Thursday, November 26, 2015

Poland Space Agency buys Systems Tool Kit to simulate the entire … – (press release)

Polish Space Agency will buy for 1 million zł software STK, which has its possible entry into the world’s space programs and will improve the security of Polish.

On Wednesday (25 November), public finance committee issued a positive opinion request to revise the financial plan Polish Space Agency in 2015. They enable, among others, the purchase of specialized software.

The key software STK

As explained Marek Banaszkiewicz, chairman Polish Space Agency (PAK), constructing a plan of the Agency for quite an early stage of its organization in the first quarter of 2015 years it was assumed that the Agency will ultimately counted 45-50 people and for this purpose are set wages.

– In the organization of the Agency recruitment proceeded more slowly than expected, so far we have employed slightly more than 20 employees . Therefore, salaries began to be paid in the second half of the year and the resulting large reserves. We decided to use them to finance assets – said Marek Banaszkiewicz.

President PAK explained that it was, among others, about crucial to the operation of the Agency STK software (Systems Tool Kit), which is estimated to cost 1 million zł. It serves a full review and simulate the situation in space and on Earth.

– If you built the satellite, you do such simulation at the beginning. As a result, we can also learn what satellites fly over the territory of the Polish, who is watching us. For the military it will be very useful – analyzing president of PAK.

According to Marek Banaszkiewicz at the moment in Poland there is no full version of the industry of the software, individual companies are only truncated versions of scientific research.

– None of this software at some point may prevent us from entering into a lot of space programs – Banaszkiewicz added.

In the opinion of the President of PAK STK software can produce 500 thousand. zł profit a year.

Marek Banaszkiewicz reassured that shifts in the financial plan PAK do not interfere with the functioning of the Agency. – Because we have dedicated substantial amount of activities – in favor of innovative companies or the administration. This year, all elements of the plan related to these activities will be done – he explained.

shifts in the financial plan PAK

Draft amendment to the financial plan of PAK presented Beata Kempa , the head office of the Prime Minister. It involves reducing the amount of revenue and expenses by the amount of 1.58 million zł and making internal changes aimed at getting the right individual items of the plan, in accordance with currently accepted assumptions.

On the revenue side the Agency’s proposed reduction of the amount of subsidy zł 8.8 million to 6.9 million zł due to increased subsidies for investments and investment purchases.

also planned increase in other income of EUR 300 thousand. zł to 620 thousand. zł due to increased depreciation charges in connection with the planned purchase of additional assets.

Added to this change in salaries of 5.4 million zł amount to EUR 3.5 million zł, of which wages and salaries cuts of zł 4.27 million to 2.37 million zł due to higher spending to assets.

Beata Kempa added that at the same time proposed to increase funds for capital expenditure, ie. a specific subsidy of 1.2 million zł zł to 3.1 million in connection with the planned purchase of specialized software for the reign of the trajectory of the mission and thermal analysis, mechanical elements of the structure of space and software for the analysis of satellite data, which will allow Polish Space Agency to act as a subcontractor in space projects and provision of services to entities of the space sector in Poland.

– Polish Space Agency will be the only player on the Polish market, having comprehensive software for the space, which will allow the Agency to become a leader in this field and will create the opportunity to generate revenue – said Beata Kempa.

Additionally, in connection with the establishment of offices in Warsaw and Rzeszow it is planned to purchase two cars for 250 thousand. zł.

– The proposed changes do not increase the obligations of PAK, nor worsen the planned financial result, which is the fulfillment of the provisions of the Public Finance Act – assured the head office of the Prime Minister.


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