Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The software used in the US Army posted a … Russians – Virtual Poland

  How handed sekurak.pl service, software, US Army, responsible for critical from the point of view of the US defense communications system, was written by the Russians. Broken with this requirement, saying that this type of software must be made exclusively by American citizens have to the relevant safety certificates.

 The case came to light when another contractor working for the Pentagon notified the military about their suspicions related to the program code. Software provided to the US military was written by the company NetCracker, and Computer Sciences Corporation. Both companies have agreed to pay millions of dollars in compensation, but did not admit to the fact that the software has been written in any part by the Russians. This is in contrast to reports that the work of programmers led at least once for infection of computer systems agency DISA – Defense Information Systems Agency.

 The US services such as Foreginpolicy, claim that the example of the conflict in Syria can see how Russia without major effort is able to completely drown out the American connection, using the advanced electronic warfare system Krasukha-4.

 These types of reports’re told to ask the question of whether any of the Russian programmers working to create American communications systems, did not want to sell Russia the available information. No one, however, is not caught by the hand, or anyone not proven guilty.
 In modern armies, communication systems constitute the skeleton and nervous system. Knowing that the army of a foreign state was able to learn details of the operation and security at the US could force the Pentagon to replace current systems with new ones. This is very costly and time consuming.

 Source: sekurak.pl


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