland, the global software market monitoring and conducting educational activities in the field of property rights. Currently leads the Lower and Upper Silesia, the campaign “Fact or Fiction”.



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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Planet CV7L-LP – software for the cameras –

Planet Cam Viever 7-Lite is the product of a new generation, designed to support IP cameras from the E series of automatic license plate recognition.

It allows the easy creation of surveillance systems consisting of multiple cameras for medium and large objects, as well as control and operation via a single PC.

 Cam Viewer 7-Lite helps users to view and save images and recordings from multiple IP cameras simultaneously using a single PC, and additionally provides full support for 16 cameras are connected, in terms of event management, video recording, motion detection and advanced PTZ control.

 Intelligent motion detection through adaptive technology to detect differences in the image ensures accuracy at the level of individual pixels. In addition, the software includes mechanisms responsible for noise filtering and zooming motion detection area. The monitoring systems, each camera has its own recording mode, the event handler, codec, resolution and image quality. Thanks to software Cam Viewer 7 Lite you have full control of flexibility to adapt their IP cameras to individual needs.

 Recordings from the cameras can be saved on the PC hard disk. All video files on the system are sorted by recording date. The software offers a mode to automatically overwrite the oldest recordings in the absence of disk space. There is also a function to export the selected entire recording without having to use additional software for video editing.

Source: Planet Technology



Windows 10 removes software without asking for permission … – Virtual Poland

  The first major update of Windows 10 was not accepted too optimistic by some users. It’s hard indeed to their surprise – in the end who would like to see the operating system alone to decide on the removal of certain applications?

 As reported by users for the web, Windows 10 without asking for any permission the user removes programs from other manufacturers. A few of the more recognizable examples are Speccy, CPU-Z, or the AMD Catalyst Control Center.

 The reason why Windows 10 ruthlessly eliminates these (and other) programs is their incompatibility with the system after the upgrade. Microsoft’s official statement also said that Windows 10 will remove all applications that pose a potential threat to private user data.

 All it takes place in accordance with the law, or rather of the rules, which agreed to whoever installed Windows 10.

 – Agreement to provide services allows Microsoft to change or withdrawal of support for selected applications or content in situations where we believe that safety is at risk. The software that is pirated or modified reduces the safety of our users, exposing them to malware, fraud, disclosure of private information, the slowdown in productivity or malfunction of some functionality. Our primary goal is to protect our customers against such risks, as well as taking care of the interests of software developers and all types of content – Microsoft representative said in a statement for service “Venture Beat” even in July of this year.

 In the end, the problem is not serious – the creator of troublemakers programs available to their new versions that install and run without any problems. However, the automatic removal of software installed by the operating system must raise some concerns.


Record compensation for pirated software –

In 2012-2014, the value of claims paid annually to producers under the settlements and judgments exceed 1.3-1.5 million zł. This year’s compensation in October amounted to 4.4 million zł. A significant increase in the amount of claims reflects more effective collaboration software vendors with law enforcement agencies, as well as decreasing social acceptance and less and less leniency of the courts against piracy. Using illegal software is punishable by a fine or loss of liberty for up to 5 years.

From 2014 study published in the BSA Global Software Survey indicate that 51 percent. Polish software used without proper licensing. The problem concerns the industry .: engineering, printing, surveying and architecture. Although this rate gradually declining (in 2007 was 57 per cent., In 2011 – 53 per cent.), In comparison with other countries in the region remains high. Slovakia and Hungary unlicensed uses less than 40 percent. software, and in the Czech Republic – 34 percent. The EU average is 31 percent.

“In Poland still rate the use of unlicensed software is high compared the EU average. The reason, however, for optimism is increasing interest in the implementation of best practice software asset management (SAM – Software Asset Management), mainly due to the resulting optimization of the cost of acquisition of the license to the software, “- said Bartlomiej Witucki, the representative of the BSA The Software Alliance in Poland.

In recent years, the BSA getting more and more numerous applications of the use of illegal software in companies throughout the country. “Compared with 2014 the number of notifications of pirated software has increased this year by nearly 170 percent. However, more important than the numbers are getting better quality submissions, “- says Witucki.

According to the representative of the BSA, the observed change may be the result of, among others, increased awareness that such reports are acceptable as so. whistleblowing, as well as the effectiveness of campaigns in social media and transparency of the new online application form at the BSA.

“Companies that pirated installations should be aware of not only the risk of legal liability and financial, but IT security threats, which means a risk of data loss or acquisition by third parties” – adds Witucki.

The Software Alliance BSA headquarters in Washington, DC, is an international organization representing the interests of software companies in dealing with governments and in the international market, promoting the use of legal software. BSA operates in more than 60 countries, including Poland, the global software market monitoring and conducting educational activities in the field of property rights. Currently leads the Lower and Upper Silesia, the campaign “Fact or Fiction”.


Sunday, November 22, 2015

TRENDnet unveils new software to manage … –

You are under Press Releases. Posted here materials have been developed by companies unrelated
with the editorial or Group SA. Editors is not responsible for the content of this publication.

Free software that provides flexibility and streamlines the management of access points.

November 18, 2015 – TRENDnet® (, a manufacturer of best-in-class wired and wireless networking hardware today announced the launch of the new, free software for managing external access points with line of devices with IP67.

The new software for the management of access points is designed in such a way as to store different configurations network and simplify management of multiple access points TRENDnet. The software allows you to configure, update and change settings for multiple access points simultaneously. You can also view detailed reports on the operation of each device.

“The complexity of today’s wireless networks requires skilled people needed to perform basic configuration and maintenance of the networks,” said Evan Davis, senior manager of engineering solutions in TRENDnet.

“The new software reduces the time and effort to administer, and provides the tools necessary to maintain the efficiency of the wireless network.”

The software can be used for large and wide area networks, it supports up to 200 external access points TRENDnet. The intuitive controller automatically detects the supported devices on your network.

The advantages of the new solution is mainly centralized solution to manage multiple devices from one place – configuring, updating software, as well as quick fast transfer settings from one access point to another.

Caring for the changing needs of network administration software offers flexibility by allowing custom settings configurations for single or multiple access points. In the case of a group of devices, modify the settings made can be once and applied automatically to multiple devices.

Current models of devices compatible with the new software: TEW-738APBO, the TEW-739APBO, the TEW-676APBO, TEW-455APBO.

The software is now available. Quick Installation Guides can be found in the pages of these products.

About TRENDnet Inc.

TRENDnet is a global provider of networking solutions and monitoring for small and medium-sized enterprises as well as for home users. The company effectively and successfully introduces new solutions since 1990. TRENDnet enables users to share broadband access network, multimedia and peripheral devices on the network. TRENDnet’s diverse product portfolio includes, among others, wireless network equipment, IP cameras, switches, PoE devices, video recorders (NVR), print servers, powerline device, NAS and others.

To learn more visit www.trendnet. com / company,,


There is still prevalent illegal software – Business portal

5 498 listings in the database


Saturday, November 21, 2015

Russia limits foreign software – Republic

publication: 21/11/2015

Update: 11.21.2015, 17:14

From January 1, the Russian government and state-owned companies will not be able to use foreign software, if any Russian counterpart.

By the newspaper “Kommersant” foreign computer companies sold last year Software state institutions and companies in Russia for 300 million dollars. Most of these transactions will not be possible from next year.

On Friday, the government published a decree, according to which no state institution and the company will not be able to use foreign software if there is the Russian replacement. The government will prepare the official list of Russian computer programs that can be used in exchange for the software from abroad.

The Russian authorities for several years herald a policy of “independence of information”. This means that if the introduction of sanctions or even armed conflict Russia wants to be completely independent when it comes to infrastructure.

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